iln |Llortlanh (©bseruer Page A6 A p ril 8, 2009 H ealth matters Oregon Sees Increased Drug Overdoses Highest fatalities in years (A P ) — S ta te s t a t i s t i c s show 229 peo p le o v erd o se d on hero in , co cain e, m e th am ­ p hetam in e o r a co m b in atio n o f them in 2008, the h ighest n um ber in nine years. B u t o v e rd o s e s fro m p r e ­ scription dru g s ac counted for m ost d ru g -re la te d d e a th s in O regon, w ith m ethadone the leading culprit. T he findings h a v e le d th e sta te m e d ic a l ex am in er's o ffice to start a n ­ nually tracking d eath s du e to p resc rip tio n drugs. In 2008, there were 131 over­ dose death s from m ethadone, w hich has long been used to h e lp c u r b th e c r a v in g s o f people addicted to d rugs such as heroin. But Dr. K aren G u n so n , the state m edical ex am in er, said th e m a jo rity o f m e th a d o n e o v erd o ses o ccurred in people w h o h a d it p r e s c r ib e d fo r ch ro n ic pain or w ho h ad o b ­ tained the drug illegally. N ot m any w ere taking it as part o f an a d d ic tio n -tre a tm e n t p ro ­ gram. M any who died were in their 30s and 4 0 s and o ften taking it fo r h ea d ac h es, b ac k ac h es and o th e r ailm en ts, G unson s a id . In th e 1 9 9 0 s , w h e n they should." m ethadone use w as lim ited to A s for illegal drugs, heroin, ad d icts in treatm en t, the state as u s u a l, c a u s e d th e m o st av erag ed roughly 10 m eth a­ d eath s in O regon. But death s from m eth am p h etam in e rose d one o v erd o ses a year. G u n s o n s a id it's a g o o d sharply last year — from 73 in drug for ch ro n ic pain because 2007 to 106 in 2008 — rea ch ­ it lasts a long tim e. T he d raw ­ ing the h ig h est level since the back is that it som etim es takes state began track in g d ru g -re ­ se v eral d ay s to h av e an e f ­ lated deaths in 1996. L aw en fo rcem en t o fficials fect. "S om etim es people d o n ’t get the im m ediate effect they s u s p e c t th e r is e in m e th w ant, so they take m ore than d e a th s c o u ld be d u e to an u n e x p e c te d le v el o f p u rity , w h ich c o m p e titio n fo r c u s ­ tom ers can lead drug m akers and traffick e rs to increase. "T he u ser m ay be ex p e c t­ ing a certain pu rity w ith the dose they take, w hen, in fact, the p u rity m ay be h ig h e r and they d o n 't even know it," said P o rtlan d P o lice C ap t. M ark K ruger, w h o h ead s th e city p olice D rugs and Vice D iv i­ sion. Rise in Childhood Kidney Stones Puzzles Doctors w ith k idney sto n es betw een 1994 and 2005. In 2005, 61 youngsters w ere treated there (AP) -- D octors are puzzling Philadelphia, the number o f chil­ over what seem s to be an in­ dren treated for kidney stones crease in the number of children since 2005 has clim bed from with kidney stones, a condition about 10 a year to five patients som e blam e on kids' love o f a week now, said Dr. Pasquale cheeseburgers, fries and other Casale. Johns Hopkins Children C en­ salty foods. Kidney stones are usually an ter in Baltim ore, a referral cen ­ adult malady, one that is noto­ ter for ch ild ren w ith sto n es, rious for causing excruciating used to treat one or tw o young­ pain — pain worse than child­ sters a year 15 or so years ago. birth. But while the num ber o f N ow it gets calls about new affected ch ild ren isn 't huge, cases every week, said kidney kids w ith kidney stones have specialist Dr. A licia Neu. Doctors at North Shore-Long been turning up in rising num ­ bers at h o sp itals around the Island Jewish M edical C enter reported a nearly fivefold in ­ country. A t C h ild re n 's H o sp ital o f crease in children brought in Matty Billemeyer is ju st 8 years old but already has had four bouts with kidney stones. Doctors are puzzling over what seems to be an increase in the number of children with kidney stones, a condition some blame on kids' love of cheeseburgers, fries and other salt-laden food. (AP Photo) C ard ia c-R eh a b E xercises - A medically State Farm* supervised exercise program for people dealing with heart conditions. For infor­ mation, call 503-251 -6260. Providing Insurance and Financial Services Home Office. Bloomington, Illinois 61710 S en io r A erob ics — A low-impact workout Michael E Harper geared specifically tow ard seniors. Call 503-449-0783 forcurrent schedule. We moved to our new location at: O steo p o ro sis S creen in g - An ultrasound 9713 S.W. Capitol, Portland, OR bone density screening with personal­ ized education; fee $30. To schedule an appointment, call 503-261 -6611. 503-221-3050 Fax 503-227-8757 Platinum Fade S A L O N L eg A lert S creen in g — Check for periph­ eral arterial disease with this safe, simple screening using ankle and arm blood pres­ sure. The fee is $40. T o schedule an ap ­ pointment, call 503-251 -6137. 50 IONE 9th Unit A, Portland, Oregon 97221 503-284-2989 Hours o f operation: M-F Sat Sun 9 am - 6 pm 8 am - 9 pm 11 am - 6 pm Monday & Tuesday, kids haircut age 1-13 will be only $5 -See Sherman Mondays, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. For information, call 503-256-4000. C a n cer R eso u rce C en ter - Providence St. Vincent Medical Centerand the A m eri­ can Red Cross have joined forces to cre­ ate the first in-hospital resource center providing books, printed material, com ­ puter access and more for individuals and C hronic Pain Support G rou p - meets the first W ednesday at4 p .m . to 5 :3 0 p .m . and the third W ednesday o f each month, from 7 p.m . to 8:30 p.m. For more information, call 503-256-4000. H eart T a lk S u p p o rt G ro u p m eets — on the second M onday of each month; from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. For more information, call 503-251 -6260. M a tern ity W ater W o rk o u t - Helping new m oms regain muscle tone, strength, and flex­ ibility, all in the support and freedom o f the water. Call 5O3-256-4O0Oformore information. Legacy G ood Sam aritan Hospital. T en d erfo o t C are - Treat your feet with a soak, nail trim, buffing and m assage from a licensed nurse at one o f six clinics or at your home. Call 503-251 -6303 for more information. F ree B od y B a sics - This physician rec­ om m ended class is appropriate for all ages and health conditions. Plan to at­ tend this one-session class and learn the sim ple guidelines for safe exercises, in­ cluding stretching. Call 503-256-4000 to register. M am m ograp h y S creen in g - Early detec­ tion is a key factor in the prevention of breast cancer. Call 503-251 -6137 to sched­ ule your high-tech, soft-touch m am m o­ gram. C h o lestero l P rofiles — Calls helps you keep an eye on your cholesterol and other indica­ tors o f heart health; educational material pro­ vided. Formore information, call 503-261-661 1. L ead P o iso n in g P reven tion - Learn how to protect your family from lead poisoning. Ideal for folks in live in older homes with children or pregnant women. Q ualified participants re­ ceive a free kit of safety and testing supplies. Call 503-284-6827. Family Caregiver Support G roup - This topic- oriented group offers a safe place to discuss the stresses, challenges and rew ards o f pro­ viding care to an older relative or friend. Meets the first Thursday o f each month at 3 p.m. at B erea v em en t S u p p o r t G ro u p s - Free, safe confidential group m eetings for those who have experienced the death o f a loved one offered on various nights and locations. For inform ation and registra­ tion, call 503-215-4622. P a r e n tin g C la s s e s — N ew b o rn s d o n ’t com e w ith in stru ctio n m an u als b ut p ar­ ents and p are n ts-to -b e can learn about a v ariety o f to p ics from pain and ch ild ­ birth to b rea stfeed in g to in fan t C PR an d m uch m ore. For a sch ed u le o f e v e n ts, call 5 0 3 -5 7 4 -6 5 9 5 o r visit: p ro v id e n c e .o rg /c la s s e s . Record Food Stamp Use A record 32.2 million people - - one in every 10 A m ericans — received food stamps at latest count, the governm ent said on T hursday, a reflection o f the r e c e s s io n no w in its 16th month. THE SPINA COLUMN An ongoing senes of questions and answers about Amenca's natural healing profession Dr. Billy R. Flowers Part 14. Scoliosis Exam: The most important test your kids will take all year. o detect and co rrect spinal d is­ My kids already get back- for com plete recovery. ^-’to - s c h o o l c h e c k - u p s . : How can I tell if my daugh o rd ers. It’s a sim ple, p ain ­ ter might have scoliosis? less, inexpensive proced u re W hy should I brother with yet another one? ; The most com m on visible that can save your ch ild ren : Scoliosis, a lateral curva­ sym ptom is v ery p ro m i­ years o f d isco m fo rt an d d is­ ture o f the spine, is one nent sh o u ld e r b lad e h ig h fig e r u rem en t later in life. F or a test pro probably not included than the other. H ow ever, the sco lio sis ch eckup, or for a n ­ in your ch ild ren ’s back-to- best check for sco lio sis is an sw ers to any q u estio n s you school p h y sic al ch e ck u p s. an n u al p re -sc h o o l c h e c k u p m ight have about y o u r ow n And yet, it isdisturbingly com ­ w ith a C hiropracto r. T he one health , call us at the n um ber mon am ong teenage girls. If professio n al best train ed to below . left untreated, scoliosis often leads to painful arthritis o f the spine But if the disorder is 2124 N.E. Hancock Street, Portland Oregon 97212 detected by age eight, before the adolescent grow th spurt, there is better than 50% chance A fam ilies dealing with cancer. The center is open M onday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. S m o k e-F ree S u p p o rt G ro u p — meets M a n a g in g C h ro n ic H ep a titis C — Third W ednesday o f each m onth at 5 p.m. The inform ative session is led by a registered nurse to help you m anage side effects of m edications and dosage preparations and adm inistration; doctor referral required. To register, call 503-251-6313. We have the Best Barber & hair Stylist in Portland and mv do Razor Line Cuts, Weaves, Relaxers and Cuts H ealth W atch for stones. Dr. D avid H atch at L oyola U niversity M edical C enter in M ayw ood, III., near C hicago, also has seen an increase. His youngest patient was a cranky 8-m onth-old girl whose m other found a pea-size kidney stone in her diaper. Eating too much salt can re­ sult in excess calcium in the urine. In children, m ost stones are calciu m -b ased , and their eating habits, plus drinking too little water, puts them at risk. Plenty o f water is generally rec­ om m ended to help prevent kid­ ney stones. 0 A Flowers' Chiropractic Office Phone: (503) 287-5504 Food stam ps are the m ajor N utrition A s­ U.S. antihunger program and sistance Pro­ help poor people buy grocer­ gram. ies. T he average benefit was T h e U .S . $112.82 per person in January. u n e m p l o y ­ The January figure marks the ment rate was third tim e in five m onths that 8.1 percent in enrollm ent se, a record. February, the Food-stamp recipients use the Oregon Trail "A w e a k e n e d e c o n o m y highest in 25 card to negotiate benefits electronically. means that many more individu­ years. Weekly als are turning to SNA P/Food claims for job­ S ta m p s ,” said the F ood R e­ less benefits totaled 669,000 last beginning with this month, un­ search and Action Center, an week, the highest in 26 years, the der the econom ic stim ulus law sig n e d by P re sid en t B arack a n tih u n g e r g ro u p , u sin g the government said on Thursday. F ood stam p ben efits get a Obama. The increase equals $80 acronym for the renam ed food stam p program, Supplemental tem porary 13 percent increase, a month for a household o f four. Hospital Return Trips Costly (A P ) -- O ne in five M e d i­ parting patien ts — can help, care p atien ts end up back in they said. T he study fo u n d that a su r­ the hospital w ithin a m onth o f d is c h a r g e , a la r g e s tu d y p risin g h a lf o f the n o n -su r­ found, and that p ractice costs g ery p a tie n ts w ho re tu rn e d w ith in a m onth h ad n 't ev en b illio n s o f d o llars a year. T h e fin d in g s su g g e st p a ­ seen a d o cto r betw een h o sp i­ t i e n t s a r e n 't to ld e n o u g h tal stays. "H o sp itals put m ore effo rt a b o u t h o w to ta k e c a re o f th em selv es and stay healthy in to tlje a d m issio n p ro c e ss b efo re they go hom e, the re ­ th a n th e y d o in to th e d i s ­ search ers said. A few sim ple charge process," said Dr. Eric th in g s — lik e m a k in g a C olem an, one o f the stu d y 's d o cto r's ap p o in tm en t for de- authors from the U niversity o f Advertise C o lo rad o in D enver. C o lem an , w ho runs a p ro ­ gram to im prove "hand-offs" betw een h ealth care sy stem s, sa id p a tie n ts o fte n h a v e a h o n e y m o o n n o tio n a b o u t h o w th in g s w ill b e o n c e th e y 'r e h o m e . T h e n w h e n they b eco m e co n fu sed about how to take th eir m ed icin e or run into o th e r p ro b lem s, they head back to the ho sp ital b e­ cau se they don't know w here to turn, he said. m ‘ri"|J