î,K^Jortlanh ffîbscrucr May 20. 2009 Page A5 C areer &< E ducation Z CGidMUl jjtz college Transfer courses, career and technical programs, workforce services and basic skills education. Oregon City 19600 Molalla Ave. • 503-657-6958 NORTH CLACKAMAS CCC at Harmony Community Campus 7738 S.E. Harmony Road • 503-594-0620 Abe Fouhy (left) and Javierh Montero-Mondaca pursue their future careers at Clackamas Community College in Oregon City. Wilsonville Students get Jump Start on College Students w ho are interested in maximizing their summer earn­ ing college credit can get a head s ta rt w ith S u m m e rT ra c k at Clackamas Community College. It’s possible to com plete a full term o f college sum m er term at the O regon C ity-based campus. C lackam as has m ade som e su m m er sc h ed u lin g ch an g es th a t w ill e n a b le stu d e n ts to w ork tow ard their educational goals w hile saving tim e and m oney. C la sse s are o ffe re d M onday through Thursday in four, eight and 11 - week formats. C lasses are scheduled in two blocks that don't overlap. “SummetTrack will allow stu­ dents to finish tw o com plete college courses in four weeks. These are classes like w riting, social science and speech, that are part o f a transfer degree,” said Bill Zuelke, dean o f Stu­ dent Services at CCC. S u m m e rT ra c k is a g o o d ch o ice fo r stu d en ts w o rking tow ard a transfer degree or an affordable w ay for those en ­ rolled at four-year schools to earn college credits w hile home for the summ er. Students can finish three term s o f five-credit 29353 Town Center Loop E. • 503-594-0940 A natom y and P h y sio lo g y or Biology, for example T o fin d o u t m o re a b o u t Sum m erTrack at CCC, contact the co lleg e’s C ounseling and A dvising D epartm ent at 503- 657-6958, extension 2213. s"s C lA C K A M A f C O M M U N IT Y \/ i t Small business contractor Edmund Tawiah sets up a traffic count recording device for the Oregon Department of Transportation. Tawiah said that with the economy the way it is, ‘We're lucky to be able to do business with ODOT. ’ Diversity Opens Doors at ODOT W hen you drive by a co n ­ struction site, you see a host of workers: surveyors, dem olition crew s, and ja c k h a m m e r and crane operators. However, just as in a stage production, there are m a n y v ita l b e h in d -th e - scenes jobs that go into the fi­ nal production. On the Oregon Department of Transportation’s Small Contract­ ing P rogram —-a program d e­ signed to provide opportunities for small businesses, including disadvantaged, minority-owned, w om an-ow ned and em erging small businesses?Oregon com ­ panies have put their specialized know ledge to good use doing everything from traffic counts to landscaping design and pave- ment testing N ow more than ever, O D O T is m aking the necessary invest­ m ents in infrastructure that will pay dividends for future gen­ erations o f m otorists and trav­ elers. However, it isn 't the only investm ent O D O T is making. The Small Contracting Pro­ gram represents an investm ent in the people and com panies o f O regon, giving disadvantaged, m in o r ity -o w n e d , w o m an - owned and emerging small busi­ nesses o pportunities to grow and prosper. A Request for Q ualifications to participate in the program is posted on the Oregon Procure­ ment Information Network web site at orpin.oregon.gov. CO LLEG E ready? T V goes digital by June 12. Contact the Urban League of Portland if you need assistance Urban League of Portland Explore Careers at Business Fair On Thursday, May 28, from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the O regon C o nvention C enter, the H is­ panic M etropolitan C ham ber and other com m unity based o r­ g a n iz a tio n s w ill p rese n t the state’s largest em ploym ent and small business fair. T his free event is open to the public and will feature em ploy­ ment, contracting and other in­ form ational booths from orga­ nizations throughout the state. Business owners can learn more about co n tract o pportunities, and w orkers can learn about em ploym ent and training op- portunities. E vent sponsors are the O r­ egon Economic and Community D evelopm ent D epartm ent, the O regon D epartm ent o f T rans­ portation, the Portland D evel­ o p m e n t C o m m is s io n an d W orksystem s, Inc. T h re e w o rk sh o p s, “ S m all B u s in e ss R e s o u r c e s ," “ Jo b H unting in a D ow n M ark et,” and “ E ducational O p p o rtu n i­ tie s in P u b lic /P r iv a te C o l­ le g es, T rad e S ch o o ls, e tc .,” w ill be co n d u cted befo re the fa ir b eg in s from II a m. to noon. 10 N. Russell, Portland, OR 97227 (503) 280-2600 Training w orkshops M on-Fri 8am -5pm