A p ril 15. 2009 Page A6 H ealth matters Inspired Mom’s Hope for Autism Remedies Launches therapy program A Portland area m om and a therapist have launched a new cutting edge autism treatm ent program called “A H ope for Autism ". T he program w as founded by G ayle W oodruff, the mother o f a five and a h alf year old son w ith au tism , alo n g w ith re ­ no w ned th e ra p ist and board c e rtifie d a sso c ia te b e h a v io r analyst, Robbin Sobotka-Soles. launch the effort after search­ ing num erous avenues for help w ith her son M iles. T hrough determ ination to m ake a differ­ ence with her son, she received in ten siv e train in g in various theories o f how to best work with Miles. Sobotka-Soles has dedicated her career to w orking with chil­ dren with Autism . She earned a bachelor’s degree from Linfield College and com pleted gradu­ ate w ork in behavior analysis at the University o f North Texas. Hope for A utism resources include occupational therapy, speech and language therapy, education training for parents and support groups and indi­ vidual sessions. For more infor­ mation, visit ahopeforautism.org. By connecting children with autism with their interests, the therapy provides learning op­ portunities that are p ersonal­ ized for each child, providing a safe, loving environm ent that is conducive o f teaching and learning. Each child with Autism Spec­ trum D isorder varies in their ability to learn, com m unicate and relate to others. W o odruff w as in sp ire d to Hope for Autism co-founder Gayle Woodruff with her son Miles. Join Us!!! Full Harvest Fellowship Ministries As We Present Spiritual Enrichment Class Saturdays 7:00 PM Beginning Saturday, May 2nd Regular Testing Reduces STD Infections Help available at Planned Parenthood "GYT: G et Yourself Tested," is a new national cam paign to in c re a s e te s tin g an d tr e a t­ m ent for sexually tran sm itted d iseases (S T D s) am ong those under 25 years o f age. Planned P aren th o o d o f the C o lu m b ia W illam ette is p a r­ ticip atin g in the effo rt along w ith M T V a n d th e K a is e r F am ily F o u n d atio n . The central hub o f the cam ­ p a ig n w ill be a w e b s ite (gyt09.org) that provides com ­ prehensive inform ation about STDs and will direct users to the n e a re st te s tin g lo c a tio n sim ply by entering a zip code. "M ost p eo p le are shocked to learn th at, by age 25, one in tw o sex u ally activ e young people will have an STD . This is not ju s t a sta tistic, b u t the reality o f w hat P lan n ed Par- e n th o o d h e a lth c e n te rs see e v e r y d a y ," s a id D a v id G reenberg, the o rg an iz atio n ’s local p resid en t and c h ie f e x ­ ecu tiv e officer. G re en b e rg said affo rd ab le testin g , treatm en t and e d u c a ­ tio n are the to o ls teen s and y o u n g p e o p le n e e d to stay h ealth y and safe. From O M G to L O L, a c ro ­ nym s satu rate young p eo p le's e v e ry d a y v ern a cu la r, ac tin g as com m on m ethods o f co m ­ m u n icatio n . P lay in g o ff m o- bile and Web slang, the G Y T p u b lic serv ice cam p aig n is an easy w ay for y o u n g people to ta lk ab o u t sexual h ealth and get tested for S T D s. A ll o f P lan n ed P aren th o o d C o lu m b ia W illam ette's health c e n te rs th r o u g h o u t O re g o n an d S o u th w e st W a sh in g to n o ffe r STD te stin g and tre a t­ m en t services. To m ake an ap p o in tm en t or fo r m ore in fo rm atio n , call 1- 8 8 8 -8 7 5 -7 8 2 0 or v is it p p cw .o rg . Supporting Minority Gay, Lesbian Health 75 NE Wygant (Between Rodney & Cleveland) For More Info Contact Gregory or Martha Thomas At 871-05-350-2800 For Directions Visit our secure website Ful lharvestfellowship. vpweb.com 1 m ust work the w orks o f him that sent me, w hile it is day: the night com eth, w hen no man can work. J o h n 9:4 — State Farm* Providing Insuiance and Financial Samtes Home Office. Bloomington, Illinois 61/10 Ernest J. Hill, Jr. Agent 4946 N Vancouver Avenue Portland OH 9/717 503/861103 U« 503 7861146 erme full hfunträstatatami com The first PFLA G chapter in the country dedicated specifi­ cally to the African A m erican com m unity will host a gather­ ing for com m unity m em bers w ho want to support black gay and lesbian friends and family. A llies are welcom e to attend the S aturday, A pril 18 g ath er­ ing from 10 a.m . to n o o n at A in sw o rth U n ited C h u rch o f C h rist, 2941 N .E . A in sw o rth St. Parents, Families and Friends o f Lesbians and G ays (PFLAG) prom otes the health and w ell­ being o f gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender persons, their fam ilies and friends. The group acts to create a society that is healthy and respectful o f hu­ man diversity, ending discrim i­ nation and securing equal civil rights. F o r m ore inform ation about P o rtla n d ’s b la c k c h a p te r o f PFLA G or to R SV P for the up­ co m in g m eeting, co n tact G eri W ash in g to n , c o m m u n ity o r­ ganizer at 503-421 -3 3 4 3 ,5 0 3 - 2 8 1 -2 2 9 3 or e m a il W ashington.geri@ yahoo.com . 300 More Staff for Oregon Nursing Homes E ld erly and d isa b le d re si­ dents in Oregon’s long term care facilities will get a much needed boost in staffing levels through a program announced by L eg­ islative leaders and long term care advocates. U sing a com bination o f state funds and federal stim ulus d o l­ lars, the state will move forward w ith plans to help pay for 300 new certified nursing assistants to work in long term care facili­ ties across the state. ‘‘We are m aking an in v est­ ment in the health o f Oregon, both our physical health and our econom ic health,” said Senate President Peter Courtney. “We are maximizing federal stimulus dollars to create jo b s all across Oregon w hile at the same time p roviding b etter care for our vulnerable senior citizens and e x p a n d in g - our s t a t e ’s w orkforce in one o f the most dynam ic and grow ing in d u s­ tries in the w orld - health care.” H ouse Speaker D ave Hunt said this program is a perfect exam ple o f sm art investm ents the state can m ake - even in the face o f econom ic crisis - that p ro v id es both short and long term benefits for O rego­ nians. “This creates jo b s right away; good-paying jo b s that offer an opportunity for advancem ent. And we are reaffirming our com­ m itm ent to long term care for d isa b le d an d eld erly O re g o ­ nians, making their life a little bit better," said Hunt. 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service Your Care Our First Priority Dr. Marcelitte Lailla Chiropractic Physician We are located at 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave. Portland, OR 97213 C a r d iac-R eh ab E xercises - A medically supervised exercise program for people dealing with heart conditions. For infor­ mation, call 503-251 -6260. S en io r A erobics - A low-impact workout geared specifically tow ard seniors. Call 503-449-0783 for current schedule. O steo p o ro sis S creen in g - An ultrasound bone density screening with personal­ ized education; fee $30. To schedule an (Between Broadway and Sandy Blvd.) H ealth W atch appointment, cal1503-261-6611. Leg Alert Screening - Check for peripheral arterial disease with this safe, sim ple screen­ ing using ankle and arm blood pressure. The fee is $40. To schedule an appointm ent, call 503-251-6137. Sm oke-F ree Support G roup - m eets M on­ days, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. For information, call 503- 256-4000. M anaging C hronic Hepatitis C - Third W ednesday of each m onth at 5 p.m. The inform ative session is led by a registered nurse to help you m anage side effects of m edications and dosage preparations and adm inistration; doctor referral required. T o register, call 503-251-6313, Cancer Resource Center - Providence St. Vincent Medical Center and the Ameri­ can Red Cross have joined forces to create the first in-hospital resource cen­ ter providing books, printed ma­ terial, com puter access and more for individuals and families deal­ ing with cancer. The center is open M onday through T hurs­ day, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. ____________ THE_____________ Automobile accident injuries Chronic headache and joint pain Workers Compensation SPINACOLUMN Call?¿rañe^)pointnient! (503) 228-6140 An ongoing senes of questions and answers about America's natural healing profession Or. Billy R. Flowers Part 15. Back Pain: Why “oh, my aching back” has become such a popular phrase. O LD T O W N P I Z. Z. A $5 O ff $ 1 5 Food Order expiren « 15.0« • mtiel priment thin coupon V A N PO R T SQ U A R E 5201 NE MLK Jr. Blvd. Bike Delivery! Open Lunch & Dinner www.oldtownpizza.com : I always know when my back hurts. But I rarely know why. : Statistics tell us 80% of all men, w om en,andchil- dren will experience back pain in their lives. Chiropractors can also tell you why. There are, forexam ple, several m echani­ cal m alfunctions that cause back pain. Among them are: Direct pinching on the nerve. This is the reason many people give for their back pain, bu, in fact, “pinched nerves” only account for about 10% o f it. Edem a (sw elling) This occurs from inflammation due to simple strainorsubluxation. Fixation. This is yet another com ponent of w hat we call the vertebrae are not m oving the w ay nature in­ tended. O ther factors include m uscle spasm and disc hernia­ tion. O f course, in addition to know ing you have back pain, chiropractors also know how to make it go away. By elim inating the com ponents o f the sublux­ ation com plex and allow ing the central nervous system to func- tion the way nature intended, we C hiropractors not only re­ lieve your back pain symptoms, we remove the cause. W ithout drugs. W ithout surgery. W ith­ out doubt. Call our office for an appointm ent today to find out how C h iro p ractic can help your “aching back." O r if you have any questions about your health, ju st call us at the num ­ ber below. Flowers' Chiropractic Office 2124 N.E. Hancock Street, Portland Oregon 97212 Phone: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 -5 5 0 4 Chronic Pain Support Group - m eets the first W ednesday at 4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. and the third W ednesday of each month, from 7 p.m. to8:3()p.m. For more infor­ mation, call 503-256-4000. Heart Talk Support Group meets - on the second M onday of each month; from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. For information, call 503-251 -6260. M aternity W ater W orkout - H e lp in g new m o m s reg a in m uscle tone, strength, and flex­ ibility, all in the support and free­ dom o f the water. Call 503-256- 4000 for more inform ation. C holesterol Profiles - Calls helps you keep an eye on your cholesterol and other indicators o f heart health; educational m a­ terial provided. For more infor­ mation, call 503-261-6611.