Îlîc Jîo rtla n ô (©bseruer A p ril 29, 2009 Page A7 Farmers Market to Open in Northeast continued ¿ ^ f r o m Front Neighbors fund, where every dollar spent by people receiv­ ing food assistance will be matched by the market, giving people twice the buying power. "We want this to be a market for everyone,” Coleman says. “We want people to be walking away with fresh, healthy food, and we want to remove any bar­ riers to that.” The organizers say the asso­ ciation with Portland Farmers their expertise and resources, Market, which has been selling rather than do it ourselves and locally-grown fruits, vegetables wind up as a short-term blip on and fre sh -b a k e d p ro d u c ts history.” Others have tried and downtown for 20 years was a fa ile d at th is v e n tu re , she noted. great stroke of luck. Sweet said through the seed Coleman said cementing the deal came after discussions oc­ o f an idea, things have really curred last October at a Sabin blossomed. “We d id n ’t have to start n e ig h b o rh o o d m eeting a t­ small. We put ou, an appeal for tended by Rosemary Cordello, chair of the Portland Farmers v en d o rs on th e ir datab ase, which has 230 entrees, and 67 Market board. “It was a chance to utilize people responded.” From this they selected about 40, which people to help work on the they feel is the maximum the site venture last winter, “The re­ can comfortably hold. sponse was overw helm ing,” However, Coleman adds, that Coleman says. vendors interested in participat­ Sweet says about 15 dedi­ ing should still co n ta c t cated people attended every p o rtlan d farm ersm ark et.o rg , meeting as plans for the market since vacancies are likely to were made, representing a very occur either this season or next. diverse set of interests, in addi­ A nother “b lossom ing” of tion to others involved to a the King Farmers Market idea lesser degree. has been an o u tp o u rin g o f Coleman hopes that this mar­ volunteer activity. W hen the ket, like those in other commu­ N ortheast C oalition invited nities, can be a tool for both gathering and sharing informa­ tion and organizing. Having prepared foods ready to eat could draw in people on their way home from Sunday church services, she says. "W hen the economy is so bad, it’s important for people to get out and maintain contact with their neighbors,” she says. “The market can be a substi­ tute for some of the regular ac­ tivities that used to be here and brought people together.” Excited About Science this tend to do better with their school work. "We had limited resources, C h u rc h h o ste d an e v e n t where the teams showed off limited time, and limited space," what they could do while their said A ndy A n d erso n , who parents and other community coached the Joybots. Anderson currently works as members m unched on cake. Robots built from Legos and a technology consultant and o th e r m a te ria ls s c u rrie d attributes the enthusiasm for around on both the tile floor his career to a robotics program and a table picking up and he participated in during his dropping objects to the ap­ youth. “It paved the way for me,” he plause of the audience. Hartzog is hoping to drum up said. Anyone interested in getting more support for the team so that it can do even better next in v o lv ed should v isit the year. He added that kids who website ortop.org for more in­ have hands-on activities like formation. continued ¿ ^ J r o m Front W. James Singleton Attorney at Law If you or a loved one have sustained serious Injury or death you may have a cause of action: photo by J ake T homas /T he P ortland O bserver Lego Robotics Joybots team member Ralyasha Paris adjusts a robot during a demonstration at Bethel AME Church in northeas t Portland. 1) . Rapttva - used to treat Psoriasis but can cause rare brain in fe ctio n know n as PM L (P ro g re ss ive M u ltifo cal Leuko e nce phalopa thy), variou s m aligna ncies, Viral Meningitis, Invasive Fungal Disease, Anemia and Bacterial Sepsis injected into bloodstream to enhance MRI/ MRA screenings but can cause NSF(Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis) which can lead to kidney or renal failure. Symptoms may include swelling, hardening and tightening of the skin, reddened or darkened patches of skin, burning and itching of skin, yellow raised spots on the whites of eyes and stiffening of joints. 2 ) . Gadolinium - Tailpipe Shudders on 1-5 Bridge tremely toxic and are typically traffic flow could end up giving emitted from highways. Cars an incentive for people to drive up toxic zinc dust, she said, emit chemicals such as nitrogen more, putting more tailpipes on and it’s just a bad idea to have oxide, nitrogen dioxide, and the freeway along with more densely populated areas next benzene. People exposed to a pollution into north and north­ to freeways. combination of these chemicals east Portland. According to an Oregon could be at particular danger, “The argument doesn’t really Department of Environmental she said. hold water unless you’re talk­ Quality analysis, north and “We just know that people ing about real numbers,” she northeast Portland already don’t do very well near the free­ said, responding to Adams’ rea­ has an unhealthy concentra­ way,” she said. soning. tion of toxic chemicals emit­ M ayor Sam Adams is also The problem, said George, is ted from the freeway. concerned about environmen­ getting reliable numbers. All we George explains that evi­ dence from epidemiological studies is absolutely clear that there is a link between peoples’ proximity to high­ frP P W H V -U n d a G e o fg e .a tiim p h e ilc ways and them developing J r C C W u y . chemlstatPortlandStateUnlverolty A health problems. She is particularly co n ­ cerned about small particulate tal impacts, but holds faith that have at this point are models matter, which is complex mix­ having more lanes will help keep that attempt to predict what will ture of small particles and traffic moving and reduce the happen and models rely on as­ droplets made up of acids, emissions from autos stuck in sumptions that could be false, organic chem icals, metals, traffic. she said. and soil or dust particles. Add in the uncertainty sur­ If congestion is relieved, cars According to the Environ­ won’t billow chemicals into sur­ rounding the future of transpor­ m ental Protection Agency rounding neighborhoods while tation. W hat would happened particulate matter can cause they idle in traffic on the high­ if gas soared to $5 a gallon, for serio u s p ro b lem s w ith way and air quality will improve, example, and stayed there for peoples’ lungs and hearts. Adams told the Portland Ob­ years, goading people into tak­ George also said that die­ server. ing mass transit. Newer energy sel em issions are also ex ­ George warns that improving technology could also make the continued ^ g ^ fr o m Front “ We just know that people don ’t do very well near the Chiropractic Auto Injury Clinic, PC automobile more affordable and cleaner. Adams said pollution con­ cerns don't go away even if the Columbia Crossing isn’t b u ilt b ecause w ith o u t a higher-density new bridge, traffic will surely back up into downtown Portland. George responds that “The problem takes care of itself if you let congestion stay.” She arg u es th a t if Vancouverites routinely have a two hour commute to work because of traffic, for example, they’ll be more likely to take mass transit. City Commissioner Amanda Fritz attempted to add amend­ ments that would place envi­ ronmental justice and health advocates on the p roject's overseeing committee. Both died for a lack of a second. G eorge expects that the project’s car-friendly trajec­ tory will be hard to reverse. While very disappointed in the city for approving this project, she still projects some hope. “We’re Portland. We can be creative,” she said. 3 ) . Raglan - used to treat heart burn and gastroesophagel or acid reflux but can cause temporary/permanent involuntary movement (tardive dyskinesia) which can effect the face, and other parts of the body. It has also been known to cause Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome which symptoms include high fever, sweating, unstable blood pressure, stupor, muscular rigidity and autonomic dysfunction. used to treat Grave’s (thyroid) disease in children but can cause severe liver damage or death. 4 ) . Propylthiouracil - used to manage tremors and slowness of movement associated with Parkinson's Disease or Restless Leg Syndrome. Can cause damage to the mitral, aortic and tricuspid heart valves, which includes leakage of these valves. 5 ) . Permax - Medical Devices: vaginal mesh sling used to treat bladder incontinence in women but can cause severe infection, extreme vaginal pain, vaginal extrusion and urinary tract erosion. 6 ) . Mentor OB Tape 7) . Duragesic Pain Patch - used to treat pain but patch may leak and cause inadequate treatment or a fatal fentanyl/ morphine overdose The Singleton Law Firm , 8 7 7 -6 3 1 -5 2 0 0 www.slngletonlaw.com Lawyers at the Singleton Law Finn a n admitted to practice law In Loultlana and Teaae. In other jurisdictions, we wort with local couneel T erry F amily . 2337 n w ¡u¡am s Ave. Portland, Or 97227 Zchon R. Jones, DC 333 NE Russell St., #200, Portland, OR. 97212 503-249-1788 (503) 284-7838 We make the service personal. You make the tribute personal. Truly making a difference in the lives of Auto Accident victims and Ii\jured Workers for 16 years. If you or someone you know has been in an accident, call us so we can help you with your needs. (503) 284-7838 Every lime we arrangea personalized funeral seiviee. we take special pride going the extra mile With our online Memorial Obituary, now we can do even more Friends and family eati find out service information, view photos, read obituary. We are located on the com er o f MLK and Russell Street, on the second floor above the coffee shop. order flowers and leave personal messages of condolences from anywhere, anytime Sim ply go to our website. w w w. terry fa mi ly fu n era I h om e. eo m "Dedicated h> providing excellent service and sn/rerior care o f your loved one •X e w F Ptrkitw Aiea tUNE RnsMdl •244 Amy S. Terry Rtkwell St S Oregon I ícense I S-0395