Ællt ^Iortlanb ©hscrucr May 20. 2009 Page A7 ______ C areer &< E ducation Multnomah University asks 6What’s Next?’ lege, located at Northeast 86th Avenue and Glisan Street, might be your next step. M ultnom ah is com m itted to helping m en and w om en d e­ velop into biblically competent, culturally aware, m aturing ser­ vants o f Jesus Christ. W h e th e r y o u ’re in h ig h school, transferring in from an­ other institution, in a profession and looking for graduate-level training, or ju st looking to fin­ ish y o u r d e g re e , th e n y o u Faith-based college enriches lives M u ltn o m a h U n iv e rsity is meeting the need for qualified, educated people in m inistries an d b u sin e sse s all o v e r the world - especially right here in Portland. T here is a special need for people with deep know ledge about the Bible and how it ap­ plies in an age when business ethics and econom ic morale are at an all-time low. If you are look­ in g fo r so m e th in g new and meaningful in your life, one of the many program s at the col- Students have enriched their lives and prepared for their futures at Multnomah University in Portland since 1936. should take a serious look at M ultnomah University. All pro­ gram s are licensed and fully ac cred ited so that g rad u ates have the best opportunity to be qualified to answ er their. Prospective students are w el­ come to visit M ultnomah an y ­ time! C ustom ized cam pus vis­ its are specially d esig n ed to help you move to the next level in your decision m aking pro­ cess. Call 800-275-4672 to set up an ap p o in tm en t w ith an a d m is­ sions counselor, financial aid representative, faculty m em ber or schedule a tour. You can also check out the virtual tour o f th e c a m p u s by v is itin g M ultnom ah.edu. & z 9MHN8MMMBM Older Students Return to the Classroom Older idea o f where they should be. To adults are be unentployed is a real downer. returning to It's so hard on your self-esteem. the class­ W hat we try to do is to have room to start A bad economy and high un­ these workshops and get them new careers employment has been attributed into classes. If we offer enough at Portland to a rise in students 50 or older opportunities with face-to-face Community taking career and professional meetings, it starts building up a College. technical courses at Portland network." A month ago, the workshops Community College. Jan Abushakrahis is noticing inspired gerontology faculty ad­ n ity p a rtn e rs more older adults coming to her viser Cat Zimm erman so much who form a web gerontology program for help in that she rounded up m any of o f support and fin d in g a new career, e ith e r these students to develop the r e s o u rc e s to m eet the through the program 's Encore Ageless Network. On every second M onday at i n d i v i d u a l 's Career options or simply seek­ ing help in navigating their re­ the Sylvania Campus in south­ needs. "In response w est P ortland, the new clu b turn to college. As a result, gerontology has b rin g s to g e th e r stu d e n ts - to the recent re­ from been offering a series of work­ mostly in their 40s and 50s - to q u e s ts shops on jo b skills geared to­ brainstorm and network among program partici­ ward the field o f aging. She said themselves and community part­ p ants, w e are ex p an d in g our several of the new students have ners on new directions in the field scope to more specifically target doctoral degrees and more than o f aging, including self-employ­ the areas relating to w ork and e m p lo y m e n t," sa id K aren 40 percent are above the age of ment and other possibilities. A nother program - Life by Shimada, the program's director. 50. People are asking them how "A lot of older students really D esign N W - also is seeing don't feel comfortable in the stan­ greater dem and by older adults. to write an ageless résumé; how d a rd c o lle g e c la sse s," Life by Design NW has a volun­ to find jobs in the nonprofit sec­ Abushakrah said. "This is the teer engagem ent program d e­ tor, how to conduct an interview second term w e've done the signed to enlist individuals 50 with a recruiter who is 30 years workshops. We can have 15-20 and older in meaningful service younger than they are; how to students at a time and they've utilizing their skills and experi­ start a business or become a so­ been full. It gives students an ence. In addition, it has commu- cial entrepreneur; and how to fine-tune their skills or get up- to-date in the latest technology. "Many people we see are con­ sidering returning to school for the first time since they left high school or college and don't know where to begin," Shimada said. "Individuals are sounding in ­ creasingly more fearful, anxious and confused regarding their next steps because assumptions about their retirement and work life suddenly fell out from under them. In fact, many who call are in dire straits and in need of pro­ grams and services immediately. Others, however, may not be in crisis, but are aware that they need guidance to navigate the life transitions that lie ahead." Navigating life transitions Tomorrow's LEADERS are in our classrooms today. Create your own p a th w a y to success with an undergraduate business degree from Marylhurst University. Learn more at our OPEN HOUSE Thursday, June 4, 2009 • 6:30 p.m. BP John Administration Bldg, Rm 200 For more information or to RSVP: 503-699-6268 www.marylhurst.edu/leaders 10 miles south of Portland on Highway 43 MARYLHURST U N IV E R S ITY ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE SINCE H 9 3 “Marylhurst University’s Business & Leadership degree is excellent for working adults. Courses are conveniently scheduled with evening, weekend and online classes. As a busy professional, I appreciate a program that allows me to balance family, uork and school “ — .Sererui Stoialamire Careers Milestone in Aviation Atlantic Southeast Airlines Captain Rachelle Jones (left) and First Officer Stephanie Grant made history as members o f the first all-African American female flight crew. Two black female flight attendants joined them in the Feb. 1 2 flight from Atlanta, Ga., to Nashville, Tenn., proving that African-American women can do anything given their professionalism, intelligence and unlimited potential. GET M O R E ...w ith an education fro m Heald! r* Â H e a ld W hen you choose Heald... you 're choosing success! 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