A p ril 29, 2009 Page A2 U S Flu Deaths Likely It pays to be green. MetroPaint Government gears up to fight outbreak (A P) — F ederal o ffic ia ls warned on Tuesday that swine- flu related deaths were likely in the United States as the disease that killed scores in Mexico con­ tinued to spread across the world and governments inten­ sified steps to battle the out­ break. The num ber o f confirm ed cases in the U.S. was raised to 64, but states and cities were re p o rtin g m ore su sp e c te d cases. In New York, the city's health c o m m issio n e r said "many hundreds" of schoolchil­ dren were ill at a school where some students had confirmed cases. P resid en t B arack O bam a asked Congress for $1.5 billion in emergency funds to fight the fast-spreading disease. C u b a banned flig h ts to International travelers arrive at Bradley Terminal at Los Angeles International Airport Tuesday wearing masks as concern over catching swine flu increases. Mexico, where public life is be­ ing altered dramatically by ill­ ness. Richard Besser, acting direc­ tor of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said in Atlanta: "I fully expect we will see deaths from this infection. T hat was echoed by U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano. "It is very likely that we will see more seri­ ous presentations of illness and some deaths as we go through this flu cycle," she said. Besser said the U.S. has 64 confirm ed cases across five states, with 45 in New York, one in Ohio, two in Kansas, six in Texas and 10 in California. M exico City cracked down even further on public life, c lo s in g g y m s, sw im m in g pools and pool halls and or­ dering restaurants to limit ser­ vice to takeout. The new flu strain is a combi­ nation of pig, bird and human viruses for which humans may have no natural immunity. Housing Advocate Goes to the Extreme What' FS Green Seal™ certified and comes in colors from barn red to summer-sky blue? MetroPaint 100% recycled latex. Recognized as a 2008 Top 10 Green Product*, it's good for the environment and great for your home. And at $10 or less per gallon, it's easy on the wallet, too. •Sustainable Industries business magazine Swan Island MetroPaint Store 4825 N. Basin Ave., Portland Metro 503-234-3000 www.oregonmetro.gov/paint Calls for civil disobedience A national housing advocate told a group of about 70 activ­ ists in P o rtla n d th a t being against the oppression and ex­ ploitation of homeless people was not enough. Max Rameau has gained na­ tional attention for his work with Take Back the Land, a Mi­ ami-based radical community organization that finds empty foreclosed homes and then ille­ gally moves homeless families into them. R am eau spoke Sunday at Portland State University. To date, he says his group has "liberated" nine houses in Florida and has four more in the works. Rameau was in Portland for several days to swap ideas and strategies with organizations ra n g in g from the P o rtla n d current housing crisis with more homeless encampment called moderate strategies, but that Dignity Village, to the social there was genuine interest in replicating his more radical justice group Oregon Action. His presence has sparked in­ work. Rameau said that in Miami te re st in the audacious ap ­ several individuals proach to solving from different orga- homelessness. n iz a tio n s ex­ ”1 w as hoping pressed a serious that it would spark d e sire to b eg in dialogue and con­ moving homeless v e rsa tio n on the families into fore­ possibilities in the closed homes. P ortland area for T he F lo rid a doing some kind of city's chief of po­ similar work," says lice even told ABC Tim Shipp, a PSU Max Rameau News that he has stu d e n t involved with Students for Unity, the little interest in putting a halt to group that brought Rameau to Take Back the Land's activities. During the question period Portland. Walidah Imarisha. an adjunct he was asked if anyone was professor in PSU's Black Stud­ setting up similar operation» in ies D epartm ent also was in­ Portland. "Hopefully you guys can talk volved with Rameau's visit. He about that when we're done," said that much of his discus­ he replied. sion focused on addressing the Lottery funding supports jobs and economic development across the state. How do we restart Oregon's economy? Lottery funds are working around the In Eugene, Lottery profits backed construction bonds for the new state to preserve existing jobs, create new jobs and train a workforce ready to Lorry I. 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