^ o rtla rtb © b sc ru e r________________ May 6. 2009 Page All H ealth matters Experts Work to Slow Spread of Swine Flu Public health system responds Oregon’s state and local pub­ lic health officials are working together and with federal offi­ cials to slow spread of the H 1N 1 swine flu and to continue to protect the public. “1 know Oregonians are con­ cerned and want to know what they can do to protect them ­ selves and their families,” said Dr. Mel Kohn, head of the Or­ egon Public Health Department. “This doesn’t change our ad­ vice - wash your hands, cover your cough and if you are sick stay home.” He said these are actions people can take to prevent the spread of the flu: Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol- based hand cleaners also are ef­ fective. C o v e r y o u r c o u g h s and sneezes with a tissue or your sleeve, not with your hand; Stay home if you are sick; Try to avoid contact with people who are ill; and practice other good health habits such as eating a balanced diet, exer­ cising regularly, getting suffi­ cient rest and not smoking. The Oregon Public Health website flu.oregon.gov is up- Laura Tsaknaridis extracts a suspect flu virus specimen at the Oregon Public Health Lab. dated regularly to provide in­ formation such as how to iden­ tify swine flu, prevent its spread as well as materials that employ­ ers, medical providers, schools, parents and others may use. ; Swine flu is a respiratory dis­ ease in pigs whose spread to humans has been historically rare in the U.S. Its symptoms are similar to those of normal seasonal influ­ enza such as fever, lethargy, lack of appetite and coughing, som etim es accom panied by • runny nose, sore throat, nau­ sea, vomiting and diarrhea. Eating pork that has been properly handled and cooked will not transmit the virus. D iet Pill D am ages L iver Ageless Inspiration (AP) — Government health officials have announced the recall of the popular weight loss pill Hydroxycut, after re­ ports o f liver dam age and other health problems. Food and Drug Administra­ tion officials said Friday the manufacturer of Hydroxycut Gerontolgy program honors activist The gerontology program based at the Sylvania Campus of Portland Community College recently hosted its annual “Ca­ reers in A ging” netw orking event in which a local activist was honored. PC C F a c u lty C h a ir Jan A b u sh a k ra h p re se n te d the “ A g e le s s I n s p ir a tio n Portland Community College Sylvania Campus President A w ard” to A lberta Sim m ons Linda Gerber (left) pays tribute to local activist Alberta for her longtim e work to cre­ Simmons (right) during a gerontology program careers in ate a ffo rd a b le h o u sin g in aging event for Simmons' dedication to creating affordable n o rth and n o rth e a s t P o r t­ housing, especially for seniors. la n d ,e s p e c ia lly for seniors. Earlier in the PCC program, L in d a G e rb e r, S y lv a n ia gram. Gerontology the study of the John Bowling, visiting dSsistaiif C a m p u s p r e s id e n t, a ls o spo k e and gave a c c o la d e s social, psychological and bio­ professor within the Manage­ to Sim m ons for her tireless logical aspects of aging. It is ment of Aging Services program distinguished from geriatrics, at Southern Oregon University, d e d ic a tio n . Simmons shared her life’s which is the branch of medicine spoke to the crowd about trends story with soon-to-be gradu­ that studies the disease of the and opportunities in the geron­ tology field. ates o f the gerontology pro- elderly. loss supplem ents, with sales of about 1 million bottles a year. Dietary supplements are not as tightly regulated by the gov­ ernment as medications. Manu­ facturers don’t need FDA ap­ proval ahead of time before marketing their products. W hat to take for arthritis pain: w ’ h Take a walk. A bike ride. A swim. Less Salt for Healthy Hearts "People need to know their Government health experts say people in the United States recommended daily sodium limit consume more than twice the and take action to reduce so­ recommended amount of salt, dium intake," Labarthe said. The study in CDC's weekly raising their risk for high blood pressu re, heart attack s and report on death and disease used national survey data to strokes. They found nearly 70 percent show that tw o out o f three of U.S. adults are in high-risk adults should be consuming no groups that would benefit from more than 1,500 mg of sodium a lower-salt diet of no more than per day because they are black 1,500 mg per day, yet most con­ sume closer to 3,500 mg per day. "It's important for people to eat less salt. People who adopt a heart-healthy eating pattern that includes a diet low in so­ dium and rich in potassium and calcium can improve their blood pressure," Dr. Darwin Labarthe of the Centers for Disease Con­ trol and Prevention said in a statement. has launched a nationwide re­ call of the dietary supplement, used by people trying to shed pounds and by body builders to sharpen their muscles. Hydroxycut is advertised as made from natural ingredients. It accounts for about 90 per­ cent o f the market for weight or over the age of 40 — which are c o n sid e re d h ig h -risk groups. Yet stu d ie s show m ost people in the United States eat 3,436 mg of sodium per day, ac­ cording to a 2005-2006 CDC es­ timate. M ost of the sodium eaten com es from packaged, pro­ cessed and restaurant foods. Studies show that 30 minutes of moderate physical activity three or more days a week can relieve pain and help you move more easily. You can break it up, doing 10 to 15 minutes at a time. To make it fun, do it with a friend. Stick with it, and in four to six weeks you could hurt less and feel better. Physical Activity. T h e A rthritis Pain Reliever. Call the Arthritis Foundation at 503-245-5695 for information about exercise and aquatics classes near you. A W H W . I I HOM t i l l C l N r M H H l * IJ lU A M C o N IM O I I Ml DlPAKIMINI Of ANI> P M W N I W N • T H f A * 111*11 H I l H N I H I IO S MAN S i «VK IS III • ( DC I AnR,HBI,,s A dvertise with diversity in ^ Ç o rtla n b ( © b s r r iir v ( ;dl 503*2XX-o<)33 . k Im portland« L isciaci . cm I) Join the Health Challenge! Make a choice for your health today It’s time to stop procrastinating about making changes for better health. Wise health For a complete class listing & choices can decrease your risk of heart attack, stroke, diabetes, cancer, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and other health problems. S IG N U P now for schedule, or to register call weekly classes that promote a healthy lifestyle, taught by health professionals and 503-281-8596 or visit our website at www.thehealthchallenge.org educators. Classes also Include: Live cooking dem onstrations To Place Your Classified Advertisement Contact; Km thy L in d e r Phone: 50? 288 0 0 3 3 Fax: 503-288 0 0 1 5 O R IE N T A T IO N Sunday, May 1 7 ,2 0 0 9 at Blood pressure checks Free book (after attending 10 classes) 3:30pm Let's get healthy! Register now! L O C A T IO N Community Learning Center 4212 NE Prescott St • Portland Sponsored by Urtwn Heelth Project I People to People Mimetrtee. Inc., a non p ro « organ,ration