^ n r t l a n b ffib s e ru e r Page A4 O pinion ' May 6.2009 Opinion articles do not necessarily represent the views o f the Portland Observer. We welcome reader essays, photos and story ideas. Submit to news@portlandobserver.com. Free to Make our Own Choices Leave out the menu calories by J ames T erry Ever ordered a Big Mac, large fries, and a milkshake while look­ ing for a low -cal m eal? How a b o u t a B lo o m in ’ O n io n , M e lb o u rn e s te a k , a n d 22- ounce beer at O utback w hile sh a p in g up fo r th e su m m er sw im suit season? Sound ridiculous? T hat’s be­ cause it is. M ost o f us order meals like that when w e’re in­ dulging. Not when w e’re trying to lose weight. Som e Oregon lawmakers, however, don’t want us making these choices. A proposed bill w ould force chain restaurants to print calo­ rie counts on their menus. This effort w ould im pose m assive costs on restaurants and likely result in the disappearance of scores o f jobs. And it isn’t even likely to change O regonians' eating habits, but it w ould take away some o f the joy associ­ ated w ith a trip to the drive- thru. Proponents o f the legislation, w hich is currently w orking its way through the Oregon House o f R e p re se n ta tiv e s, claim it w ould low er the health costs associated w ith obesity. This sounds plausible, but such ef­ forts haven't w orked in the past. In 1992, for example, the fed­ eral governm ent m andated that all kinds o f nutritional inform a­ tion be p o ste d on p ack ag ed food. Now adays, we rarely buy anything — w hether it's salad dressing o r cereal -- w ithout first flipping over the packag­ ing to scope out the "Nutrition F acts.” Unfortunately, know ing the in g re d ie n ts o f o u r fa v o rite foods hasn't made us thinner. In fact, O regon's obesity rate has doubled since 1992. More than one in four state citizens are now obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If we aren't w illing to count calories when buying groceries, then we sure won't count them when we're ordering at Burger King. A peer-review ed study pub­ lished last year confirm s this. Researchers at the U niversity o f M innesota presented survey participants w ith one o f four menus, each of which displayed varying am ounts o f nutritional inform ation. The menu co n d i­ tions produced "no significant differences" in consum ption. So, w hat effect will these la­ bels have? For one, they'll turn fast food restaurants into th e­ aters o f public shaming. Diners will no longer be able to enjoy co m fo rt food w ith o u t fellow patrons know ing exactly how many calories they're consum ­ ing. Do you really w ant your co ­ worker — or even w orse, your lunch date - rem em bering you for your 4,000-calorie m eal? If you don't think this is a 3 0 0 c a lo r ie s in c o n d im e n ts problem , ju st look at what hap­ alone. In other words, any govern­ pened at H arvard U niversity. C afeterias there used to display m ent-m andated calorie count is nutritional information. But not really ju st an educated guess. O f course, com ing up with anym ore. It turns out that even th o se e d u c a te d g u esses o u r n atio n 's b rig h te st young m inds couldn't handle the em o­ w ouldn't be cheap. R estaurants tional pressure o f fully disclos­ would be forced to pay for ex ­ ing their caloric intake. 1 don't pensive nutritional analyses o f all the item s on th eir m enus. blame them. Even if m enu labels could Then they'd have to print and guilt us into eating healthier, d is tr ib u te n ew m e n u s. So obtaining accurate inform ation O regon's restaurants w ould be fo r resta u ran t food is nearly looking at tens o f thousands o f im p o ssib le . M ost re sta u ra n t dollars in new costs. These costs w ould be passed dishes are made-to-order. So the calo rie count, as w ell as the on to consum ers. Rising prices am ount o f fat, carbohydrates, would lead to falling sales, and and sodium, is different for each eventually restaurants would be forced to pare their workforces. patron. Take mayonnaise. Each serv­ O regon's restaurants currently ing contains 10 grams o f fat and employ about 120,000 state resi­ nearly 100 calories. Slap it on dents. Any bill that puts these each side o f a ham burger bun jo b s at risk in the m iddle o f a and you're looking at an addi­ recessio n sh o u ld be rejected tional 200 calories. Throw some outright. T h e bill also sets a d a n g e r­ ketchup and m ustard on there and you're consum ing nearly ous p rec ed en t. If w h at w e eat is the g o v ern m e n t's b u sin ess, w hat w ill p o litician s do once m enu-labeling fails to m ake us slim m er? Will milk shakes and c h e e s e f r ie s b e c o m e an adults-only luxury, sold in d is­ c r e e t p a p e r b a g s in s e e d y d iv e s? A dvocates o f the bill claim that m enu-labeling is popular am ong state residents. But if that w ere the case, legislative action w ouldn't be necessary — a sm art restaurateur w ould in­ clude nutrition inform ation on his m enu to get a leg up on his com petitors. N o one denies that the grow ­ ing prevalence o f obesity is a serious problem . But m andat­ ing calorie counts on m enus is not an effective way o f shrink­ in g o u r b u lg in g w a is tlin e s . A m erican consum ers should be free to make their own choices - - good or bad. James Terry is chief public- advocate o f the Consumers Rights League. The First 100 Days - Then and Now Valid com parisons to FDR by D avid B i W oolner A fter 100 days in office, the co m p ariso n s b etw een P re si­ dent O bam a and Franklin D. Roosevelt seem as valid as ever. Both leaders have had to cope with an unprecedented global fi­ nancial crisis, a deteriorating economy, high unemployment, and an electorate steeped in fear and apprehension about the fu­ ture. Both men have also had to contend with a worldwide se­ curity crisis; inspired in FD R ’s case by the pernicious ideology o f fascism , and in P resident O bam a’s by the rise o f a deadly form o f international terrorism driven by religious extremists. Both men have also had to sh a re the b le s s in g — o r b u r­ den— o f high expectations, not only am ong the A m erican pub­ lic, but am ong people the world over, where their assum ption of office has been widely heralded as the beginning o f a new day. B ut in sp ite o f th e se and other similarities, there are some striking d iffe ren ce s betw een their first 100 days that may pro­ vide the current President and his colleagues in Congress with some food for thought. O ne clear distinction is the reaction o f the Republican C on­ g ressio n al le a d e rsh ip to the P re sid en t’s initial leg islativ e agenda. In F D R ’s day, many R e p u b lic a n s n o t o n ly r e ­ sp o n d e d p o s itiv e ly to th e President’s call for bi-partisan- ship, they also lent their sup­ port to som e o f the m ost sig­ nificant m easures to com e out W. James Singleton Attorney at Law If you or a loved one have sustained serious Injury or death you may have a cause of action: 1) . Rapttva - used to treat Psoriasis but can cause rare brain in fe ction known as PML (P ro g re s sive M ultifoca l Leukoencephalopathy), various m alignancies, Viral Meningitis, Invasive Fungal Disease, Anemia and Bacterial Sepsis 2) . Gadolinium - injected into bloodstream to enhance MRI/ MRA screenings but can cause NSF(Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis) which can lead to kidney or renal failure. Symptoms may include swelling, hardening and tightening of the skin, reddened or darkened patches of skin, burning and itching of skin, yellow raised spots on the whites of eyes and stiffening of joints. 3) . Reglan used to treat heart burn and gastroesophagel or acid reflux but can cause temporary/permanent involuntary movement (tardive dyskinesia) which can effect the face, and other parts of the body. It has also been known to cause Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome which symptoms include high fever, sweating, unstable blood pressure, stupor, muscular rigidity and autonomic dysfunction. o f the 1(X) days, including the Federal Em ergency R elief A ct and the estab lish m en t o f the Tennessee Valley A uthority or TVA— our nation’s first electric public utility. In s h o rt, th is “ u n p r e c ­ edented national em erg en cy ’’ Both Obama and Roosevelt had to share the blessing—or burden—o f high expectations. m et w ith u n p rec ed en ted n a ­ tio n a l c o o p e r a tio n , a m o n g dem ocrats and republicans, and am ong the executive and legis­ lative branches o f governm ent. A second clear d istin ctio n in v o lv es A m eric a’s stan d in g overseas. A lthough FD R did not attend, he sent a high level delegation (led by his Secretary Medical Devices: 6) . Mentor 0B Tape - vaginal mesh sling used to treat bladder incontinence in women but can cause severe infection, extreme vaginal pain, vaginal extrusion and urinary tract erosion. 7) . Duragesic Pain Patch - used to treat pain but patch may leak and cause inadequate treatment or a fatal fentanyl/ morphine overdose The Singleton Law Firm 8 7 7 6 3 1 -5 2 0 0 www.slngletonlaw.com Unnwra a t the Slnglaton L a * Firm a n admitted to practice l a * In Loulalana and Taaaa. In other /urladlctlont. are work with local countol bal econom ic crisis, FD R fa­ m ously “torpedoed" the co n ­ ference by rejecting a tem po­ ra ry c u r r e n c y s ta b iliz a tio n agreem ent that was negotiated in London and seen as critical to the ability of the conference to continue its work. His deci­ sion to do so— particularly af­ ter the term s o f the tem porary agreem ent had been secured— greatly disappointed the B rit­ ish, French and other d elega­ tions. A s a result, his interna­ tional reputation suffered for a tim e an d th e re w ere fears— w h ich s u b s e q u e n tly p ro v e d unfounded— that FDR was an econom ic nationalist. By c o n tra s t. P re s id e n t O bam a’s perform ance at the re­ cent G-20 meeting in London has been a 10-strike. The President m ay n o t h av e g o tte n all he wanted in London, but his will­ ingness to listen to and work with the leaders o f the w orld’s lead­ ing industrialized nations, along with his ensuing visits to France and Turkey, have restored the international com m unity’s faith in American leadership and sig­ nificantly enhanced the confi­ dence o f people the world over that together we will get through this crisis. This last point brings us back to the m ost significant sim ilar­ ity between the two m en— their ability to inspire hope in m o­ m ents o f despair and their w ill­ ingness to act. FDR, like President Obam a, never lost faith in the ability of the A m erican people to restore the nation to prosperity. But he u n d ersto o d that gov ern m en t, w hich he w isely called “o u r­ selves and not an alien pow er over us," had a vital role to play in this process. B y re sto rin g the p e o p le ’s faith in governm ent, then, FDR in essence restored their faith in themselves. President Obama and our leadership in Congress w ould be w ise to do the same. David B. Woolner is senior vice president o f the Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute. High Schoolers Left Behind Time to teach ‘outside the box’ by J udge G reg M athis Signed am id controversy in 2001, the N o Child Left Behind law shook up th e n a tio n ’s p u b lic e d u c a ­ tio n sy s te m . S ch o o ls w ere no w h eld a c ­ c o u n ta b le for stu d en t ac h ie v em e n t; if stu ­ dents continually failed to meet m inim um test scores, schools w e re p la c e d o n p r o b a tio n . Classroom instruction m ethods w ere ch an g ed , too, w ith in- creased focus placed on ‘teach­ ing to the te s t', tak in g aw ay from more in-depth instruction. Several years have now gone by, giving analysts enough time to assess how the law, if at all, im pacts student perform ance. From 1999 to 2004, elem entary school younger black students m ade big gains in their stan­ dardized test scores. In 1999, the black-w hite gap in math scores for nine year old students was 28 points. Black students in that The continued gap between minority and white high school students must not be ignored. A ccording to the Civil Rights Project, NCLB isn't working. At le a s t n o t fo r m in o rity h ig h school students. The study looked test scores for three g roups o f students. age group closed the racial gap in math scores by nearly 50 per­ cent ju st five years later w hile black 13 y ear olds increased their math score 11 points over the same five year period. Black _____________THE_____________ SPINACOLUMN 4) . Propylthiouracil - used to treat Grave's (thyroid) disease in children but can cause severe liver damage or death. 5) . Permax - used to manage tremors and slowness of movement associated with Parkinson’s Disease or Restless Leg Syndrome. Can cause damage to the mitral, aortic and tricuspid heart valves, which includes leakage of these valves. o f State, Cordell H ull) to G reat Britain in June 1933 to attend the long anticipated “London M onetary and Econom ic C o n ­ ference.” A ttended by 66 nations, and convened to bring about an in­ ternational response to the glo­ An ongoing senes of questions and answers about America's natural healing profession Dr Billy R, Flowers Part 18. Chiropractic And Prevention: Life doesn't have to be a series o f emergencies anymore : It seems that I am always sick. I do w hat my doctor says but if anything my colds and flu attacks are getting worse. W hat do you think? ¡Constant colds and influ­ enza indicate that the im ­ m une system (and the body in general) is highly stressed. Did you know that recently lead­ ing scientists have discovered that the entire im m une system is an out-grow th o f the n er­ vous system ? If you nervous system is stressed and irri­ tated, the imm une system can- not work properly either. People y o u 'd be am azed at the energy w ho have regular Chiropractic you have with preventive C hi­ checkups report that they get ropractic checkups. If y o u ’d few crcolds and influenza. They like to trade in y o u r co ld s for keep the stress o ff their nervous a b o u n ce in y o u r step, call us systems. Keeping irritation off for an ap p o in tm en t today. It the nervous system also helps co u ld be the h ea lth iest call you avoid m orning backache you h av e e v e r m ade. Is n ’t and head-aches and allow s you tim e you step p ed up to C h i­ to cope with stress better. And ro p ra ctic? Flowers' Chiropractic Office 2124 N.E. Hancock Street, Portland Oregon 97212 Phone: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 *5 5 0 4 17 year olds, how ever, only in­ creased their score 2 points. While the improvements made by younger students should be celebrated, the continued gap between minority and white high school students must not be ig­ nored. Graduation rates in black and Latino com munities still lag behind those o f whites and, in urban areas, the dropout rates fo r stu d en ts o f co lo r are as- toundingly high. More important than meeting the standards o f NCLB should b e p r e p a rin g th e s e h ig h schools students for life o u t­ side o f the classroom . Individu­ als with a high school diplom a will eam m ore m oney over their life tim e than som eone w ithout one and are less likely to live in poverty. The jo b m arket is in­ creasin g ly co m p etitiv e; high school dropouts have few o p ­ tions for em ploym ent. In stead o f so lely fo cu sin g on te st sc o re s, th e n a tio n ’s e d u c a tio n sy ste m n e e d s to d iv ersify the w ay it helps stu ­ d e n ts le a rn . P ro g ra m s th a t te a c h “ o u ts id e o f th e b o x ” m ust be dev elo p ed . Part o f our jo b as a nation is to ensure all o f our children re­ ceive the best possible educa­ tio n w e can p ro v id e . S in c e N C L B sets th e sta n d a rd by which all schools are measured, we must work to ensure it takes into account the learning gap b etw een m in o rity and w hite high school and creates a plan for addressing it. Judge Greg Mathis is vice president o f Rainbow PUSH and a board member o f the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.