Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 06, 2009, Page 7, Image 7

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    ‘ri,‘ ^partlanh ffihseruer
May 6, 2009
Page A7
Art Beat Invites Community In
creates new
way to play,
composing music for PCC's Art
Beat. " I’ve never played a piece
o f music like this that has so
many options. Concert music
generally doesn’t do this. There
h av e been o th e r w o rk s th at
have been innovative in form
but nothing like this.”
Art Beat will spread across
all three PCC cam puses and the
Southeast Center from May 11 -
15, offering students, staff, fac­
ulty and the com m unity access
to local, regional and national
artists, as well as an extensive
collection o f visual art, dance,
m u sic , th e a te r an d lite ra ry
events to help expose them to
It is free and open to the pub­
lic. With m usic, dance and the­
ater perform ances, dem onstra­
tions, w orkshops and discus­
sions, A rtBeat reflects Portland
C om m unity C ollege’s com m it­
ment to education and com m u­
A rt B eat lo catio n s include
the S ylvania C am pus, 12(XX)
S.W. 49th Ave., R ock C reek
Campus, 17705 N.W. Springville
Road), Cascade Campus, 705 N.
K illingsw orth St., and South­
east C enter,2305 S.E. 82nd and
For m ore inform ation, visit
th e A rt B e a t W eb site at
artb eat.p cc.ed u.
For this kind o f artwork, there
will be no installation ceremony
because you c a n ’t see it and
there is nothing to touch be­
cause its not m ade o f anything.
But students and the com m u­
nity will get a lot out o f it by
sim ply listening.
The featured art for Portland
Com m unity C ollege's 22nd an­
nual Art Beat Festival is a g u i­
tar quartet musical piece titled
“ F o re !” w ritten by P ortlan d
State U niversity music profes­
sor Bryan Johanson, this y ear’s
featured artist.
The musical piece, conceived
o v e r la st D e c e m b e r’s snow
storm, can be played, or listened
to, 24 different ways and is 22
m inutes long.
“In the past. Art Beat has al­
ways com m issioned a work of
visual art like a painting or a
sculpture o f som e sort but this
is the first tim e w e’ve gotten a Bryan Johanson has created a guitar quartet piece that can
piece o f m usic,” said PCC m u­ be played and listened to 24 difference ways. He's this
sic instructor John Mery, who year’s featured arts at Portland Community College's Art
ap p ro a c h e d Jo h a n so n ab o u t Beat, May 11-15.
Class of 2009!
Congratulations to Charlene D. McCleoud of
northeast Portland who graduated Saturday from
Concordia Uni versity with a Bachelor of Science
degree in Social Work.
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Artist Featured
Bike Delivery:
Open Lunch & Dinnei
The 22nd A nnual A rt Beat M oriarty Arts and Humanities
Festival at Portland Community Building.
Smith will address both for-*
College w elcom es A rvie Smith
to the C ascade C am pus, 705 N. mal painting issues as well as
social and historical facets that
Killingsworth St.
S m ith w ill p resen t a slide drive his work.
A s an A fric a n -A m e ric a n
show o f h is rec en t b o d y o f
work, “Chitlin Circuit,” a, 5 p.m., growing up in South Central Los
Monday, May 11, in Room 221, Angeles, his life experience and
studies envelop his work as he
n arrates through im ages and
Arvie Smith's
position. Smith is a well-
‘Saturday Night Fish
local artist who has been
Fry,' from his ‘Chitlin
d on O re g o n P u b lic
Sci-fi Debut
The new independent film,
“U nrem em bered," is certainly
It was m ade in Portland at a
p ro d u ctio n co st o f less than
$32,000, all o f it com ing from
G reg K err w ho is a Portland
C om m unity College com puter
applications and multimedia in­
In addition, the film 's market­
ing materials and premiere were
m ade with the help o f 20 stu­
dents from PCC's M ultim edia
program based at the Cascade
“U nrem em bered," will show
at C ascade M oriarty A udito­
rium, 705 N. Killingsw orth St.,
on Wednesday, M ay 13, as par,
o f the 22nd Art Beat Festival.
There will be two free screen­
ings o f the film, a sneak preview
at I p.m., follow ed by a ques-
tion-and-answ er session with
lead actress Karla M ason and
Kerr, who produced, wrote and
d ir e c te d th e film . A n o th e r
screening will be a, 6:30 p.m.
The full-length motion picture
(ninning time: 2 hours, 22 min­
utes) is a science fiction mystery.
In the film, John Outis, played
by Tim Delaney, doesn’t have a
past. But his life history is being
restored in the present and it’s
having a dramatic effect on the
people around him. As he begins
to rem e m b er m ore, his pas,
threatens to end his future until
he receives the aid and guidance
o f Tina Plantes, a brilliant and
LV’s Twelve 22
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Enforced. D J ’v. Ken Berry, Larry Bell & Mike. $5 cover
Saturday - G uest I)J
Greg Kerr on the set with lead actress Karla Mason in ‘Unremembered,' which will debut
at Portland Community College's Art Beat.
unconventional physics profes­
sor. As she’s drawn deeper into
the bizarre events of John's life,
she discovers a disturbing and
far-reaching truth: time is not lin­
The film contains adult lan­
guage, violence and adult situ­
ations, in addition to com plex
p h y sic s co n c ep ts and p h ilo ­
so p h ic al id eas n ot found in
most films.
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