Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 15, 2009, Page 12, Image 12

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    î l"‘ |Jovtlattò ©bscrUCr_____________________ April IS. 2009
F ood
Honey-Lime Fruit Salad
S ee ai
savings online’.
Ingredients for life.. »
Safeway is the
O n lin e c
w e e k ly
sm art way to shop
Fruit Salad Ingredients
• 1 TB orange zest
• I cup freshly squeezed or­
ange juice (3-4 navel oranges )
• 2 TB freshly squeezed lemon
• 1 apple
• 1 pear
• 1 banana
• 1 nectarine
• ’4 cup melon (honeydew or
• 1 cup chuck pineapple
• % cup seedless grapes cut
in half (red or green)
• 1 cup straw berries, hulled
and quartered
• 1/3 cup blueberries or pitted
* * ¿n what you buy mos .
chef selections
flatbread or wrap
w ith C lub Card
a rid c o u p o n
Honey Lime Dressing Ingredients
• 1/3 cup o f honey
• *4 cup lim e juice (about 1 lime)
Siqfidtute' I.
k C A F E jj
Pound Cake Croutons Ingredients
Foster Farms
Fresh Whole Chicken
• 8 ounces pound cake
• 1-2 TB butter
• 1 TB mincednnint (optional)
Luca»» grown. Or Sgkt al $! .29 fe limit 3
SAVE ug to 8(k to.
See weekly insert
1. To make the Fruit Salad: Place the orange zest, orange juice, and lemon juice in a large
new curry
chicken salad
2. Cut the apple, pear, banana, peach, nectarine, and melon into cubes, adding the fruits
new seafood
louie salad
to the bowl as you cut them to prevent discoloration.
3. Add the rem aining fruits. Stir, coating the fruits w ith the juices, then cover the bowl
with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.
4. M ix thoroughly before serving.
5. To make the Honey-lim e Dressing: In a m edium bowl, w hisk together the honey and
lim e juice until smooth.
6. T o make the Pound Cake Croutons: Heat the oven to 350°. W ith a long, sharp knife,
slice the pound cake into cubes.
7. Place them on a baking sheet and bake for 12 m inutes, turning twice, until golden.
8. M elt the butter in a large skillet over m edium heat. Stir in the mint, if using, then add
the toasted pound cake.
9. Sauté for 1 to 2 m inutes or until golden.
10. Spoon the salad into serving bowls, drizzle it with the H oney-lim e D ressing, and then
top with Pound Cake Croutons. M akes about 6 cups.
chicken salad
tuna salad
Rancher's Reserve’
Boneless Beet
Petite Slrtoin Steak
Pork Shoulder
Country Style Ribs
Bone* E iim ieVak»Pack.
SAVE up to SI.™ to
try any cold sandwich in
a flatbread or wrap.
AV %
Asparagus Salad with Sweet
Pepper Confetti
Fresh Atlantic
Salmon Fillets
Cocktail Tomatoes
r-- 'v lpl.ru A
u.' aia
ak k (Mutt,
WMMMNM* "iwoitoi«
four delicious
!2 ^ .S A « i4 ito í3 M « i2
Or taiga Haas Atocaft» al 2 I k t l
nmt m
1/3 cup olive oil
2 tbsp o f red wine vinegar
1 tbsp dijon or grainy m ustard
2 cloves garlic m inced
!4 tsp salt
*4 tsp pepper
2 pounds asparagus
l/j red pepper diced
Vi yellow pepper diced
'OÓOÓO 75011
Imported Red
Seedless Grapes
PLUS pick up the
perfect anytime meal
SAVE up it 12.01 It.
1. Add the olive oil, red wine vinegar, Dijon mustard, garlic, salt, and pepper to a small
screw -top ja r or plastic container. Shake it and set aside.
2. T o serve the asparagus cold, have a large bow l o f ice w ater by the side o f the stove.
3. Bring a m edium pot o f lightly salted w ater to a rapid boil over high heat. Plunge the
asparagus into the boiling water. Cook until it is tender but still firm , about 2 to 4 minutes
after the water returns to a sim m er, depending on the thickness o f the asparagus.
4. Drain and plunge it into the ice water. A fter about 5 m inutes, drain and pat dry.
5. Fan out the asparagus, tips facing the same direction, then drizzle with the dressing
and sprinkle with the pepper "confetti."
6. If you prefer to serve this warm, drain the asparagus thoroughly after boding and lay
it out directly on the platter.
“I free
Jumbo Artichokes
SAVE up to $2 9» on 2
G e n e r a l M ills
T rix
C h e e z -lt o r
C lu b C r a c k e rs
10.7-oz or Golden
Grahams 12-oz Cereal
SAVE up to SI 50 ea
Selected varieties
SAVE up to $2.50 ea.
Pure Premium
usto is-ot.
Selected varieties.
Club Price: $2.50 ea.
SAVE" wp to $4 18 on 2
f S less !
“ "’ ^iToiOtos or Dor,tos
, Ä
Selected , « « «
Offer valid with Club Card between
A 'IS'W 101/0* »te»M must b*
purchased in * vnqlr trptw ition
l« M one (1) ©Wei pe' transaction
feus tai and deposit where apptu .i
Happy 70th Anniversary
Mildred and Thomas Carr
Come celebrate the platinum years o f our marriage as
we commemorate our 70th anniversary on
Saturday, April 18 at 2 p.m. The celebration will be held at
Genesis Community Fellowship Church, 5425
N.E. 2 ? h Ave.
Great gifts made simple.
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One-Stop shopping
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Products rrwy to t be « v an a t* « »n stores S m q tt
cards ’or detads terms and cnnddions whet- may vary
Prieto a t * * ad • • eflecllve 6 AM Wbdnesd* W 1 5 « v u tuasday Apr! 21 ?0Wma-Safewaystör«o ( h jc n w * «•» W t r Heawatoj anu S W
lark Shanw'W and WWdtbl ov'-tos t w v d ’toed lot sale are not «Statue to other dealers or wh>»Mton b««s > prorArcto contar «mj vphettnn* piei-juet* >*'
hy«w G 4rtdy retes'©servad M d» W » ÎM C .lW « » W A V M Ii » AVAliAHif NAII SHWS Snne artwatoeri prres may t » evä ’ fewm '»«UW-drm «
X e nni,mer 'mrd pun-twee he »»Ft lem o teradve fee second ilon tree R W uder» are not 1/? pnr.e sales i r rty i virfe I. t p tr - ispd - e iw; «a m
■nov Iff u»t1 on pnn-twsed tors rriy
u>4 on bee toms .amt one i - m w i pa’ purchotod tom Und’jmer wt'l to rwponsw *rw W> 3"d • topnMk » «quite i by I-
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Prices in this a d g o o d th ro u g h A p r i l 2 1 s t