Advocate for Youth Summer Film Festival David Miller can't say no to helping kids See story, page A3 OMSl features the best of the best ¡MAX fdms fo r summer See Arts & Entertainment, page A7 w ÎJortlanh OOhsertier CitV o of f Roses RoSCS ‘City Established in in 1970 Established 1970 Committed to Cultural Diversity Volume XXXVIV. N um ber 19 .Week in The Review Switched at Birth Tw o w om en sw itched at birth have met af­ ter 56 years and a life­ time of mix- up rum ors. DNA tests proved «that Kay Rene Qualls and Dee Ann Shafer were given to the w rong par­ ents after they were bom in 1953 at Pioneer M em orial H os­ pital in H eppner, Ore. Soldier Kills 5 Comrades An A m erican soldier opened fire at a counseling center on a m ilitary base in Iraq M onday, killing five fellow soldiers. Presi­ dent Barack O bam a said he was "sh o c k e d an d d e e p ly s a d ­ dened" by the report. See sto ry , pageA 2. www n o rtla n n d d n o h b s se e rv rve e r m m m w w w n .p rtla Dynamic Artist Wednesday • May 13. 2009 ‘Coming Home’ Art Hop pays tribute to Thelma Johnson Streat O ne o f P ortland’s m ost dy­ nam ic and historical artists is com ing home during the annual Art Hop celebration sponsored by the non-profit com m unity organization Art on Alberta. Saturday’s 10th annual event will feature works by the inter­ nationally acclaimed artist and dancer Thelm a Johnson Streat (1911-1959), the first A frican American woman to be collected by the prestigious M useum o f M odem Art in New York City. Unemployment Security President O bam a wants unem ploy­ ment insurance to becom e a step­ p in g sto n e fo r future w ork by m aking it easier to enroll in school or jo b train­ ing and keep your benefits. See Thelma Johnson Streat's ‘Rabbit Man' (above) and ‘Black Kings' (left) are works considered prime examples o f abstract expressionism. Up to 50 o f Streat’s original w o rk s, o n lo a n fro m th e Thelma Johnson Streat Project in Salem, will be on display for this one day celebration. Par­ ticipating Alberta Street galler­ ies showing Streat’s artwork are Ampersand, Black United Fund, Grow, Guardino Gallery, and Talisman. In addition, Ur­ story, page A2. Health of Social Security, Medicare Takes Plunge The financial health o f Social S ecurity and M edicare has w orsened because o f the se­ vere recession, and M edicare is now paying out m ore than it receives. T rustees o f the pro-1 gram s said T uesday that Social Security will start paying out more in benefits than it collects in taxes in 2016, one year sooner than projected last year. You’re Not Fired M iss C alifornia USA can retain her crow n after questions arose about sem i-nude photographs taken o f her as a teenager and her association with a conservative advocacy group for m arriage, pageant owner Donald Trum p said Tues­ day. Clemens Denies Drug Use N ew York Y an­ k e e s b a s e b a ll p itc h e r R o g e r C lem en s broke his silence T ues­ day, again denying that form er p erso n al tr a in e r B ria n M cNam ee injected him with perform ance-enhancing drugs. C lem ens said he chose to speak out because it was the release date o f a book about his al leged drug use. Thelma Johnson Streat ban Arts Dance is incorporat­ ing S treat’s dance routines NE ALBINA Street into their Saturday performances. Art Hop will close 17 blocks o f N o rth e a st A lb e rta S treet from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. to accom­ m o d a te o v e r 150 a r tis ts . craftspeople, music, dance and theater perform ances, interac­ tive art events along with food and other vendors. Two stages are being sponsored by Binks and Siren Nation. S tre a t w as in te rn a tio n a lly k now n in the m id -tw en tieth century for her visual and per­ fo rm a n ce art. She also p io ­ neered work to prom ote inter- cultural understanding with a focus tow ards youth. She was fascinated with the pow er o f indigenous cultures to teach understanding, toler­ ance, and appreciation o f di­ versity. With hum ble begin­ n in g s in Y ak im a and Pendleton, she m oved to Port­ la n d an d g r a d u a te d fro m W ashington H igh School in continued on page A10 Rough Patch for Social Services County chair goes to the drawing board by J ake T homas T he P ortland O bserver M ultnom ah County provides gov­ ernm ent services that are so bread- and-butter th ey 're often overlooked. B ut w ith th e c o u n ty ’s b u d g e t e n ­ snared in the sagging econom y it’s looking at a 15 percent across the board cut. M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty C h a ir T ed W heeler is hoping to tum the crisis “But in the absence of in to an o p p o rtu n ity by them, you notice it,” he g o ad in g the L eg islatu re added. into enacting tax revenue T h e co u n ty g o v e rn ­ reform. ment provides social ser­ He recently outlined the vices for the city’s most issue before the Eastside vulnerable citizens, such D em ocratic Club, a civic as the m entally ill, senior organization that provides citizen s, and dom estic a progressive forum to dis­ v io len ce v ictim s, said c u s s is s u e s an d c a n d i­ Wheeler. dates. During his 45 minute It also provides other talk, W heeler explained the services like jails, pros­ situation the county is in, ecutors, health clinics, and w hat h e’s doing to get Ted Wheeler and re-entry services for it out o f a rough patch. E v en W h e eler ad m its th at m ost inmates, he added. However, these services are being things the county does are “not very squeezed by the abysm al economy. sexy.” W heeler said h e’s trying to get the Legislature to change how the county is funded. He explained that the tax “kicker" law, w hich requires the state to partially refund income taxes if the am ount col­ lected is above what is projected, is problem atic. If the state collects more revenue than it expected that money should go into a “rainy day” fund for times like these, argued Wheeler. “T hat m ay have been great for a short term pop,” said W heeler o f the kicker. “ But now here we are a couple years later in a very tough economy with no meaningful reserves to fall back continued on page A3 Child Actor Gets a Taste of Hollywood Roles come after move to L.A. age range in Phoenix, Ariz. by J ake T homas He easily w on the com peti­ T he P ortland O bserver Alleged Nazi Hears Charges tion, w hich cam e with a cool Charles Lott Sr. always knew S itting in a w heelchair and $10,000 prize. He w ow ed the breathing through a nasal tube, that his son had a flair for the ju d g e s with a m onologue on theatrical, but d id n 't foresee his retired A m erican auto worker how he tries to avoid becoming John D em janjuk listened si­ fast rise as a child actor. e x a c tly lik e h is fa th e r w ho L o tt re m e m b e rs h is so n , lently T uesday as a Germ an! shares his same name. His m od­ judge read a 21-page warrant C harles Lott Jr., always w ant­ eling, and cold reads on the spot ing to put on a show in church. accusing him o f acting as an accessory to the m urder o f He would mimic the preacher 29,000 people at a Nazi death and w ould sneak on the stage when dancers were performing. camp. It annoyed his parents, but d e­ Cheaper Gas for Summer lighted everyone else. A fter a plunge in gas prices, L ott’s com fort being on stage A m ericans are expected to hit and natural talen t for acting the highw ays in larger numbers have quickly catapulted the ca­ this M emorial Day, giving a reer o f the 9-year-old Portland boost to the traditional start of native. H e's relocated to Los the sum m er driving season, A ngeles, and is slated to ap ­ AAA said Tuesday. pear in big name films, like Iron M an 2. Lott Jr.'s start in acting o c­ cu rred suddenly. H is fam ily heard about a local acting com ­ p etitio n last year, w here the w inner would have a chance to com pete with over 200 other Portland child actor Charles youths in the 6 to 10-year-old Lott Jr. Child actor Charles Lott Jr. poses next to a stunt car at Universal Studios in Los Angeles. Lott was getting them in droves also im pressed the judges. “Pop! Cam eras everywhere I from headhunters. After care­ went," exclaim ed Lott of the at­ fully considering the slew of tention he got at the com peti­ offers by talent representatives L ott's family chose an agency, tion. Most fam ilies who take their H ines & Hunt, they felt they kids to auditions can hope to could trust. They quickly got a get maybe one call back. But deal for a national food chain. » follow ed by a Vitamin Water c o m m ercial fe a tu rin g Kobe Bryant and Lebron James. But L ott's rising star inevita­ bly meant a big change for him and his family. T h ere’s just not continued on page A 10