Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 22, 2009, Page 11, Image 11

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    ^Jnrtlanb (©bseruer
Aprii 22.2009
x X I \ ilu
Accomplished Photographers
Edis Jurcy's
‘Fish-Jamaica. '
O nda Gallery, 2215 N.E. A lberta St., is show ­
casing w ork by tw o aw ard-w inning photogra­
phers, Edis Jurcys and H ugo Ludena.
Ju rcy s’ silver gelatin prints are im ages from
Jam aica. A native o f Lithuania, he studied at the
Institute o f Cinem atography in M oscow and did
an eight-year stint with the CTV Russian ch an ­
nel before m oving to the U.S.
L udena’s color photos docum ent urban Latino
culture. He is the publisher o f L atino Cultural
M agazine in Seattle and has participated in many
exhibits in the Seattle area.
T he show runs through Tuesday, April 28.
Hugo Ludena's ‘Mi Virgencita' (My Little Virgin).
Hip-Hop World Tones Down Sparkle
Recession means cheaper bling
that referen ced the glint o f the
d iam o n d s on his neck, hands
an d w rists.
“W e're still going to see some
bling, but it’s ju st not going to
be as m uch,” C onnor says. “In­
Photo shoots, for example, are
being done with few er o f the
specialized m edallions consid­
ered a calling card for the likes
o f Rick Ross, whose chain with
a likeness o f his head — com ­
(AP) — The hip-hop world is sum ption is gone,” says Tamara
C onnor, an A tlanta-based styl­
dialing back its bling.
T he music genre defined as ist w ho has created looks for
m uch by d ia m o n d -en cru ste d chart-topping rappers includ­
watches and designer
sneakers as its gritty
urban lyrics is scaling
dow n its flash, insid­
e rs say, as ra p p e rs
jo in th e rest o f the
w o rld fe e lin g th e
p in c h o f th e re c e s ­
Rappers are cooling
off some of their trade­
m ark “ice,” sporting
fe w e r a n d s m a lle r
c h a in s , o p tin g fo r
p lain w hite Ts ov er
pricey labels and in­
tr o d u c in g b u d g e t­
c o n s c io u s f a s h io n
lines designed to let
Rap star Lil Wayne has been known for surround­
fans still capture the
ing him self in videos with stacks o f cash and
DeAndre Ramone Way is better known by his
hip-hop swagger.
other bling.
rapper name Soulja Boy.
M ake no m istake:
T he industry that m ade N ew ing Lil W ayne.
stead o f four d iam o n d n ec k ­ plete with black diam ond beard
Y ork b u s in e s s m a n J a c o b
In the late '9 0 s, Lil W ayne laces, it might ju st be a diamond — has an estim ated value o f
“Jacob the Jew eler” Arabov an su rro u n d ed h im se lf in v ideos bracelet — and it’s a piece the $30,000.
u rb an h o u se h o ld nam e is n ’t w ith s ta c k s o f c a s h a n d ce le b rity w ears all the tim e.
Instead you m ight see a rap­
entirely reversing course. But r a p p e d a b o u t h is $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 T h ey ’re not changing their je w ­ per in an off-the-shelf diam ond
“the day o f conspicuous co n ­ pinky ring, or “ b lin g ,” a term elry out everyday.”
cross or wearing low er-quality
stones. “You can save $3,(XX) a
carat if you do non-ring quality
diam onds for studs (earrings),”
C onnor notes.
Ben Bailer, head o f Los A n­
geles-based jew eler I.F. & Co.,
sa y s th e s h ift is m o st p r o ­
nounced am ong up-and-com ­
ing rappers, for whom a steady
incom e is seeming like less o f a
sure thing.
B efore, a new artist m ight
spend $25,(XX) o f a $30,(XX) ad­
vance on a chain, according to
Bailer, w ho counts Fat Joe as a
client. “Now they w ould rather
try to spend $5,(XX) and $6,000,”
he says, adding, “th ey ’re w ill­
ing to talk ab o u t o p tio n s by
u sin g sa p p h ire s, u sin g very,
very low quality gold.
“ S o m e p e o p le (a re ) ev en
wanting to mix diam onds with
cu b ics (cubic zirco n ia) so it
w o u ld n o t b e c o m p le te ly
Cost cutting is m ajor for the
in d u stry in w hich the carat-
weight o f one’s ring or the price
o f te n n is sh o e s co u ld carry
more cache than record sales.
O stentatious fashion has been
in hip h o p ’s DNA since Run-
D M C sa n g th e p r a is e s o f
Adidas in the '80s.
Rappers w ho have continued
to flaunt their riches have re­
ceived criticism . Fans bristled
ea rlier th is y ear after K anye
West unveiled a line o f $4(X)-
plus sneakers he crafted with
Louis Vuitton.
O ne
Pick up at One Stop:
I m s m s i
MMS Guilt
for $8.99
ton St., will take place Tuesday, June 2 at
7:30p.m. For more information call 503-228-
day, April 24 with the m onthly C olored
Pencils Art and C ulture Night, beginning
at 5:30 p.m. at the Intercultural O rganizing
office, 700N . K illingsw orthSt.
H a u n te d D a rk n e ss to F re e d o m 's L ig h t
— M iracle T h eatre, 525 S.E . S tark St.,
p resen ts “ El G rito del B ro n x ,” a story
ab o ut a co n v icte d m u rd erer aw aitin g
ex e cu tio n and o th e r p erso n s trying to let
go o f th eir v io len t past. F o r m ature a u d i­
en ces. N ow p laying th ro u g h S aturday,
A pril 25.
L ive J a z z -- Every Friday and Saturday
from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m., the T hird D egrees
Lounge at the Ri verPlace Hotel, 151 OS. W.
H arbor Way. No cover or m inim um pur­
c h a s e . F o r m o re in f o rm a tio n , v is it
Kirk G reen Jam Session - C om e enjoy
the sm ooth and soulful sounds o f the Kirk
G reen Bandevery S u n day,7p.m .to 11 p.m.
at Club 7 2 0 ,7 2 0 S.E. Haw thorne. The jam
session and open mic is from 9 p.m. to 10
p.m. All professional m usicians are w el­
com e. For more inform ation, call 503-234-
Totally G ospel II — Peninsula O pen Bible
C hurch, 8225 N. Peninsula, hosts all styles
o f gospel, country, and contem porary
music with host Riny H orst each Friday
night from , 7 :3 0 p .m .-9 :3 0 p .m . For more
information, call 503-335-3132.
Poetry at M iracles - Local and national
artists and m usicians share an evening of
spoken word and music at the M iracles
Club, 4069 N.E. M artin Luther King Jr.
Blvd., each W ednesday, betw een 7:30p.m .
G et Intim ate with Storm Large -- Storm
Large brings here in-your-face sexuality,
raw m usical talent and breathtaking em o­
tional honesty to Portland C enter Stage in
the autobiographical world prem ier m usi­
cal Crazy Enough, now playing through
June 7 in the Ellyn Bye Studio at the A r­
mory, downtow n.
M usic M illennium Free Show s - The
Music Millennium, 3158 E. Burnside, hosts
in-house live perform ances. Enjoy free
m usic and the opportunity to meet artists.
Call 503-231 -8926 for a schedule.
Zoo Buck Tuesdays - On the second Tues-
day o f every month, the O regon Zoo hosts
2-Buck Tuesdays when guests can tour
the zoo for the discounted price o f $2 per
82nd A venue o f th e Roses P a ra d e -- Rose
Festival sanctioned parade begins at 9
a.m.. Saturday, April 25 from Eastport Plaza,
4000 S.E. 82nd Ave. going north on 82nd
Avenue o f the Roses to Southeast Yamhill
Street and disbanding in the M ontavilla
area. Additional fun activities will be held
all day at Eastport Plaza.
C u ltu ra l C e le b ra tio n — P ortland's racial,
ethnic and tribal com m unities m erge Fri-
and9:30p.m .
F estival o f B ird s — G rab the fam ily and
com e join us for the festival o f birds S atur­
day M ay 9 ,1 0 a.m .-3 p.m. Sellw ood Park,
ju st south o f O aks Bottom W ildlife refuge.
This is a free festival for the w hole family.
P ink M a rtin i an d th e O re g o n S y m phony
-- Newly added concert for P ortland's
G lobe-Trotting Salon. 923 S.W . W ashing-
OM SI After Dark -- OMSI After Dark is a
night at the m useum for the 21 and over
crow d filled with food, drink and science
fun; $ 10 fee. For more information, cal1503-
797-4000or visit om si.edu.
Food and Entertainm ent -• Sliders Grill,
3011 N. Lombard, features an eclectic as­
sortm ent of perform ers on the mam stage,
accom panied by delicious food. Call 503-
459-4488 form orc information.
Smokie Norful
for $8.99
( a une enjoy the smooth
sew soulful sounds
ll,c • / ( ir / r ( iji'f'e
< n
from 7[>m to l ì firn
ut Portland's boftrst
dunce club
7770 %/w/r
;ir "21» SI. I iawrhornc \vc.,
Portland. < begun 0 214 (5u.ii 234
: jam session anti open mie
is from 9 I ' 'pm
Ml professional musicians are welcome'
I \er\ Sunday sfariing March I si
from ~ I I pm
ciijov good food, music anti friends