Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 29, 2009, Page 8, Image 8

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    îllP ^îortlatlÙ © bscrU Bt______________________ April 29, 2009
Subscribe! 503
288 0033 !
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Portland (Ohsrrurr [
C lassified /B id
O U U d C I lU V ;
Attn: Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 |
Martin Luther
King Corridor
Located in the
Heart of Portland
For More Details Contact
Chuck or Mark Washington
2 Spaces Available
Joyce Washington Plaza
Oregon State Hospital - Salem
Bid Package #6A - Structural Concrete Work
M andatory Pre-Proposal Conference: M ay ls ta t 9 :0 0 a m
Q ualifications/Experience Due: May 8th at 2:00pm
Pricing Due: May 22nd a t 2:00p m
© b srru c r
ads' «partliu xjt ibserverxx >i i i
To Place Your
Radio Sales interviewing for
account executive position.
Minimum 5 years radio sales
experience required.« Send
resum e Attn: HR 0234 SW
Bancroft, Portland, OR 97239.
No phone calls please. Equal
Opportunity Employer.
To Place Your Classified Advertisement
Contact: Kathy Linder
Phone: 503-288-0033
Fax: 503-288-0015
e-mail: classifieds@portlandobserver.com
Bid Documents - Ford Graphics ( 5 0 3 /2 2 7 - 3 4 2 4 ) or
www.fordgraphics.com/oregon | PlanWell | Public Planroom
Hoffman Construction
Company of Oregon
Phone: (503) 221-8811 - Bid Fax: (503) 221 8888
8 0 5 SW Broadway, Suite 2100 - Portland, OR 9 7 205 - CCB LIC# 28417
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all Interested firms including
disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises.
Other Subcontracting Opportunité« - Internet http://www.hofhnencorp.com
Portland International Airport
Headquarters and P2 Parking Garage (HQP2)
Bid Package #7 - Asphalt Paving
Pre-Bid M eeting: April 2 9 ,2 0 0 9 a t 10:0 0 a m
Bids Due: M ay 2 0 ,2 0 0 9 a t 2:00p m
Bid Documents- Precision Im ages(503/274-2030) or www.bxwa.com
Hoffman Construction
Company of Oregon
Phone: (503) 221-8811 - Bid Fax: (503) 221-8888
8 0 5 SW Broadway, Suite 21 00 - Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 5 - CCB LIC# 28417
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested firms including
disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises.
Other Subcontracting Opportunities - Internet http://www.hoffmancorp.com
GIS Web Services
R F P 09-1422-PLN
The Data Resource Center of Metro, a metropolitan service
district organized under the laws of the State of Oregon and
the Metro Charter, located at 600 NE Grand Avenue,
Portland, OR 97232-2736, is requesting proposals for
assistance with implementation of web services using ArcGIS
Server. Proposals will be due no later than 3:00 p.m„ May
19, 2009 to the attention of Angela Watkins at Metro’s
business offices at 600 NE Grand Avenue, Portland, OR
97232-2736. Details concerning the project and proposal
are contained in this document.
Metro is seeking cost and time schedule quotes for GIS
web services and applications. Metro’s Data Resource
Center (DRC) has been providing research services and
products to the region's cities and counties for 28 years.
For the past 20 years, the DRC has developed and
maintained a Geographic Information System (GIS) with data
covering the region: the Regional Land Information System
(RLIS). This proposal seeks to facilitate distribution and
use of the data with web services and applications.
All Information submitted by Proposers shall become public
record and will be subject to disclosure under the Oregon
Public Records Act, except those portions of the proposals
for which Proposers request exception from disclosure
consistent with Oregon law.
Each proposal must be submitted in a form as described in
this proposal document.
All proposals must conform to the RFP format and be
complete including the use of any required forms. Metro
may accept or reject any or all bids, in whole or in part, or
waive irregularities not affecting substantial rights if such
action is deemed in the public interest.
Metro and its contractors will not discriminate against any
person(s) based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual
orientation, age, religion, physical handicap, political
affiliation or marital status.
M etro extends equal opportunity to all persons and
sp ecifically encourages m inority and w om en-ow ned
businesses to access and participate in this and all Metro
projects, programs and services.
s u b s c r ip tio n s are j u s t $60 p e r y e a r I
N ame : _________________________ I
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(please include check with this subscription forni)
or email subscriptions @ portlandobserver.com
Call 503-»28S-()()33
Contact: Kathy Linder
Phone: 503-288-0033
Fax: 5031288-0015
with diversity
<ri’e ^ Jo rth u th
Meeting Notice
The Portland Branch NAACP m em bership m eeting is
Saturday May 9,2009,11:00 A.M. at PCC Cascade Campus,
and the Executive Committee will meet at 10:00 A.M., both
in Terrell Hall- Room 107.
The public is Invited to come, share, and help develop "Unity
in the Community”
------------------------------ f - -----------:-----:---------------
Amendment No. 2008-04
The C ity of P ortlan d (C ity) p ro p o se s to am end Its
Consolidated Plan Action Plan for FY 2008-09 as follows:
Accept $4,172,282 In funding allocated by formula from
the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
under the Am erican Reinvestm ent and Recovery Act
Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program
(HPRP). The City may use the funds to prevent homelessness
or rapidly re-house households experiencing homelessness,
including the following activities:
• Financial assistance, Including: sh ort-term rental
assistance, m edium -term rental assistance, security
deposits, utility deposits, utility payments, moving cost
assistance, and motel or hotel vouchers.
• Housing relocation and stabilization services, including:
case m anage m e nt, outrea ch , h o u s in g se arch and
placement, legal services, mediation, and credit repair.
• Data collection and evaluation, including costs associated
with operating HUD-approved homeless management
information systems for purposes of collecting unduplicated
counts of homeless persons and analyzing patterns of use
of HPRP funds.
The City intends to expend HPRP funds over a two-year
period, beginning in September 2009. The City will allocate
funds first to maintain current levels of eligible, existing,
high-performing, homelessness prevention and rapid re­
housing activities that would not otherwise be funded for
FY 2009-10 and FY 2010-11 due to expiration of local One
Time Only funding; and then to expand eligible, existing,
high-performing, City-funded, homelessness prevention and
rapid re-housing activities, particularly the Short-term Rent
Assistance program operated by the Housing Authority of
Portland, to respond to increasing need. The City may
reserve as much as four percent of HPRP funds for data
collection and evaluation, and will use no more than five
percent for administrative costs.
A summary of the proposed Amendment is available at:
httD://www.Portlandonllne.com/bhcd/. A public hearing
regarding the proposed Amendment will be held at the
Housing and Community Development Commission meeting
on May 6,2009. Information regarding the meeting location
will be included in the meeting agenda, available at: http:/
/www.portlandon1lne.com/bhcd/lndex.cfm?c°32813. The
public hearing will be wheelchair accessible. If you need an
accommodation to participate in the hearing, or require an
interpreter, please call 823-2375 or 823-6868 (TDD) at
least three days In advance.
Position: Director, City of
Programmer Analyst 2
Portland's Housing Bureau
$46,363 - $64,209 annually
Lane County/AIRS
S a la ry Range: $ 98 ,65 4 -
Deadline: Close of business,
Monday, May 18, 2009
The City of Portland’s Housing
Director will be responsible for
establishing, d irecting and
overseeing P ortlan d ’s new
Housing Bureau. The Director
works closely with the City’s
e le c te d
o ffic ia ls ,
stakeholders, constituents
and custom er agen cies to
ensure bureau programs and
operations effectively service
the needs of the community.
Key priorities include planning,
integrating and directing the
organization, administration,
fin a n c ia l
m an a g e m e n t,
personnel and programs to
accomplish the mission and
priorities of the Bureau and the
City. For more information and
to apply online please visit our
w e b site
h ttp :/ /
www.ci.portland.or.us/jobs, or
contact Joe Wahl, Employment
& D evelopm ent M anger at
503-823-3517. The City of
P o rtla n d
is an
Opportunity Employer
Steel Buildings
All Sizes Discounted
Can Construct
Local Dealer Consultant
Save - Save • Deals of Deals
www.scg-grp.com Source# ORD
Phone: 503-714-9983
O ur team d e ve lo p s and
s u p p o rts a p p lic a tio n s fo r
p u b lic s a fe ty and ju s tic e
agencies. This position will
work with a team supporting
ve n d o r a p p lic a tio n s and
e n h a n c in g o ur in -h o u se
development. This position is
located in Eugene, Oregon and
provides a generous benefit
p a cka ge ,
w w w .la n e c o u n t v .o r g /
This position requires a BA/BS
degree with course work in
computer science or a related
field and 2 years experience:
SQL Server, Crystal, MS Visual
S tu d io
and C#, .N et,
experience a plus. For details
on this position, which closes
on May 11, and details on how
to a p p ly, p le a se v is it:
w w w .la n e co u n tv.o rg/io b s/
posting 209038 or contact
Human Resources at 541-
682-3665. E O E /A D A
A Absolutely New Queen Pillowtop
M attress with Box S e t Still Sealed
In Plastic. Can Deliver
$ 1 5 0. (5 0 3 )8 2 8 -8 9 2 7
employment opportunity for
P/T hairstylist earn $20-25.00
per hr.
make you own hours & days of
work submit your resume to
The Metropolitan Exposition Recreation
Commission (MERC) Is soliciting proposals
for the “OCC Solar Energy Project” located at
the Oregon Convention Center. M ERC is sp e cifica lly
requesting proposals whereby the Contractor (“proposer”)
will finance, design, build, operate and maintain solar
photovoltaic (PV) electric power systems for MERC at the
Oregon Convention Center (OCC), and sell the electricity
generated by the Project to OCC at guaranteed rates.
The objective of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to identify
and select the most qualified turnkey photovoltaic (PV)
system supplier/contractor for the design, installation,
operation, maintenance and ownership of a 1 megawatt
(MW) to 1.25 MW grid connected PV System. Upon selection
of the most qualified Proposer, MERC intends to enter into a
Purchase Power Agreement (PPA) between MERC and the
solar PV Proposer. MERC intends to start negotiating a Power
Purchase Agreement no later than July 6, 2009. MERC
desires that the entire project be completed by December
31, 2009. The proposers subm itting proposals will be
expected to Include preliminary PV system sizing detail,
projected monthly production data, a firm tariff rate for the
solar-generated electricity (Including an escalation clause),
projected annualized cost savings for MERC, (MERC hopes
to purchase power at or below our current combined rates)
and an operation/maintenance proposal for the turn-key PV
Th is RFP, any su b sequ en t addenda, P roject general
requirements and MERC standards are available on the
MERC website: w w w .m ercvenues.org and can also be
obtained directly by contacting Renee Pace, with the MERC
C a p ita l/ C o n s tru c tio n
D ivisio n
reneepace@mercvenues.org. via fax at 503-731-7870 or
via phone request at 503-731-7927.
8:30 am -
11:30 am , A pril 30,2009. The Pre-Proposal Conference will
begin at 8:30 am in the King Boardroom of the Oregon
Convention Center located at 777 NE Martin Luther King Jr.
Blvd., Portland, Oregon. The meeting is intended to clarify
the solicitation requirements and provide an opportunity for
questions and answers. Additional site data Is expected to
be available for review at the Pre-Proposal Conference and
the Site Tour is scheduled Immediately thereafter. There will
be no other site tour opportunities for Proposers and their
Team members. R e a s e R S V P to Renee Pace byApril 2 3 ,2 0 0 9 at
reneepace@mercvenues.org or via phone a t 5 0 3 -7 3 1 -7 9 2 7 to
MANDATORY Pre-Proposa l Conference and Sit e Tour:
attend the Pre-Proposal Conference and Site Tour.
A tten dan ce and slgn-ln a t th e Pre-Proposal Conference by an
authorized representative of the proposing Ann Is required In order to
Hard copies of the summary of the proposed amendment
are available to the public at the address below. Please
address any questions or comments to Beth Kaye at City of
Portland Bureau of Housing and Community Development,
421 SW 6th Ave., #1100, Portland, OR 97204, 503-823-
2393, TTY (503) 823-6868, bkaye@ci.portland.or.us by
May 6, 2009.
Advertise with diver sity in
|la r tla m > (O liBcrurr
( '.di 5O3-288-OO3S ads@portlandoh server com
be eligible to submit a Proposal.
Submission of Proposals for the OCC Solar Energy Project - One (1)
original and four (4) copies of the proposal shall be furnished
in sealed envelopes clearly Marked “OCC Solar Energy
P ro je ct" and addressed to: M etropolitan Exposition
Recreation Commission 777 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.,
Portland, OR 97232 to the attention, Construction/Capital
Projects, Heather Peck, no later than 4:00PM Pacific Time,
June 5, 2009. Late Proposals will not be accepted and will
be returned to the Proposer unopened.