^ o r tla n ò ffibscruer_________________________ PaseA9 Aprii is. 2009 Portland OL s e r v e r Auto R e v ie w 2010 Kia Soul Sport K athleen C arr The 2010 Kia Soul Sport is a co m pelling new entry in the economy car market: one with a pleasant driving character, lots o f space, good build quality, loads of available features, a low price and a lengthy warranty.lt has a boxy shape sim ilar to the Scion xB - and like the funky Scion, its style and affordable price target younger buyers T h e S oul b a se m o d e l at $13,995 gets USB and auxiliary inputs, air-conditioning, power windows and power door locks, stability control, and tilt steer­ ing, as well as six air bags but premium items like a sunroof, fog lights, and an upgraded stereo with a subwoofer are Soul op­ tions. The dashboard alone is enough to guarantee that you stay awake even after the most intense night o f hanging in a South Beach techno bar. Bathed by in a hard red plastic, the materi­ als are nicely textured. A floating center stack houses all the au­ dio and climate controls in an easy to reach position. Overall, the interior build quality is top notch There are lots o f storage com ­ partm ents that com e standard with a big glove box although the cargo area itself is really small unless you lower the rear seats. T he driver’s seat to be rather comfortable, but the passenger seat seem s to have too much nonadjustable lum bar support. The Sport model, feels light on its feet and surprisingly well- p la n ted in h ig h -sp ee d turns. However, the hydraulic pow er steering is unremarkable, offer­ ing a numb on-center feel and a nonlinear effort. Around town, the Soul is decently comfy, but on the highway, the ride quality can be a bit choppy. The upper In Loving Memory Dock Thompson Services were recently held at M t. Olivet Baptist C hurch for D ock T hom pson w ho passed aw ay M arch 19, 2009 at age 99. He was bom M arch 18, 1910 in Clarksville, Texas. He was em ployed by the City o f Portland Parks D epartm ent, tending area parks for years. He was a long tim e m em ber o f Mt. Olivet Baptist Church. He loved to talk and share in past and current ev en ts. He leaves to m ourn, a grandson Jerry Thom pson, daughter L oretta T hom pson and a host o f relatives and friends. A rrangem ents by Ross H ollyw ood Chapel. Specifications: 2 .0 1 6 valve DOHC CWT 4 cylinder engine; 5 speed manual transmission; 24 city mpg, 30 highway mpg; MSRP $18,345 trim s’ 18-inch wheels and tires can also cause excessive noise and some harshness over major bumps, but they certainly look cool. The base model comes with a 1.6-liter inline four generating 122 horsepower and 115 pound- feet of torque, while three up­ grade trim levels feature a 2.0- liter four delivering 142 hp and 137 Ib-ft. Both engines have con­ tinuously variable valve timing, and they come standard with a five-speed manual transmission. An autom atic will be optional with the 2.0-liter engine. The Kia Soul is a affordable com pact vehicle that is geared to the younger generation. It is fun to drive with minimal power. Kia is on to something by make fuel efficient vehicles at an af­ fordable price. Men of Victory Talent Fest The Men o f Victory, a diverse group o f m en and boys, is proud to announce its First Annual Tal­ ent Fest D inner with Fashions fundraiser. May 16 at 6 p.m. at the Highland Christian Center, 76(X) N.E. Glisan St. Men of Victory per­ forms a num ber o f charitable ac­ tivities. It feeds and cloths the homeless, mentors the disadvan- taged at-risk youth, and visits hospitals and prisons. The event will feature food and entertain­ ment in a swanky dinner theatre setting, featuring a talent com pe­ tition for cash and prizes as well as a fashion show and special audio/video presentation. For more information, call John Lampkin at 503-287-9567. Dear Deanna! I w ent on a b each trip w ith my clo sest friends. A s m ar­ ried w om en w e ag reed that w h ate v er h ap p e n ed w h ile trav elin g w o u ld stay in its place. T his ag reem en t w ent w ell for tw o years. O ne o f the ladies in the gro u p w ent th ro u g h a d iv o rce and she told o u r h u sb an d s ab o u t our se x u a l a f fa irs an d has cau sed so m uch dram a. I ’m co n cern ed ab o u t them but my h u sband is tak in g things pretty hard an d feels h e 'll n ever trust m e again. How do 1 rep air this d am ag e? -- E m barrassed K a tie ; Wichita Falls, Texas Ask Deannal home. My fiancé has a different idea. She w ants a big wedding, the church and a trip to the V irgin Islands. W e're on the brink o f breaking up because 1 w on’t com prom ise all the way and let her have her way. , ’m w illing to m ake the w edding a good m em ory but F m not going broke to do it. W hat do 1 do? - -Michael; Indianapolis, Ind. Dear Katie: Y o u s h o u ld ’ ve h o n o r e d your vow s in stead o f ru n ­ ning behind your girlfriends. T he first th in g is to forgive y o u rself an d seek fo rg iv e ­ ness from G od. From that point, co n fess to y o u r h u s­ band, and ask him to forgive you and to w ork w ith you to fix the m arriage. Y ou have v io la te d y o u r h u s b a n d s ho n o r and his heart. You both should be open m inded to p ro fessio n al cou n selin g . In the fu tu re, if you do dirty things, do them alone so that your secrets w o n ’t be re ­ leased. Dear Michael: In this day and age, your fiancé should feel b lessed to have som eone w anting to m arry and d o th e rig h t th in g . M o st w om en w ant big w eddings so they can show o ff to th eir fam ­ ily and frien d s and look silly th ree y ears later w hen they d iv o rce. T h e m ost you should do is set a bud g et and m ake her get the m ost out o f those funds. A p eacefu l solution is to get m arried w ith a sim ple w edding, buy your hom e and have a big celeb ratio n w hen you renew y o u r vow s. Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M. W rite A sk My fiance and 1 are trying to D eanna! at the em ail get married. I have no interest askdeanna 1 @ yahoo.com or in a big wedding or spending 264 S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite tons o f m oney on a honey­ 1283 Beverly Hills, CA 90211. moon. I prefer saving for a Website: www. askdeanna. com Dear Deanna! '¡Joxdkutti (Dhst'XTU'X* iK presents Xr r* The 4th Annual Joyce Washington Classic ( )( Joyce Washington Scholarship 2009 Women’s All-Star Teams Home Team (Gray) Head Coach: Floyd Hall PLAYERS JudeSchim m el Shoni Schimmel M ariah Ladd St. Denaya Brazzle Ariel Reynolds Kristen Swim M ikaylaElliiott H annah M unger Bailee Jurgenson Aliyah G reen Shanice Story Z oie Sheng M arin Hobson H igh S chool A ll -S tar B asketball G ames HIGH SCHOOL Franklin Franklin St. M ary’s Jefferson Jefferson Franklin Franklin Newberg Franklin Jefferson St. M ary’s St. M ary’s Franklin Joyce Washington Scholarship 2009 Men’s All-Star Teams Home Team (Gray) Head Coach: Michael Harper A ssistant Coach: Paul Kelly HIGHSCHOOL PLAYERS Jefferson Terrence Jones R oosevelt Larry Richards W ilson Derrick Hayes Franklin N ickK unis Franklin VladBahjak Franklin Max Snodderly Roosevelt David Jordan M arshall Dominique Gilles Jefferson T yrone Phillips W ilson Ryan Robertson R oosevelt A shton Murdock De La Sal le D onta Harris VISITING TEAM (BLUE) Visiting Team (Blue) Head Coach: Dennis Carline HIGHSCHOOL M AYERS Benson Kay Phosakham Jefferson T yrisha Blake Grant Jacque Shaw R oosevelt M onique Carlson Jefferson Krystal Forthan Cleveland Razja Goodman Benson D iam ond Ferguson Grant Kiarra Berry Cleveland M addy May Cleveland Brittany Raz De La Salle M ia Robinson In memory o f Cory Neal Washington, 1965-1991 W om en ’s C oach o f theY ear: Cecilie M oses Franklin High School Head Coach: M ichael Holton A ssistant Coach: M ichael M angum HIGHSCHOOL HAVERS Grant M ike M oser S unset M ichael Hplton JR Grant M ikeFendall B enson D am arcus Davis Lincoln JD Esters R oosevelt Terrell Manlley B enson Perry D inyain Cleveland Joe Ow en S unset Anthony Holton Grant Lucas Shaw • Cleveland Jack Hollowell Cleveland Zachary M inden M en’s Coach o f the Year: Pat Strickland, Jefferson High School Come see the best of high-school basketball players! Be there to support your school! May 9th at Self Enhancement Inc., 3920 N. Kerby, Portland * Doors Open at 3:00 p.m. • Dunk Contest at 3:30 p.m. Girls Classic at 4:30 p.m. • Boys Classic at 5:30 p.m. X Tickets can be purchased at The Portland Observer (4747 N.E. Martin Luther King Blvd.) $5 for adults, $2 for kids (age 7-17) & Seniors. *Kids 6 and under free. Proceeds raised go to the Joyce Washington Memorial Scholarship Fund For information, call Mark Washington at 503-288-0033 Sponsored by: MOONSTAR F JBashor’s n am atiilktk ; s Columbio CANNON'S m o to p ix z o ^ = = RIB EXPRESS «tap» Ä r» /» /♦ OLDTOW N Portland Commaalty Neil Kelly