Œl,t |Jin tlanò ffibserber____________________ April 22.2009 PageAi2 F ood LOW FAT Recipes Safeway SAFEWAY W all the is o n lin e Ingredients for life.. », reclp«* O nline c w ee kly Garlic Cheese Biscuits T H IS W E E K E N D ... R edeem your big Ingredients • 2 cups reduced fax baking mix • 2/3 cup skim milk • Vi cup shredded reduced fat Cheddar C heese • Vi tsp garlic pow der • B u tte r f la v o r e d n o n s tic k c o o k in g spray(optional) P ow er Pum p R e w a rd s b e fo r e th e y e x p ire * 5 SATURDAY & S U N D A Y ONLY o n 6 /2 0 /0 9 Directions 1. H eatovento450°F. Mix baking mix, milk, cheese and garlic pow der to make soft dough. Beat vigorously 30 seconds. 2. D rop dough by 10 to 12 spoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheet. 3. Bake 8 to 10 m inutes or until golden brown. Spray w arm biscuits with cooking spray before rem oving from cookie sheet. Serve warm. M akes 10 to 12 biscuits HOUR Four cheese Vegetable Lasagna Ingredients • 8 lasagna noodles • 1 cup carrots, thinly sliced • 2/3 cup green onions, sliced • 1/3 c u p b e ll p e p p e r, chopped • 2 cloves garlic minced • 1/3 cup all-purpose flour • 2 cups m ilk 2% low fat • 1/3 cup Parm esan cheese grated • 1/6 tsp salt • 1/6 tsp pepper • 6-2/3 oz frozen spinach, thawed • 1 1/3 tsp vegetable oil cooking spray • 1 1/3 cups broccoli, chopped • 1 cup cottage cheese, low fat, drained, squeezed dry • 2-3 cup m ozzarella cheese, part skim milk • 1/3 Swiss cheese, shredded bogle e , T„RpAV& SUNDAY WIV » Extreme VatuaP«*. Or Bottom Rusai A misi al $1.98 fc UVEgflfttM*. 2 0 * F it F o s te r F a rm s prod«4- • , . t ,IBPAV & SIINOAV OWtY' CLUB P B IC t D irections 1. Cook lasagna noodles, om itting salt and fat. D rain; set aside. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. C ook broccoli, carrot, onions, bell pepper, and garlic in a D utch oven coated with cooking spray over m edium high heat. Sauté 7 m inutes; set aside. 2. Place flour in a medium saucepan. Gradually add milk, stirring with a whisk until blended. Bring to a boil over m edium high heat. Cook 5 m inutes or until thick, stirring constantly. Add half o f the Parm esan cheese, salt, and pepper; cook 1 minute, stirring constantly. Rem ove from heat, stir in spinach. Reserve 1/2 cup o f spinach m ixture for top layer of EXTRLMt VALUE casserole and set aside. 3. C om bine cottage, m ozzarella, and Swiss cheese; stir well. Spread 1/2 cup spinach m ixture in the bottom o f a 13 x 9 inch baking dish coated with cooking spray. Arrange 4 lasagna noodles over spinach mixture in dish; top with h alf o f cottage cheese mixture, half o f broccoli mixture, and half o f remaining spinach mixture. Repeat layers, ending with noodles. Spread reserved 1 /2 cup spinach mixture over noodles. Sprinkle with rem aining coniBPAV n SUNDAY r S w SJ or Santa 750-ml Parmesan mixture. 4. C over and bake for 35 m inutes. Servings: 9 prices on h prodt'c® Chicken & Broccoli Fettuccine Alfredo Ingredients • 12 oz fettuccine • 1 lb fat free chicken tenders • 1 *4 cups chopped onions •2 1 /2 cups sliced m ushroom s • 13 Vi oz can fat free chicken broth • 1 cup fat free cream • 20 ox frozen broccoli florets • 1 tsp w hite pepper due m m D irections 1. Prepare fettuccine according to package directions; drain and keep warm. Lightly spray a large non-stick skillet w ith non-fat cooking spray and heat over m edium high heat. 2. A dd chicken tenders and cook until chicken is no longer pink and is cooked through; rem ove chicken from skillet and set aside. 3. Lightly respray skillet, sauté onions until soft and transparent, about 5 m inutes. Add m ushroom s and continue cooking until m ushroom s are tender. 4. Stir in chicken broth and cream cheese; heat over m edium high heat until mixture almost com es to a boil and thickens. 5. A dd chicken, broccoli, and pepper to skillet; cook over m edium heat until heated through. T oss with fettuccine and serve im m ediately. Cl UB P R IC t C IU B P R IC t Safeway Refracto* neu naive Water „dici Yoplait Yogurt 24-pdCk, 16.3-02. 4 to 6-02. Selected varieties SAVE up Io $2.00 on 10 dub Price: $3.33«. Plus deposit in Oregon. SAVE up to $6 48 on 3 Low-fat Blueberry Muffins Ingredients • 1 Vt cups all-purpose flour • 2 tsp baking pow der • Vi tsp salt • 2 eggs • '/icu p skim milk • 2 T bsp vegetable oil • Vi tsp vanilla extract • 1 cup frozen blueberries, thaw ed and juices reserved D irections 1. C om bine the flour, baking pow der, and salt in a m ixing bowl. In a separate bowl, beat together the eggs, milk, oil, vanilla, and about 1/2 cup o f the reserved blueberry juice. 2. Add this m ixture along with the blueberries to the dry ingredients and mix until thoroughly com bined. Fill m uffin tins about 2/3 full with the batter and bake in a preheated 400F oven for 20 to 25 m inutes. M akes 12 muffins. Tide Laundry Detergent 134 to 142-«. Powder or 100-oz. 2 j liquid Selected varieties SAVE up Io $550 Get 2 FREE boxes of Safeway Pasta (12 m i M t w tW b M when you buy 2 Classicn Pasta Sauces < r In J 'n > Seertedea/lcelev n n tiP K fn r j m e a . l I ■ p S33» must be made witti vow Club Card In » swqle tiamact'O« between 4)20)09 - 4/30)09 Pwdtra amoun! wil be touted (ron vow sales weet Gift Card Mall; Your place for One-Stop shopping Product» may not 9d M iia M « »m orn See gift cardi tor dnfad» terms and cncdmona, wfueh may wary taananoE W IO ÎMUW Pnces in th n MW »UN MOM TVM» good through April 2 tth dm «1 m rifcHwe 6 AM Weritw«tay. toril 22 Uru l>sd»y April 2H ?009 m «ii Safeway dor« m (fe|»n iecapt Minor houwafer) and S W Wwhmijuv. urwig Walda* u * t » 'Juwht; fla»k SLunatM and KfcrtWl oudms tawa *oi safe «e r «waiiMXa Io ether w wW*"y**s W r i, 9 pkx M k .I s « M**»*’ *’ DVi-noot^imie-* nu jut«, . ¿ L - «u.fuiMUiHitoj»rviM SfYME ADVEHilSING ITEMS MAY NO! HE AVAJl AHE \ All STORES Son* »WtiafKl prices tray ba ewr low« - «m e atoms On Huy One (* t O n *H a t( HUGO ) No Htjuor Mas m n POOB m 52 dairy a No Hotter utes tor t esaM liquor safes at fcmwd S a le ** A m onty © 2009 Safeway inc AvwMMty 1 dwne nay yary bv stum