^ o rtla n h ffibscruer________________________ PageA7 April 22.2009 R eligion ‘Vancouver Avenue’ Chronicles Lives continued j ^ J r o m Front dividuals. T h e V a n c o u v e r A venue Church was founded in 1944 in Vancouver, with approxi­ mately 25 African American members holding services in a o n e -ro o m W orld W ar II housing project. U nder the ministerial leadership of na­ tive Louisianan, Rev. Dr. O.B. W illiams, the church moved to its current location at 3138 N. Vancouver Ave. and grew o d ist C h u rc h , a latelSO O s to include som e 1,300-plus S candinavian co n g regation that once inhabited the cur­ parishioners. A historical highlight to the rent edifice o f Vancouver Av­ b o o k is a w ritte n c a p su le enue Church. The e d ific e is h isto ric a l about the local African Ameri­ can community by long-time both by its architecture and local historian and former city fo r the c h u r c h ’s c o n trib u ­ o f P o rtla n d C o m m issio n e r tions to the community. It was built in 1909 when the area Dick Bogle. O regonian w riter and local w as k now n as the c ity o f historian John Terry also con­ Albina. The building which trib u te d a w ritte n h isto ry turns 100 in Septem ber is one piece about the Central M eth­ of the last remaining religious structures w'ith such long-time A frican -A m erican ro o ts in north and northeast Portland. D u rin g th e 1960s, V ancouver Avenue was the central gathering site during the civ il rights m ovem ent. Rev. Dr. M artin Luther King once visited the church. The book also sheds histori­ cal light on the several local African American civic organi­ zations that church members have been associated w ith, such as the Prince Hall Masons, Eastern Star, the LINKS, the A sso c ia tio n o f C o lo red Women’s Clubs and the Urban League of Portland. For 65 years, the Vancouver A venue C hurch has been a place of spiritual refuge, re­ joicing and renewal, a symbol of love, hope, community and charity. O ften re fe rre d to as the “Place with a H eart-felt Wel­ com e!” the church continues Smokey Norful Gospel Album Debuts No. 1 Grammy award winning artist Smokie Norful's new CD release Smokie Norful Live, debuted at #1 on the Billboard Top Gospel Album chart — his second #1 CD debut and third #1 record. Recorded live in front o f a standing room audience at The Cannon Center in Memphis, the 10-track CD was produced by Norful and Jaso n Tyson, and in clu d es g u est p e rfo r­ m an ces by T ony A w ard w in n in g a rtis t, H eather Headley and Stellar Award winner Tye Tribbett. "Smokie's hard work, talent and com m it­ ment to the m inistry shine through on his new album," states Ken Pennell, President of EMI Gospel. In a recent "Critics' Choice" review , New York Times music critic Ben Ratliff writes that Norful is “a smooth but powerful singer in the Donny Hathaway m old.” Dear Deanna! A good friend and 1 becam e lovers a n d o u r frie n d s h ip w as ru in ed in the p ro c ess. 1 had h ig h h o p e s that o u r frien d sh ip w as stro n g e n ough to b e a r any storm . B efo re we sta rte d d a tin g I w as w ith so m e ­ one e lse sexually. I b e cam e p re g ­ nant and th o u g h t I w as c erta in w h o the fa th e r w as. W e w ere all sh o c k e d w hen the p a te rn ity test in d ic a te d a th ird m an in m y life. I am to rn in sid e, h a v e lo st m y b e st frie n d and b e co m e a sin g le p a ren t. H ow c an I at lea st g et m y friendship back? - T a m m ie ; R ich­ m o n d , Va. Dear Tammie: Y ou have m ade a m ess o f y our life and b la z e d a trail o f d e stru ctio n . Y ou sh o u ld be e m b a rra s se d and a sh a m e d o f y o u rs e lf w ith y our Mother, Grandmother Remembered Smokie Norful leads the Billboard Top Gospel chart with his latest CD release ‘Smokie. Norful Live.' Ask Deannal jÉ M b k t A Real People, Real Advice \n tub ice col a ina A a o m a fo r reality based subjects! recreatio n al sex and loose m orals. Y o u r fr ie n d s h ip w as lo st th e m om ent you becam e in tim ate and c o m p le te ly k ille d w ith y o u r p re g ­ n an cy . R ig h t now y o u r fo c u s is re q u ire d to ra ise y o u r c h ild and g e t y o u rs e lf to g e th e r. If y o u r frie n d s h ip is m ea n t to be th en y o u r pal w ill re tu rn . If n o t, learn fro m y o u r silly m ista k e s, grow up a n d k e e p it m ov in g . Dear Sean: Instead o f being a pathetic beggar, open your eyes and see that your girlfriend Was acheating two-tim er. She played gam es with tw o men and chose the one that w ould m arry ®bltuari6S In Lovin§ Annie Jenkins F u n eral se rv ic e s for A nnie Jenkins were held Tuesday at Fel­ lowship Missionary Baptist Church. She was bom Aug. 22, 1927 in Jonesboro, La. Her mother Sarah, father Charlie Robinson and brother Ernes, Robinson preceded her in death. She attended Franklin Parish High School in Winnsboro, La., but had to quit school to take care of her ill mother. She continued her education a, Franklin Parish Training School where she received her C.N.A. degree. In 1941, she met Elmos Lee Jenkins. They married July 9,1948. He preceded her in death in 1978. Their relationship was all about love and respect for each other. The Lord blessed their marriage and the couple held the threads to hold their family together. She was so loved and respected by everyone who knew her. She loved to fish even though sometimes the fish didn’t bite. She loved the outdoors and spent quality time with her family, gardening, read­ ing her bible and ministering to individuals. Her love for people was her ministry. She would open her door to help anyone. She received the Lord a, an early age and was baptized at St. John Baptist Church in Winnsboro. She faithfully attended and served as church mother for St. Mark Baptist Church. In her time of illness, God’s mercy and grace al­ lowed her to reach her 81 st birthday. Only God knew her appointed time and called her home on April 16, 2(X)9 a, 6:45 a m., and said, “Well done my good and faithful servant. Annie leaves to cherish her love, life and legacy, her sons, Robert Lee Robinson and wife Willie Jean of Joliet, 111., Willie L. Robinson and wife Gwen of Portland. LeRoy Robinson and wife Joanne of Hous­ ton, Texas; Elmos Lee Jenkins, Charles Jenkins, Bobby Jenkins and Rusty J. Jenkins and wife Barbara, all of Portland; her daughters, Mary S. Jenkins, Martha L. Jenkins, Clara A. Jenkins and Pamela Jenkins, all of Portland; 21 grandchildren, 34 great grandchildren and a host of nieces, nephews, cousins, extended family and special friends. Arrangements by Terry Family Funeral Home. i Dear Deanna! M y girlfriend o f tw o years d e ­ stroyed me. I learned that the entire tim e we w ere dating she w as seeing som eone else. For a year she has been trying to pressure m e into m arriage but I w asn ’t ready. She ended her relationship w ith me and a few w eeks later announced she was getting m arried. 1 see the things she w anted and I'm w illing to look like a fool to get her back. She tells m e that I blew m y chances. I feel desperate and want to know is there anything I can do to get her back? - -Sean; M em phis, Tenn. Memory Jimmie Green Jim m ie Green passed away on April 2, 2(X)9, af­ ter a courageously bat­ tling congestive heart fail­ ure. He was bom in Ratio, Ark on Aug 18, 1923 to Harrison and Annie Mae Green. He joined the Navy in 1941 and served proudly on the USS Hydra. After World War II, he went to work for the VA hospital and worked there until he retired in 1983. He joined the U.S. Army Reserves in the 1950’s and served honorably until he retired in 1981. Jimmie met and married Almeta Cole in 1948 and they were married for 41 years. He was preceded in death by his wife Almeta, daughter Sheila Green and son Stephen Cole. He is survived by daughters Gail Green o f San D im as, C a lif.; D onna G reen N ic k e lb e rry and son-law N olan Nickelberry of Seattle; Debra G. Roper and son-in-law Gary Roper of Portland; and son Phillip Green and daughter-in-law Cynthia Green of Seattle; grandchildren LaTonya A n d erso n , M arcus G reen, Shevon Johnson, Gary Roper Jr.. Bryan and Nolan Nickelberry, and Danielle Roper; and 2 great grandchildren, Kielon and Alexander Anderson. He also leaves behind his sis­ ter Jessie Tate of Portland; his Aunt Mar­ garet Brooks of San Diego and a whole host o f nephew s, nieces, cousins and friends. Jimmie lived a very good life after his retirement; he enjoyed gardening, travel­ ing and being with his family and friends. He served on several boards, the City of Portland Council on Aging, the Portland Urban League and the Council on Aging. He served as a volunteer at Urban League Multi-Cultural Senior Center. The family requests that remembrances can be made to Urban League Multi-Cul­ tural Senior Center, 5325 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd , Portland. to forge forward in Christ un­ der the pastoral leadership of Rev. J.W. Matt Hennessee. O rders for a copy o f the c o lle c to r ’s lim ite d ed itio n book can be reserved by sub­ mitting $65, plus $13.50 for shipping and handling to The Vancouver Avenue First Bap­ tist Church, 3138 N. Vancouver Ave., care of The History Book Office, Portland, OR 97227. For more information, call the church at 503-282-9496. Spring Revival at AME Zion Community A. M. E. Zion Church, 3605 E. 13th St., in Vancouver, in­ vites the public to attend its spring revival, ‘A Healing Touch,’ at 7 p.m. nightly, beginning Wednesday, April 22 through Friday. April 24. Rev. Keith I. Harris o f Jackson M e­ m orial A. M. E. Z ion C hurch in Hempstead, N.Y., will serve as guest evangelist. For more information, contact Rev. R obert F. K em p at 360-693-4566. For transportation, call the Van Trans­ portation Ministry at 360-281-6679. her. Y ou can look like a fool if you want but if she cheated on you with another m an once, she ’ 11 do it again but next tim e things m ay be worse. You sh o u ld n ’t allow a w om an to have this kind o f pow er. Get your­ self together, hold your head up and w ork through your pain and wait for the lady th at’s m eant for you. r A.sk Deanna is written by Deanna We moved to our new location at: 9713 S.W. Capitol, Portland, OR M. Write Ask Deanna! at the email askdeannal @yahoo.com or 264 S. LaCieneya Blvd. Suite 1283 Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website: n’t w . askdeanna. com State Farm* Providing Insurance and Financial Services Home Office. Bloomington. Illinois 61710 Michael E Harper 503-221-3050 Fax 503-227-8757 &