PageAô ;J3artlanh © b se rtie r_____________________ Mayó,2009 YAM YAM’S S a v T d c m (foo&tMQ C a ia c e u c 7339 MLK Jr. Blvd., Portland, Oregon 97211 Phone (503) 978-9229 Fax (503)978-9229 Hours: 12:30pm to 6:00pm All You Can Eat Buffet Mother's Day. May 1 0 ,2 0 0 9 Oxtails Coolard Greens Smothered Chicken Candied Yams Smothered Pork Chop Cabbage Deep Fried Chicken Wings Mashed Potatoes Deep Fried Catfish Macaroni & Cheese Cornbread Muffins Excitement Builds,or Multicultural Fest Rice Fountain Drinks Succotash $15.(X) A dults • $ 1 3.00 Seniors • $8.00 U nder 12 Please D on't Waste Food tfie Ufootcif *7o t&e ~7ootci f •1*11 »*•* State Farm Ernest J. Hill, Jr. 4946 N Vancouver Aven.« Portland OR 9771/ 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service * Dixon \ Rib Pit 503-753-0868 Hours 11:00 a.m. to 10:00p.m. M onday thru Saturday Sunday after church at 3:00 p.m. Pick up Delivery and Catering Dinners $9.50 Sandwiches $8.50 And Soul Food Try us once you 'll come back again ‘Good in the Neighborhood’ planning T h o u sa n d s o f c o m m u n ity residents will celebrate diver­ sity, culture, and neighborhood unity during the 17th A nnual G o o d in th e N e ig h b o rh o o d M ulticultural Music and Food Festival, which is an annual cel­ ebration in late June that high­ lights the cultures o f Northeast Portland com m unity, the most m ulticultural area in Oregon. “T he festiv al h o n o rs, and pays tribute to, the many cul­ tures w ith in th is n atio n and within the com m unity o f north and northeast P ortland,” said Cheryl Roberts, the com m ittee chairw om an for the event. “This year we are looking for new and upcom ing musical tal­ ent, aspiring entrepreneurs, and com m unity resources to stim u­ late jo b s or other econom ic op­ portunities w ithin our n eig h ­ borhoods,” Roberts aid. “This has been a difficult year to raise money to support local events such as G ood in the N eighbor­ hood, therefore we are asking lo cal b u sin e sse s to p ro v id e d onations o f $100 and up to help make this y ear’s Festival a su c ce ss.” “ It is an exciting tim e for our com m unity, d esp ite the ec o ­ nom ic dow nturn cities an d n e ig h b o r h o o d s th ro u g h ­ out the nation a re c h a l- 1 e n g e d with, e rts “ A lig n e d w ith P r e s i­ d en t O b a m a ’s goals, we m ust all w ork to unite com m unities during these uncertain tim es.” T he F estiv al unites n eig h ­ bors, while fostering new and supportive relations, stimulates eco n o m ic o p p o rtu n ities, and provides access to com m unity resources in north and north­ east Portland. S a tu rd a y . M a y 9. 10 a .m . - 4 p .m . Bring your bear to meet our bears. Fair includes Repair-A-Bear vet station, storytelling and other fun activities! 5 minutes from downtown Portland off Hwy 26 West or take MAX light rail and receive $1 off 200 admission Open at 9 a m. daily w w w Grand Opening T he R ib C rib B arbeque AT LV’s TWELVE 22 3530 N Vancouver Ave community. The history o f these entertainm ent venues are contained in the exhibit, "Once upon a tim e in Portland, w e danced,” an art show by Judith Lea Yelvington that opened last week at the Interstate Firehouse Cultural C enter in north Portland. Im ages o f dance and music by the artist are accom panied by historic photos and stories of dancehalls and ballroom s in Portland gathered by D avid Edwards. Visitors to the show are invited to share their own tales of dance and music in the halls of Portland's storied past, at the round table discussion on Sat­ urday, May 16. The show runs for a month. Judith has studied and showed her work at the Art Students League and the Craft Student League in New York City as well as participating for 20 years in the Washington Square Outdoor Art Exhibit. 5 0 10 NE 9th Unit A, Portland, Oregon 97221 503-284-2989 Monday & Tuesday, kids haircut age 1-13 will be only $5 -See Sherman in f o rm a tio n , v is it The third local performance is Satur­ day, May 9, from noon to 1 p.m. at the M HCC Vista Dining C enter with Gilson, H obbs and P acini. Admission is free. T h e N o rth w e st Jazz Band Festival is a competitive school event held annually on th e M HCC G re sh am C am pus. A p p ro x im ately 90 bands from Oregon, Washington, Califor­ nia and N evada at­ tend each year, bring­ ing ap p ro x im ate ly 2 ,0 0 0 v is ito rs to Gresham. The public is encouraged to attend the festival’s free concerts and music clinics. Pink M artin i an d the O regon S ym p h on y from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m., the Third D egrees Lounge at the Ri verPlace H otel, 1510 S . W . H arbor W ay. No cover or m inim um pur­ c h a se . F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n , v is it -- N ewly added concert for P ortland’s G lobe-Trotting Salon, 923 S.W. W ashing­ ton St., will take place Tuesday, June 2 at 7:30p.m. For more information call 503-228- 7343. H ip H op C oncert - * T h e Cool N u tz C e le b ra tio n o f th e M iracle B-D ay Bash: with Todd G, DJ Fatboy, Vursatyl o f the Lifesavas, and M ania Lok tak es place T h u rsd ay evening, M ay 7 at B erbati’s Pan. Jefferso n D ancers - The Jefferson Dancer will share their incredible energy and tal­ ents on the hom e front when they perform spring concerts, M ay 6 ,7 , 8 and 9 at 7:30 p.m. and on May 9 at 2 p.m. at the Newmark Theater, downtow n. Tickets are available at the Portland C enter for the Performing Arts box office and from Ticketm aster out­ lets. We have the Best Barber & hair Stylist in Portland and we do Razor Line Cuts, Weaves, Relaxers and Cuts N ew York sa x o p h o n ist A n to n io H art, one o f the w orld’s finest jazz saxophonists, will perform at the 31 st annual Northwest Jazz Band Festival, to be held on the Mt. H o o d C o m m u n ity C o lle g e G re sh a m C a m p u s S a tu rd a y , M ay 9. Hall will take the stage at 5 p.m. at th e M H C C g y m n a ­ sium with the M HCC Jazz Band under the direction o f m usic in­ structor Susie Jones. A dm ission is free. H art w ill also d e ­ light audiences w ith tw o oth er local p er­ form ances on Friday, M ay 8, at 8 p.m . at Antonio Hart Jimmy M ak's in down­ town Portland with MHCC alumni Tim G ilson, G ary H obbs and Tony Pacini. Admission is $ 10 at the door. For more L ive J a zz — Every Friday and Saturday Large brings here in-your-face sexuality, raw m usical talent and breathtaking em o­ tional honesty to Portland Center Stage in the autobiographical world prem ier m usi­ cal Crazy Enough, now playing through June 7 in the Ellyn Bye Studio at the A r­ m ory, dow ntow n. Platinum Fade On Saturday, June 27, thou­ sands will march along northeast Portland streets as part o f the annual Good in the Hood Parade. B usinesses and neighbors are encouraged to join in the celebra­ tion o f com m unity culture, ac­ complishments, and endurance. Each year, thousands o f O r­ e g o n an d W a sh in g to n r e s i­ dents attend the festival, w hich began in 1992 as an outreach effort to show case the N orth­ east Portland com munity. Each year, the festival has grown. The festival will feature some o f the N orthw est’s finest enter­ tainers, ethnic cuisine, spoken word artists, clowns, face paint­ ers, and a “ K ids Space” area w ith fun activities for children. “It w ill be a fun tim e fo r peo p le o f all ag e s,” R o b erts said. For m ore inform ation about becom ing a table or food ven­ dor, local sponsor, or entertainer at the 2009 G ood in the N eigh­ borhood Festival call 503-282- 1288 or v isit the w eb site at g o o d in th en eig h b o rh o o d .o rg . Saxophonist Joins Jazz Festival Dance Halls Show at IFCC G et In tim a te w ith S to rm L a rg e - Storm Hours o f operation: M-F 9 a m - 6 pm Sat 8 am - 9 pm Sun 11 am - 6 pm \n th e Tucked within our neighborhoods we have an am azing num ber o f "dance halls." M any built in the 1920s, they spoke to cultures, rich within our Bear “ W e w ill f e a tu re d a n c e troupes to celebrate M exican and Cam bodian cultures,” Rob­ erts said. "A nd we have music that honors the cultural heritage o f jazz, rhythm and blues, and new wave gospel artists.” The free and open to the pub­ lic festival will be held from noon to 9:30 p.m. on Saturday, June 27 and from noon to 7:30 p.m. Sunday, June 28 at King S c h o o l P ark , w h ic h is lo ­ c a te d in th e 48(X) block o f N o rth e a s t Sixth Avenue. O n F rid a y , June 26, the festi­ val will host a N et­ w o rk in g O p p o rtu n ity from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the King School Park. Live music, court­ yard food, and sponsor recog­ nitions will set the tone for the evening. M cM enamin’s fine wines will be featured in the Beer & Wine Garden. K irk G ree n Jam Session - Com e enjoy the sm ooth and soulful sounds o f the Kirk Green B andeveryS unday,7p.m .to 11 p.m. at Club 7 2 0 ,7 2 0 S.E. Hawthorne. The jam session and open m ic is from 9 p.m. to 10 p.m. All professional m usicians are w el­ come. For more inform ation, call 503-234- 7738. M u sic M illen n iu m F ree S h o w s - The Music Millennium, 3158 E. Burnside, hosts in-house live perform ances. Enjoy free music and the opportunity to meet artists. Call 503-231 -8926 for a schedule. Festival of Birds -Grab the fam ily and com e join us for the festiv al o f b ird s Saturday M ay9, IOa.m.-3 p.m . S ellw ood Park, ju st south o f O aks Bottom W ild­ life refuge. This is a free festival for the whole family. Totally G ospel II - Pen­ insula O pen Bible Church, 8225 N. Penin­ sula, hosts all styles o f gospel, country, and contem porary music with host Riny H orst each Friday night from, 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. For m ore inform ation, call 503- 335-3132. T h e M ed ia vs. th e P resid en t - Portland C enter Stage presents Frost/N ixon, the play that became the Oscar-nominated film, about the conversation betw een D avid Frost and Richard Nixon that changed the m edia’s relationship to the presidency. Shows run through Sunday, May 10. Z oo B uck T uesdays - On the second Tues- day o f every month, the Oregon Z oo hosts 2-Buck Tuesdays w hen guests can tour the zoo for the discounted price o f $2 per person. F ood an d E n terta in m en t - Sliders Grill, 3011 N. Lombard, features an eclectic as­ sortm ent o f perform ers on the rrfain stage, accom panied by delicious food. Call 503- 459-4488 for more information. O M S I A fter D ark - ( )MSI After Dark is a night at the m useum for the 21 and over crow d filled with food, drink and science fun;$IO fee. For more information, call 503- 797-4000 or visit omsi .edu.