JJ art l a t t ò © beer uer Page A6 Opinion articles do not necessarily represent the views o f the Portland Observer. W? welcome reader essays, photos and story ideas. Submit to news@portlandobserver.com. b I Home Ownership Slipping Away by J i n i.r four year period, while h o m e o w n e rsh ip fo r n ativ e b o rn L atin o s dropped nearly three points. For whites, the d e c lin e w as m u ch smaller, around 1 per­ G reg M a i his Maj/ 20.2009 O w ning a hom e is a key part o f the “A m eri­ can D ream " and critical step in creating wealth; even low- and moderate- incom e hom eow ners are able to benefit from their invest­ cent. W hy is m in o rity ment. U nfortunately, w ith the re­ hom eow nership dropping at a cent crash of both the housing faster rate? M any experts be­ and financial m arkets, few er lieve it is because black and A m erican s ow n hom es than Latinos were the recipients of A they did just a few years ago. s u b p rim e m o rtg a g e s . T h e b ig g e s t d e c lin e s w ere subprime mortgage is designed am ong m inorities, with blacks for borrow ers w ho have either and L atinos honteo w n ersh ip missed paym ents on a debt or rates fallin g at a rate m uch have been late with paym ents. M ortgage lenders charge a faster than w hites.' A recent study by the Pew higher interest rate to make up Hispanic Center shows that the for any potential losses from rate o f hom eow nership for all custom ers w ho may run into A m erican households dropped trouble with their loans. Many from 69 percent to just under 68 o f the subprim e mortgages in­ percent over a four year period. c lu d e d in te r e s t o n ly lo a n s H ow ever, A fric an -A m erica n where, for the first year or so o f hom eow nership fell tw o per­ the m ortgage, the buyer paid centage points during that same only the interest, resulting in a m uch low er paym ent. Later, w hen the paym ent w ent up and buyers w eren’t able to m ake it, they ran into trouble. A ddition­ ally, m any lenders, fueled by g ree d , relax ed th e ir len d in g Troubled loans need fixing can D ream ” slip away. M ore than 1.3 m illion hom es have been lost to foreclosure since the m arket m eltdow n began in A ugust 2007. Last month, one o f every 374 U.S. hom es re­ ceived a foreclosure filing. Banks need to aggressively w ork to keep buyers w ho have defaulted on their loans in their homes. The m edia has reported on the efforts o f som e banks to work w ith buyers by refinanc­ ing loans and negotiating pay­ cern ed w ith p ro fits th an the ments. H ow ever, a u n iv ersal push, b u y e r o r th e h e a lth o f th e em b raced by the en tire in d u s­ economy. Now, millions of Americas are try , m u st b e h a p p e n to n ot w atching that elusive “A m eri­ o n ly sa v e th e fu tu re s o f so financial industries were well aware that these lending prac­ tices w ould result in an ec o ­ nomic dow nturn. D espite this knowledge, they continued with business as u su al...m o re con­ Banks need to aggressively work to keep buyers who have defaulted on their loans in their homes. standards, allow ing buyers to purchase far more hom e than they could actually afford. Long before the market melt­ dow ns, both the m ortgage and m a n y f a m ilie s b u t to a ls o stren g th en o u r econ o m y and to k eep c o m m u n itie s fin a n ­ cially stable. Since m inorities are the h ard est hits, b anking i n s t itu ti o n s m u s t in c r e a s e th e ir p resen ce in those c o m ­ m unities, offering financial lit­ eracy classe s to h om eow ners, sittin g dow n w ith b u y ers b e ­ fore they get into tro u b le w ith th e ir loan. I t’s going to take time to fix the housing market and to re­ build the financial sector. But both industries can work to­ gether on behalf o f all o f those homeowners who fell victim to their greed-driven practices. SPAhifsU Í0D6ES CRACKING- t>0Wt QH VACÄTTOH OVTÍ o MS MAUROS föR BUSH'ERfc 'I öf CWRH AöNOCATeS. Jo in the H ealth C h a lle n ge ! For a complete class listing & schedule, or to register call 503-281-8596 or visit our website at www.thehealthchallenge.org Deceptive Credit Card Tactics th ro u g h w hich credit card com panies can al­ ter your interest rates riety of financial factors by S en . J eff M erki . ey at an y tim e, fo r any As a young man w orking for to low er th eir risk and reason. If your credit the S ecre tary o f D efen se in e n s u re th a t p e o p le score ch an g es at all, W ashington D C., 1 applied for w e r e n ’t a p p ro v e d fo r w hich happens to all a M asterCard and w as declined loans that they couldn’t o f us for a variety o f reason, because 1 d idn’t have enough afford to pay back. they can hike up your interest Now the credit card industry c re d it h isto ry . So, 1 g o t an rate to 29 percent or more, even seems to be aimed at taking ad­ American Express card, paid off if you are current on your credit vantage o f w orking fam ilies. my balance every m onth as re­ card. In a bait and switch move, Banks are m arketing cards on quired, w aited a few years to the com panies offer a low in­ college campuses in an effort to build up credit, applied again, troductory rate they can - and hook our young people on credit. and w as approved. T he w ay our credit system Instead of helping keep people d o - c h a n g e w h en e v er they used to work, credit card com ­ out o f debt, they’ll approve al­ want. To restore rights to A merican panies took into account a va- most anyone for a card - even small children or the family dog. consum ers and rein in these ir­ Extra charges for late p ay ­ responsible lending practices, ments, ridiculous overdraft fees, I ’ve co -sp o n so red the C redit and fees for paying your bill by Card Accountability, Responsi­ check or online are all tactics bility and Disclosure Act (Credit that credit card com panies use C A R D Act). T his bill will end to strip wealth from A m ericans these abusive practices, crack­ dow n on m arketing to young in bits and pieces. O ne o f the w o rst o f th ese p e o p le , an d en su re th a t the schem es is “universal default,” term s o f credit card agreements Restore consumer rights ORIENTATION Sunday, May 17, 2009 at 3:30pm LOCATION Com m unity Learning Center 4212 NE Prescott St ■ Portland are fully disclosed instead of hidden in fine print. The C redit CA R D A ct is up for debate on the Senate floor. I’ll be working hard to generate support for this im portant bill and restore fairness for A m eri­ can consum ers. If you have a credit card story about o utrageous fees or d e ­ ceptive practices, please co n ­ sider sharing it. You can share y o u r s to ry by v is itin g m y w ebsite at m erkley.senate.gov or calling my office in Portland at 503 326-3386 or Washington, D.C. at 202 224-3753. I’m encouraged by President O b am a’s strong statem ent o f support for credit card reform and it is m y hope that there will be a bill on his desk in the com ­ ing weeks. Jeff Me rkley was elected U.S. Senator for Oregon in Novem­ ber. He is a former state sena­ tor from Portland. THE SPINAtCOLUMN An ongoing senes of questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession Dr. Billy R. Flowers Part 20. It’s Just Your Nerves: Chiropractic’s answer to an age old answer / Arthritis hurts. Physical activity can help. Studies show that 30 minutes of moderate physical activity three or more days a week can help you move more easily. You can break it up, too. Start with a walk. Later, rake leaves or wash the car. Keep it up, and in four to six weeks you could be hurting less and enjoying life more. Physical Activity. T h e Arthritis Pain Reliever. I .'.ill the A rth ritis Foundation at 501-24li-5695 for information about exercise and aquatics classes near you. A m » m a (.» HOM T h » < iN im s hih D imas » C o n im m and P«»v»NnnN • T h » A k ih w iis F ounhaiio n • T m D ip a r im in i < m H» a ij h & H oman S hoicka 4 CDC T A ARTHRITIS • •FOUNDATION' : I have been to see a num ber o f doctors about my headaches. The m ost re­ cent one said it w as, “ju st nerves" Can Chiropractic help? : Y our doctor w as prob ably right. C hances are it is your nerves. An in­ dependent research team re­ cently an-nounced that b e­ tween 90% and 95% o f all head­ aches were due to pressure on the nerves. Your doctor was probably talk ing about em o­ tional nerves. The research team, of course, was talking about the n erv o u s system . I W hen pressure or irritation gets on nerves (scientifically known as su b lu x a -tio n ), ten sio n in muscles will result. In the neck, this tension will w ork its way up to the skull. N e st blood flow will be altered. Before you know it, you will have another throbbing headache. In Chiropractic, we w o rk w ith r e d u c in g su b lu x atio n s, releasin g the irrita tion from the nerve fibers. M uscles can relax. The body will no longer send a message o f pain and your headaches will be gone for good ! If you’ re tired o f hearing that your prob­ lem is “ju st nerves,” call us today. W e’ve got the answ er to the “ju st nerves” answer. Flowers* Chiropractic Office 2124 N.E. Hancock Street, Portland Oregon 97212 Phone: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 -5 3 0 4