Mayó.2009 ö'*!‘ ^ J n r t í a u h ( © b s e r u e r L aw Page A5 J ustice Drug Sentence Disparities Tackled Equalizing penalties for powdered v. crack cocaine ( AP) -- The Obama adminis­ tration has jo in e d a federal judge in urging Congress to end a racial disparity by equalizing prison sentences for dealing and using crack versus pow­ dered cocaine. "Jails are loaded with people who look like me," U.S. District Judge Reggie Walton, an Afri­ can-A m erican, told a Senate Judiciary subcommittee hear­ ing last week. Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer said the adminis­ tration believes Congress' goal "should be to completely elimi­ nate the disparity" between the two forms of cocaine. "A grow­ ing number of citizens view it Judge Reggie Walton as fu n d a m e n ta lly unfair," Breuer testified. It takes 100 times more pow­ dered cocaine than crack co­ caine to trigger the same harsh mandatory minimum sentences. Sen. Dick Durbin, an Illinois Democrat who chairs the sub­ committee, said, "Undercurrent law, mere possession of five grams of crack — the weight of five packets o f sweetener — carries the same sentence as distribution of half a kilogram of powder or 500 packets of sweetener." Durbin said more than 81 per­ cent o f those convicted for crack offenses in 2(X)7 were Af­ rican-American, although only about 25 percent of crack co­ caine users are African Ameri­ cans. Congress enacted the dispar­ ity during an epidemic of crack cocaine in the 1980s, but the senator said lawmakers erred in assuming that violence would be greater among those using crack. Breuer said the best way to deal with violence is to severely punish anyone who commits a violent offense, regardless of the drug involved. "This administration believes our crim inal laws should be tough, smart, fair," Breuer said, but also should "promote pub­ lic trust and confidence in the criminal justice system." Walton said, "We were mis­ taken" to enact the disparity. "There's no greater violence in cases before me." Testifying on behalf of the Ju d icial C onferen ce o f the United States, the policy-mak­ ing arm of the federal judiciary, Walton added that jurors have expressed an unwillingness to serve in crack cocaine cases because of the disparity. President Barack Obama had called for such a change while cam paigning for the W hite House. Breuer said the government should focus on p u n ishing drug trafficking networks, like the cartels wreaking havoc in M exico, and those w hose crimes include acts of violence. The Obama administration is also seeking to increase drug treatment, as well as rehabilita­ tion programs for felons after they're released from prison. Sojourner Truth Honored at Capitol Bronze bust enshrines former slave, leader (AP) — Michelle Obama says she hopes abolitionist Sojourner T ruth would be proud to see a descendent of slaves as America's first black first lady. Mrs. Obama made the comment April 28 as she helped unveil a bust of Truth, the first black woman to be honored with a statue at the Capitol. "I am proud to be able to stand here on this day," the first lady told the audience of mostly women. Truth is a former slave who met with Abraham Lincoln and was an early cru­ sader for women's right to vote and an end to slavery. Mrs. Obama said her two young daugh- First lady Michelle Obama honors abolitionist Sojourner Truth during the unveiling a bust o f Truth at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. ters will now be able to "see the face of a woman who looks like them" when they visit the nation's Capitol. The sculpture will remain on permanent display in the Capitol Visitor Center, called Emancipation Hall in part because slaves helped build the Capitol. Truth met presidents Lincoln in 1864 and Ulysses S. Grant in 1870, and delivered her famous "Ain't I a Woman?" speech at a women's rights convention in Akron, Ohio, in 1851. She tried to vote on two occasions, but was turned away both times. She died in November 1883 at her home in Battle Creek, Mich Few minority women are enshnned in the Capitol. There are several statues of Ameri­ can Indian women, but no Asian or His­ panic women, according Donald Ritchie, a Senate historian. Spring Revival at Northwest Voice For Christ Ministries A Community Church “The Gospel Revealed“ Merkley Backs Anti-Hate Crime Law U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley, D- Ore., has joined Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass„ to co-spon­ sor the Matthew Shepard Lo­ cal Law E nfo rcem en t H ate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009. The bill will enable the Jus­ tice Department to assist local authorities in the investigation and prosecution of hate crimes by authorizing grants to meet the extraordinary expenses of­ ten involved in investigating and prosecuting these cases. “Hate crimes are At the fed eral color, religion, national origin, not ju s t crim es level, the Matthew gender, sexual orientation, gen­ against individuals, S h ep ard H ate der identity, or disability. they are crimes tar­ “Senator Kennedy has long Crimes Prevention Act empowers the been a leader in defending the geting entire com ­ m u n itie s,” said T reasury D epart­ rights of all Americans, no mat­ Merkley. “They are ment and the Jus­ ter their race, creed, or sexual effo rts to ex p loit tice Department to orientation,” said Merkley. “I and inflame our dif­ increase personnel am proud to join him in support­ fe re n c e s and to to better prevent ing legislation to give state and deny America's fun­ Jeff Merkley and respond to al­ local law enforcement the re­ dam ental prom ise legations o f hate sources and support they need that every person should be crimes - crimes that target vic­ to prevent and prosecute hate tims on the basis of their race. crimes.” treated equally.” DNA Solves 1976 Murder Ace Tavern security video shows a man suspected o f using a knife to rob the tavern, located at 88 6 8 N.E. Sandy Blvd. Tavern Robbery The Portland Police Bureau, in cooperation with C rim es Stoppers, is asking for your help in solving a tavern robbery caught on tape. On Tuesday, July 22,2008, a, 1:58 a.m., a lone suspect robbed the Ace Tavern, located a, 8868 N. E. Sandy Blvd. The victim was getting ready to close the bar when the sus­ pect, armed with a knife, ap­ proached her and dem anded money from the till. The sus­ pect took the money and left on foot eastbound on N orth­ east Prescott Street. The suspect has been identi­ fied as John Roy Ferguson, 45. Call 503-823-HELP(4357)or leav e a tip o n lin e at T he P o rtla n d P olice east Portland apartment. It was the oldest homicide Bureau’s Cold Case Homicide Unit and the Oregon State Po­ solved by the Cold Case Unit lice Crime Laboratory have and the oldest D{4A match ever solved the 1976 murder of Rosa obtained by the crime lab. At the time of her death, the C innam on, an 80-year-old woman who was murdered Medical Examiner’s Office de­ during a robbery of her south­ term ined that Cinnamon had T erry F amily died from asp hyxia due to manual strangulation. Police said it appears that Warren was living in Cinnamon s neighborhood and did no, have any connection to her. Warren forced his way into the victim's residence and murdered her. Bishop RL Hodges, PhD Patfin/1 f.d u Revivalist Dr. EUaby, Pastor Calvary Baptist Chinch Wednesday - Friday May 13th, 14th & 15th 7 PM Nightly Located at 48(X) NE 30th Street Portland OR 97211 Ch: 503-863-6545 Cell: 503-334-6239 Everyone Welcome Join Us!!! Full Harvest Fellowship Ministries As We Present Spiritual Enrichment Class Saturdays 7:00 PM Beginning Saturday, May 2nd 2337 N. Williams Ave. Portland. Or 97227 503-249-1788 Wc make the service personal, You make the tribute personal. 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