May 20, 2009 PageAI2 CITY OF WEST LINN PLANNING DIRECTOR Celebrate Your Pregnancy Day with ICTC! Every Wednesday from 12 - 3pm or by appt. Learn to be healthy, meet a doula/birth companion, have refreshments, baby clothes, resources and referrals. ICTC offers “Women Led Childbirth Preparation Classes” every third Saturday from l0am-2pm. 2823 N Rosa Parks Way, 97217 (Bus #44 or #35) For more information please call (503) 460-9320 or visit our website More black babies die before age one or are bom to early, ICTC helps to stop this problem through training and services. ICTC is a non-profit infant mortality prevention, breast-feeding promotion and training organization, established in 1991. $ 6 6 3 0 - $ 9 0 4 8 / m o n th . E x c e lle n t m anagem ent benefit package provided. M ETRO Set-up and Operations Supervisor, O re go n C o n ve n tio n Center, $42,367 - $61,433 annually. D e a d lin e : 5 /2 6 /0 9 . T h e s e opportunities are open to First Opportunity Target Area (FOTA) re s id e n ts - C o lu m b ia Boulevard on the north; 42nd A v e n u e on th e e a s t; th e B a n fie ld F re e w a y on th e south, and North Chautauqua Boulevard on the west, whose total annual incom e does not e x c e e d $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 a s an individual, or $40,000 for an entire household, for the past 12 months. To access th e com plete jo b announcem ent and required a p p lic a tio n m a te ria ls , v is it our w e b s ite at w w w .o re g o n m e tro .g o v/ jo b s and go to the FOTA job s page or pick up a com plete packet at M etro Human Resources, 6 0 0 NE G ra n d A v e n u e , Portland. AA/EEO Employer City o f P ortland — C om m unity B udget H earin g May 21! The City of Portland s e e k in g The City Council will be present to hear your testimony on the Proposed Budget! TH U R SD A Y, MAY 21 6 :0 0 -6 :3 0 - C o m m u n ity Fa ir 6 :3 0 -8 :3 0 - B u d g e t H e a rin g Mt. T ab o r M iddle School 5800 SE Ash St. P a rk : Lot, O n S tre e t ♦ By Bus: 20, 71, 15 Find Info & Provide Your Testimony Online: »*«*****«• ADA accessible a __ ¿______ _ M aintenance P lan n er/S ch ed u ler to schedule and coordinate the w o rk o f s k ille d and s e m i­ s k ille d m a in te n a n c e s ta ff e n g a g e d in th e ro u tin e inspection, maintenance, and re p a ir o f w a s te w a te r and sew e r system fa c ilitie s and in fra stru ctu re. A p p roxim a te M o n th ly S a la ry: $ 4 ,3 8 4 to $5,841. For more information about the position and to apply on lin e , go to w w w .ci.p ortla n d .or.u s/io b s/ 09-087/09-087.htm. A c c o m m o d a tio n s : call 8 23 -25 5 9 in a d va n ce T D D : 823 -68 6 8 ....... ,, , ....... .. is The City of W est Linn seeks a p ro v e n le a d e r to s e rv e as P la n n in g D ire c to r. The successful candidate will have a M aster's degree in planning or administration and 10 years e x p e rie n c e in m u n ic ip a l p la nning with know ledge of Oregon land use planning. The p o s itio n re q u ire s s o u n d management, supervision and e x c e lle n t c o m m u n ic a tio n skills. To be c o n s id e re d fo r th is position, a qualified applicant m ust subm it a com pleted City o f W e s t Lin n e m p lo y m e n t a p p lic a tio n , re s p o n s e s to supplem ental questions and Resum e to the City of W est Linn, D epartm ent of Human Resources, 2 2500 S alam o Road, W est Linn, OR 97068, by June 15, 2009, 4:00 p.m. A p p lic a tio n p a c k e ts a re a v a ila b le o n -lin e at or by requestat (503) 6570331 EEO •Basketball skills •Etiquette •Physical fitness •.Health and nutrition Session 1: June 22 - June 25 Session 2: June 29 - July 2 Click here to learn more & signup OLD TOWN P I Z Z A $5 Off $15 Food Order expires 6.15.09 • m ust present th is coupon VA NPO RT SQUARE The City of Portland is seeking an Environmental Policy Analyst to provide environm ental policy a n a ly s is and p ro je c t m anagem ent for The Portland Bureau of Transportation by p e rfo rm in g d if f ic u lt a nd re s p o n s ib le a n a ly s e s a nd s tu d ie s on a w id e -ra n ge of e n v iro n m e n ta l is s u e s in support of the planning and execution of Portland Bureau of T ra n s p o rta tio n M a in te n a n c e O p e r a t io n s ’ mission, goals and objectives. Approxim ate M onthly Salary: $5,077 to $6,779. For more in fo rm a tio n , p le a s e g o to w w w .ci.p o rtla n d .o r.u s/io b s/ 5 2 0 1 N E M L K Jr. B lvd . B ik e D e liv e ry ! Open L u n c h & D in n e r A i 1 . 1 .. i * ■ a i • I 0 9-0 89/09-089JTlm - SUB BIDS REQUESTED '...... W. James Singleton Attorney at Law If you or a loved one have sustained serious Injury or death you may have a cause of action: 1) . Raptlva - used to treat Psoriasis but can cause rare brain in fe c tio n kn o w n a s P M L (P ro g re s s iv e M u ltifo c a l L e u k o e n c e p h a lo p a th y ), v a rio u s m a lig n a n c ie s , V ira l M eningitis, Invasive Fungal Disease, Anem ia and Bacterial Sepsis 2) . Gadolinium - injected into bloodstream to enhance MRI/ MRA screenings but can cause NSF(Nephrogenlc System ic Fibrosis) which can lead to kidney or renal failure. Sym ptom s may include swelling, hardening and tightening of the skin, reddened or darkened patches of skin, burning and itching of skin, yellow raised spots on the w hites of eyes and stiffening of joints. 3) . Reglan used to treat heart burn and gastroesophagel or acid reflux but can cause tem porary/perm anent involuntary m ovem ent (tardive dyskinesia) which can effect the face, and other parts of the body. It has also been known to cause Neuroleptic M alignant Syndrom e which sym ptom s include high fever, sweating, unstable blood pressure, stupor, m uscular rigidity and autonom ic dysfunction. 4) . Propylthiouracil - used to treat G rave's (thyroid) disease in children but can cause severe liver dam age or death. 5) . Permax - used to m anage trem ors and slow ness of m ovem ent associated with Parkinson's Disease or Restless Leg Syndrom e. Can cause dam age to the mitral, aortic and tricuspid heart valves, w hich includes leakage of these valves. Oregon State Hospital - Salem Bid Package #7 CMU, Steel, Waterproofing, Elevators, MEP (Underslab) Pre-Bid Meeting: May 27 10am MEP Bids Due: June 4 2pm Other Bids Due: June 1 1 2pm Bid Documents - Ford Graphics (5 0 3 /2 2 7 -3 4 2 4 ) or /oregon - PlanWell - Public Planroom H n Hoffman Construction Company of Oregon Phone: (503) 221-8811 - Bid Fax: (503) 221-8888 805 SW Broadway, Suite 2100 - Portland, OR 97205 - CCB LIC# 28417 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises. Other Subcontracting Opportunities - Internet Advertise with diversity in Sub Bid Requested PORTLAND AIRPORT DEICING SYSTEM ENHANCEMENT PROJECT Cull 5O3-288-OO33 ads <& port landob PORTLAND, OREGON BID PACKAGE NUMBER ONE - SURVEY, SURCHARGE, AND PROJECT STAGING AREA BID DATE: JUNE 1 1 ,2 0 0 9 AT 2 :0 0 P.M. MANDATORY PRE-BID CONFERENCE MAY 18TH AND MAY 19TH J. E. Dunn Northwest, Inc. 437 N. Colum bia Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97217 Phone: (503) 978-0800 Fax: (503) 978-1034 CCB 84045 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested firm s including disadvantaged, m inority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises. M edical Devices: 6) . Mentor OB Tape - vaginal mesh sling used to treat bladder incontinence in wom en but can cause severe infection, extrem e vaginal pain, vaginal extrusion and urinary tract erosion. 7) . Duragesic Pain Patch - used to treat pain but patch may leak and cause inadequate treatm ent or a fatal fentanyl/ m orphine overdose The Singleton Law Firm 8 7 7 -6 3 1 -5 2 0 0 Liw yon l l the Singleton Lew Firm ir e edmltted to prictlce lew In L o u ltlim end Texet In other ¡urltdlctlom . we wort wttti lo c il countel I--------------- Amendment No. 2008*05 The City of Portland proposes to am end its Consolidated Plan Action Plans FY 2008-09 as follows: Reallocate $40,000 (CDBG) from funds originally allocated to Project #5 “Enterprise-Loan Fund Adm inistration, for a new activity “Relocation Program .” The funds will be used to b e n e fit lo w - and m o d e ra te -in c o m e p e rs o n s , s e rv in g additional households displaced by substandard housing. Please address any questions or com m ents to Beth Kaye, C ity o f P o rtla n d B urea u o f H o u s in g and C o m m u n ity D evelop m e nt, 421 SW 6th Ave. # 11 0 0, Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 4 , 5 0 3 -8 2 3 -2 3 9 3 , T T Y (5 0 3 ) 8 2 3 -6 8 6 8 , by June 19,2009. I