íl!C ^Jnrtlanh ©bseruer PageA8 May 6. 2009 ADOR Afro-Latin Night of Jazz show is made possible by a grant from the Regional Arts and C ul­ ture Council. Bom in H avana in 1921, Chico O'FarriH's colleagues included Tito Puente, Dizzy Gillespie and Celia Cruz. He spent the majority o f his life arranging for superstars like M achito, G ato B arbieri, C ount Basie and the Glenn Miller Orches­ tra, before form ing his own Afro- C u b a n J a z z O rc h e s tra in th e 1990s, which perform ed regularly at N ew Y ork C ity 's re n o w n e d Birdland. Shortly before his death in 2001, O 'Farrill turned his Jazz O rches­ tra over to his son, Arturo. As a pianist, band leader, com poser and e d u c a to r, A rtu ro c o n tin u e s to honor his father's tradition and lift the ensem ble to new heights — his last album, Song for Chico, re­ cently w on the G ram m y aw ard for best Latin jazz album. Portland Jazz Orchestra plays host International star Arturo O 'Farrill will highlight a special evening o f intricate rhythm s when the Port­ land Jazz O rchestra hosts a night Afro-Latin jazz, Friday, May 15 at 7:30 at the Crystal Ballroom, 1332 W. Burnside. O ’Farrill is a G ram m y w inner from New York City and the son o f the late prolific com poser and jazz trum peter Chico O 'Farrill. This special evening will be filled with Latin jazz listening and danc­ ing! O ’Farrill will lead the jazz or­ chestra in music by his father, plus a few o f his own pieces. Portland's very own Bobby Torres will drive the percussion section. T ick ets start at ju st $20! The Latin Jazz artist and Grammy winner Arturo 0 'Farrill, son o f legendary composer and jazz trumpeter Chico O'Farrill. will perform in Portland for Afro-Latin night with the Portland Jazz Orchestra. ‘Desierto Sur’ Supports Latin Film Fest T h e c o m m u n ity is in v ite d to a sp e c ia l screening o f the C hilean film “ D esierto S u r” as part o f a fundraising ev ent to support the annual P ortland L atin A m erican Film F esti­ val. “ D e sie rto S u r” is the sto ry o f a y o u n g w o m a n 's spiritual journey. S ofia is em p h a ­ sized as a ch aracter that goes far beyond w hat w e perceive. H er underlying em otional c o m ­ plexity is expressed by corporal m ovem ents and gestures, m ore so than dialogue. T he film m aker uses the presence o f sand, hills, sky and ocean tp agitate the beautiful dry and barren surroundings that c h aracter­ ize the desert and help transform Sofia. T he film will be presented in the M t. H ood C om m unity C ollege m ain theater on Tuesday, M ay 12 at 7 p.m . T he $5 adm ission charge w ill help fund the Portland festival, scheduled for O ct. 15-18. Onda Gallery Exhibit Under the watchful eye o f their mother Cruz (Bunnie Rivera, center), Lupe (Yolanda Suarez) chides her brother Joaquin (Albert Alcazar) for his rebellious ways in Luis Valdez's early comedy The Shrunken HeadofPancho Villa, playing May 8-30 at the Miracle Theatre, 525 S.E. Stark St. photo by S tephanie D avis The Shrunken Head of Pancho Villa Comedy at the Miracle Theatre T he S hru n ken H ead o f Pancho Villa, a comedy writ­ ten by Luis Valdez debuts this week at Miracle Theater, 525 S.E. Stark St., The English language play was originally produced by the theatre company in 1990. It’s a raucous and unpredictable satire in which a sellout son re­ turns home with a grand scheme to move his family out of the barrio and into the American dream. But will a seductive nos­ talgia for Mexico's revolution­ ary past overwhelm his efforts? T h a t’s w hen the head of Pancho Villa begins to talk. From the migrant labor fields to Broadway. Valdez remains His best known works are true to his original vision: per­ form ance that addresses the Z oot Suit, La Bam ba and Chicano experience in America C o rrid o s, w in n er o f the in a context meaningful to all George Peabody Award. P e rfo rm a n c e s o f the Americans. V aldez's c re d its include Shrunken Head of Panto Villa founder and artistic director of start with a preview show on the internationally renowned El Thursday, May 7; opening T eatro C am pesino, council night is Friday, May 8; and member of the National Endow­ shows continue through May ment of the Arts, and founding 30 on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m.; member of the California Arts Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m.; and Sundays at 2 p.m. Council. THURSDA Y fM Y 1tfh2009 Its * û y In its newly updated showroom . Onda Gallery, 2215 N.E. A lberta St., hosts “A bstraction” an art exhibit this m onth featuring painter Angel M atam oros and sculptor Joel Heidel. M atam oros w orks with acrylic and m ixed-m edia, but he enjoys experim enting w ith various styles, colors and tex­ tures. He uses a variety o f techniques including multiple glazes, resists, encaustic, w atercolor and oil pastel. A native o f Costa Rica, M atam oros now lives in O lym pia, Wash. He received a bachelor’s degree in graphic design from W oodbury University in Los Angeles. Heidel works primarily in abstract direct-m etal sculpture. He has extensive industrial training and experience in a wide range o f metal fabrication. He also is know ledgeable in the processes of acid etching, glass making, and glass tasting. "I seek to escape the preconceptions o f forms and to find new juxtapositions o f seem ingly incom patible elem ents,” Heidel said. G allery hours are Tuesday through Saturday from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday from noon to 4 p.m. Northwest Voice For Christ Ministries “ A Community Church” Bishop H. L. Hodge, PhD Pastor/Teacher/Re vi valis t Greater Faith Missionary Baptist C hurch "The Voice Speaks” 931 N Skidmore Street Worship Service: Sundays- 8:00 A.M. Seminars: Bible Themes- Wednesdays- 6:00 P.M. Portland, Oregon 97217 “God, The Father”; ‘G od, The Son”; and ‘G od , The Holy Spirit” Byron Bollon. Pastor 503-287-4345 Clamore Dorn Sr.. Asst, Pastor AIrrv B ì / a 2009 - liid a y Mny 15tby 2009 Bishop Hodge and Congregation invite you to join us at our appointment with Jesus. We Reach, Teach, & Preach in Jesus’ name!!! Location: 4800 NE 30th Ave. Portland, Oregon To inquire about our C hurch or M inistry call 503 863-6545 or em ail h odgehspks@ m sn.com You Are Cordially Invited to the First Anniversary Celebration Apostle Thomas O. Fair and First lady Sue Fair A Good Shepherd “ He shall feed them, and he shall be their shepherd.” (Ez. 34:2.3) One who tends sheep (Webster's Dictionary) Saturday May 9 . 2(X)9 at 6:00 PM Churches, Groups, and Soloists - All Welcome New Hope M.B. Church. DR. Robert C. Jointer, Pastor True Vine M.B. Church, Pastor Collins • Philadelphia Community, Pastor Clay Mt. Gillard M.B. Church, Pastor Allen • Life Line, Pastor R. Weaver Soloists Nancy Smith & Jerry Johnson & many, many more... Come and be revived! Hr would really appreciate seeing you there! Hosted by Members and Congregation of The Sweet Land of Portland United House of Prayer For all People 7459 N. H aven A venue Portland, O R 97203 (503) 289-6725 (Donations Appreciated) Dinner Promptly Following Program