^JortlattÒ (BbscrUer _____________________ Page B2 May 6. 2009 Charles McCleoud CEO /ÍX cC íioud I N T L K I’RISEJ I C 516 Sf MORRISON ST. S H 540 PORTLAND. OREGON 97214 BUSINESS 503 234 44',2 CELI 503 901 1535 Hawthorne Liquor Store 4638 S.E Hawthorne Blvd. Portland, OR 97215 O L C C A gency #155 T Rick Knolins O w ner (503) 235-1573 Fax (503) 235-7368 Coaches Floyd Hall (left) and Mark Washington (right) with the winning Girls Gold Team at the 2008 Joyce Washington Basketball Classic. Advertise; with divei sity in I J u r t l a n i r O r B ern er TIM KING. Call LUTCF TIM KING AGENCY 7410 NE MLK ortland OR 97211 -285-1230 MOONSTAR INTERSTATE Bar & Grill 4234 N Interstate Ave., Portland OR 97217 503-287-9740 2621 NORTHEAST BROADWAY STREET PORTLAND OREGON 97232 Office 503-282-1528 Toll Free 888-282-1528 Far 503-493-2584 E-Mail tkin2eamfam.com 24-Hour Claims Reporting 800-374- REGISTERED REPRESENTATIVE AMERICAN FAMILY SECURITIES. LLC 6000 AMERICAN PARKWAY MADISON, Wl 53783 11 1-888 428 5433 ’Securities Ottered Through American Farmty Securities LLC 503-288-0033 ads @ port ver.com __________ 0202401 Pastor Willie X Hurst Jr ALw m gC kuith In I Hurting ACCESS GRANTED "Rritiging Out the lictory in in n ’ PHXLLlf M. H ARRI/ New Zion Ministries IS.rtUml. < >R IIM -IX .L Halsey Portland OR W 2H SewzionrevivaPa Comcast net Sunday Morning Worship ia 12pm Mid-Week Service-Wednesday to ’’p m I’honc; 702.416.6615 ph\!h*h

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