May 13,2009_______________________________ ♦ ' ilîl ÿltfrthxtth ©bseruer R eligion Page A9 “ B ig S p rin g R e v iv a l” May 13th thru Friday May 15th 7 PM Nightly at Greater Faith Missionary Baptist Church Bryon Bolton, Pastor Clarence D om Sr., Asst Pastor 931 N Skidmore Street Portland Oregon 97217 503-287-4345 Featuring Dr. Johnny Pack IV, Pastor Fellowship M.B. Church All are welcome Dance Explosion II at Antioch Antioch Missionary Baptist's Praise Dance Explosion team will present its annual show on Saturday, May 16 at 6 p.m. at the church, located at 5935 N. Minnesota Ave. The community is invited to join the fellowship with praise dance ministry members from Portland, Vancouver and Salem, performing dance, mime, flag, and drill team. Vour St Til»' 7600 N.E. G lisan St. at 6 p.m. M en o f V ictory p erfo rm s a nu m b er o f ch a ritab le a c tiv i­ tie s. It fee d s and clo th s the h om eless, m entors the d isa d ­ v a n ta g e d a t-risk y o u th , and visits hosp itals and prisons. T he event w ill feature food a n d e n t e r t a i n m e n t in a sw a n k y d in n e r th e a tre s e t­ ting, featu rin g a talen t c o m ­ petitio n for cash and prizes as w ell as a fash io n show and special au dio an d video p re ­ se n ta tio n . T h e p ro ce ed s w ill b en e fit M e n o f V i c t o r y ’s a n n u a l m e n ’s retreat, w here m en as­ sis t o th e r m en an d b o y s in m ak in g g o o d life d e c isio n s and w hat the best path is to grow spiritually. T his y e a r’s them e is “Unity, We are O n e.” Ask Deanna\ Dear Adrienne: w atching and feeling that I’m losing my husband. He claim s that he still loves me but his actions are extrem ely different from the words he says. W hat can I do to recapture the fire and energy in my m arriage? -O v e r- w eight W ife; Toledo, Ohio with good self-esteem. Once you get back into your zone, measure your husband’s activity and be­ havior towards you. If things don’t change, you have a prob­ lem that goes beyond weight. Be prepared for a discussion and seek honest answers regarding your relationship. : 3:30 A N » i l l I K M IN SUNDAY MAY 2 1 I I I I'rt'ornlrd by AT 3 : 3 » PM northwest Voice For Christ MiniSWes "A Community Church” Men of Victory Talent Fest Dinner T he M en o f V ictory, a d i­ verse gro u p o f m en and boys, a n n o u n c e s its f ir s t a n n u a l T alent F est D inner w ith F ash ­ ions fundraiser. T he event will take place on Saturday, M ay 16 at H ighland C h ristia n C e n te r, lo c a te d at Ir»-»” ’” J * * !« » < » N R 3 O tli A w e. 7 P o rlla iid . O H H i« h » p SINK ING! »7*2 I I II. I . Il»d«<-. P li.ll.. h a l e r P B A IS IN G l! W O R SH IPPIN G !!! •RIB • DIMMER! 9ERYED AFTER CONCERT DOMATIOM: 118.00 Spring Revival An advice column known for reality based subjects! Dear Deanna! My boyfriend will not tell me that he loves me. I have been with him for three years and he alw ays tells me that his pres­ ence should answ er the ques­ tion. He has verbally said he loves me about live times. W e’ve had our problem s with cheating and break-ups but w e’re still together. I w ant to head in the direction o f com m itm ent but I need to address his feelings first. How do I find out his true feel­ ings for m e? —A drienne; C o­ lumbia, S.C. The things your boyfriend isn’t s a y in g s p e a k th e lo u d e s t. Y ou’ve allow ed this behavior in the rela tio n sh ip an d at this point, there’s a small chance h e’ll change. You have rights in this relationship and deserve to know his feelings and inten­ tions. You need to be direct and tell him how you feel, w hat you w ant and your expectations on love and m arriage. Be prepared if you d on’t get the answ ers you seek and you have to decide to stay and settle for less o r move on to better things. Dear Deanna! 1 have gained a lot o f w eight and I feel that my husband is falling out o f love with me. H e’s not intimate with me, we don’t cuddle and he alw ays acts as if I ’m annoying him. I am trying todiet but it is so stressful sitting by Spice Up Host to Share Tips HGTV’s Spice Up My Kitchen celebrity host Lauren Lake will bring her expertise, charisma and experience to the “30th Annual Women of Excellence and Schol­ arship Luncheon" on Saturday, May 16, at noon. Lake will deliver the keynote speech to an audience of com ­ munity leaders, organizers and supporters, bringing a wealth of ex perience as an entertainer, m ulti-talented lawyer, charis­ matic television host and expert designer. The luncheon will also cel­ ebrate its 30th year o f honoring local women who in their own right bring spice to the Portland- Vancouver area by being active in their communities and trailblaz­ ers in their respective fields. The local honorees are Eleza F a iso n , b u sin e ss se c to r; Georgann Pierce, health services sector; Della Rae, com m unity service sector; Louise Spears, ed ucation sector; and Rekah Strong, social justice sector. The event will be held at the Sheraton Hotel, 8235 N.E. Airport Way, with a special silent auc­ tion one hour before the lun­ c h e o n . F o r tic k e ts , c o n ta c t Aletha Chavis at 503-760-1427 or em ail tutusing@ The luncheon is presented by the Portland Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and the Piedmont Rose C onnec­ tion, Inc. Dear Overweight: If you’re having these feelings there’s no sense denying there’s some truth to w hat’s going on. The best way to tell if your hus­ band is slipping is for you to lose weight. You need to be happy Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M. Write Ask Deanna! at the email or 264 S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283 Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website: Northwest Voice For Christ Ministries “A Community Church” Bishop H. L. Hodge, PhD Pastor/Teacher/Revivalist “The Voice Speaks” Worship Service: Sundays- 8:00 A.M. Seminars: Bible Themes- Wednesdays- 6:00 P.M. “God, The Father"; “God, The Son”; and “God, The Holy Spirit” Bishop Hodge and Congregation invite you to join us at our appointm ent with Jesus. We Reach, Teach, & Preach in Jesus’ name!!! Location: 4800 NE 30th Ave. Portland, Oregon Lauren Lake at Northwest Voice For Christ Ministries A Community Church “The Gospel Revealed" Revivalist Dr Hlaby. Pastor Cal vaty Baptist Chinch Bishop H.L Hodges. RiD R tin/Iexhj Wednesday - Friday May 13th, 14th & 15th 7 PM Nightly Located at 48(K) NE 30th Street Portland OR 97211 Ch: 503-863-6545 Cell: 503-334-6239 Everyone Welcome Join Us!!! Full Harvest Fellowship Ministries As We Present Spiritual Enrichment Class Saturdays 7:00 PM Beginning Saturday, May 2nd To inquire about our Church or Ministry call 503 863-6545 or email Chiropractic Auto Injury Clinic, PC Zchon R. Jones, DC 333 NE Russell St„ #200, Portland, OR. 97212 (503) 284-7838 Truly making a difference in the lives of Auto Accident victims and Injured Workers for 16 years. If you or som eone you know has been in an accident, call us so we can help you with your needs. (503) 284-7838 We are located on the com er o f MLK and Russell Street, on the second floor above the coffee shop. \\ 75 NE Wygant ( Between Rodney & Cleveland ) For M ore Info Contact Gregory or M artha Thom as At 9 7 1-533-2800 Pa knur .V t» MINE Rii'«cll «200 Riunii Si For Directions Visit our secure website Ful lharvestfel lowship. I must work the w orks o f him that sent me, while it is day: the night com eth, when no man can work. Jo h n 9:4