îlîe^|Jortlanô © hserüer A p ril 15. 2009 Page A l I A rts ' X ENTERTAINMENT ENTEEI Featuring Parity's 47th Birthday Party A pril 18, 10 AM - 4 PM An elephant sized celebration, with birthday cake (or everyone! I-ARM » C IMB 7 5 minutes from downtown Portland off Hwy. ¿6 West or take MAX light rail and receive $1 oft zoo admission Open at 9 a m. daily • www.oi zoo.org Come enjoy the smooth sexy soulful sounds Avenue of the Roses Parade Scheduled Plans set for Saturday, April 25 event It's time for the 2009 Avenue o f Roses Parade, a sanctioned R ose F estival event, com ing Saturday April 25, at Eastport Plaza. This year's parade will feature the first public appearance of the full 2009 R ose F estiv al Court and the fabulous and re­ n o w n e d "O n e M o re T im e around A gain Band," celebrat­ ing its 25th year o f playing en ­ tertaining music. A nother o f Portland's favor­ ite s, “ K e ll's Irish P ip e an d D rum s” will play popular Irish tunes and medleys. O v er 4 0 o th e r e n trie s are every Sunday from 7pm to / Ipm A dditional fun activities are scheduled at Eastport Plaza and in the M o n tav illa-E ast Tabor business district the rest o f the day. T he Parade begins at 9 am sharp from Eastport Plaza Shop­ ping Center, 4 7 2 0 (OrO ÄW at 720 SE Hawthorne Ave., Portland, O regon 97214 (503) 234-7738. T h e jam sessio n a n d o p e n m ic is from 9-11 Ipm All p ro fe ssio n a l m u sician s are w elcom e! ‘ S o u t h P a r k ’ p u t s K a n y e ’s E g o i n C h e c k But Rapper gets over himself (A P )— "S o u th Park" m ay have accom plished the im pos­ sible — getting Kanye W est to check his ego. T he C om edy C entral show form live. Yet, on his blog T hursday, West appeared chastened, and ready to turn over a new leaf. In typical all-caps m ode, he liv e ry S unday sta rtin g M arch 1st And perhaps to show that he's really serious about making that change, he provided a link to one of the most biting moments from the "S o u th Park" show , and thanked the writers as well. haps referring to his w ell-docu­ m ented m eltdow ns at aw ards show s w hen he didn't win w hat he expected). "I ju st w ant to be a d o p er person which starts with me not always telling people how dope I think I am," he said. from 7 - 1 1pm enjoy g o o d fo o d , m usic a n d friends * .... 7 Dress to impress! THE 51 st ANNUAL EBONY FASHION FAIF PRESENTS In this animated still released by Comedy Central, a cartoon version o f rapper Kanye West is shown on an April 8 episode o f the Comedy Central animated series, 'South Park.' skewered the famously self-im ­ p o rta n t ra p p e r on its show Wednesday night, painting him as a narcissistic figure so out o f touch with reality he couldn't even take a (very politically in­ correct) joke. West's love o f him self and his work has been alm ost as inte­ gral to his im age as his music: Just last year, he told T he A s­ sociated Press that he was the "voice o f this generation." Also recently, he was quoted as say­ ing his greatest regret was not being able to see him self per- wrote: "South Park murdered me last night and it's pretty funny. It hurts my feelings but what can y ou e x p e c t from S o u th Park! I actually have been work­ ing on my ego though. Having the crazy ego is played out in my life and career." W est sa id th a t he sta rte d stroking his ego long ago to build up his self esteem — but he now realizes he needs’ to "get pas, myself." In the self-reflective post, he said that people won't take him seriously if he keeps it up (per- 2 0 0 8 -2 0 0 9 BJr U * What's Hip. What's Hot. What's Now! Hotted By: The Portland Chapter if the l inks. Incorporated I he W hite Rose Educational Fund. * Incorporated In Partnership «Ith I he Oregon ( onvenlion Center For the Benefit Of: I he Links Educational and Scholarship Fund Oregon Convention Center 777 SE martin Luther King Blvd Portland. Oregon ts r r s I Irto*! P i ite Im lu drs fhr (h«»hr nf a o n e s ta r «Mhscrfpihm tu I R O M maga star «r «nr »«a» stihayriplinn lo .11 I maga/lnc. O n e STOP x. y y y Music Clearance Blowout Sale a copi r .f f Friday \p rll 24. 2(M» H:<)0 PM In »sin round MMS Guilt I for $8.99 U H I I M X u r O H Hl< A * F M e i I In »In- dnm rsfk I A . ticket Prices >60.00 Cenerai Vdmission SI 181.1 Ml Patrons Malva, a «nr »rat supplì « f halr carr itrnis ftom I I M I M l’ Ut *1*1 < I X and srlretrd llrm s from I \s |||( » X l U I4 < O R M I I l< X. Tickets Available At: One Stop Music Barber & Beaut) Salon 1615 M Killingsscorth St 5601 Nt. Martin l.uther King JR . His d Portland. OR «7211 503-2*5-115« Portland Or «7211 501-2*4-2435 Me'Rae's M u llic u , turai I oil Service Salon 5*52 M 42nd Ave Portland. OR «721* .lasah Salon and Spa 503-287-5258 501-2*2-070» Dean's Beams Salon A Barber Shop 2 0 Nt Hancock St. Portland. OR «7212 5O3-282-337O Reflections ( offer Sbap 446 N l Kilhngsssorth St Portland. Oregon «7211 501-288-4070or 5lit-2**-4IO6 AmericanAirllnes EBONY F A S H IO N è lie Lei UeM j Safcwns More* uww lìvketsVK e\| .coin 5OV224- T I X \( M W | Ticket* Sublet! To( ora e menee ( barge FOR TICKET INFORMATION CONTACT: Portland OR «7221 503-284-17*2 54,11 HI C u ll) Blsd Portland. OR «7218 SPONSORED BY Brown Paper lirkcK www. brow np.ipcrtikkvts vom |.ft(XLK3X>3006 Studio SivNiuc Hair Design 545 Nl Ktllingssvorth ST londalasera Designer Salon 5(11-2*441712 Smokle Norful for $8.99 a lr-lran*- nailon s ttie d h* \ M I UH \ X 12 M i Shaver St Portland, OR «7212 M IM S GUILT tr ip IHitfalInn fot iwn 1« an» tirsiI (.enesa's Sheer Perfection Pick up at One Stop: R O M | 1X H IO X I \II4 niauasim- plus a iham» F A IR (503) 442-1946 Ticket Chair (5031284-9485 Publicity Chair www. ebonyfashionfair.com J£T