A p ril 8, 2 0 0 9 P a g e A I2 SAFEWAY O F ood Ingredients for life.» Easter Ham Ingredients • 1 cup m aple syrup • 1 cup orange juice • 1 cup ginger ale • 1/2 cup brown sugar • 1/2 cup honey • 1 (10 ounce) ja r maraschino cherries, halved • 1 (12 pound) fully-cooked, bone-in ham • 1 (15.25ounce)canpineapple slices in juice, drained • 1 box round w ooden toothpicks Safeway ee all th® savings 0 Safeway Shank Halt and Whole Hams Bom-in Or Rump Halt at $1 l i f t . U nit 2 Whde Supplies Last. SAVE up to $1.31 f t 10-stem OunchM SAVE up to $2 00 Safeway Spiral Sliced Ham Bonem. LmN 2. WMeShppiftS Last SAVE up to $1.60 ft Directions 1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). 2. In a m edium bowl, mix together the m aple syrup, orange juice, ginger ale, brown sugar and honey. Stir in the juice from the m araschino cherries, and half of the cherries. Score the outer edge o f the ham with a sharp knife in a diam ond pattern. Cuts should be about 1/4 inch deep. T his will allow the ham to soak up the juice. 3. Place the ham into an oven bag, and carefully pour the juice mixture over it, keeping all o f the juice in the bag. It may look like there is too m uch juice, but the ham will soak it up while baking Place the pineapples onto the top o f the ham, and secure with toothpicks. Place cherries into the centers o f the rings, and secure with toothpicks also. Tie the end o f the bag closed with the ties provided, place in a large roasting pan, and cut a few small slits in the top o f the oven bag. 4. Bake the ham for 2 hours in the preheated oven. The internal tem perature should be 160 degrees F (80 degrees C) when done. Be sure not to touch the bone when taking the tem perature. Rem ove ham from bag to a serving plate, and let stand for 10 m inutes before carving. C L U B P R IC E sastsrENTERTA|N|NG Elegant Ordwte Matan a petact grtl' SAVE up to S3 DO Elegant Scalloped Potatoes Ingredients • 8 large baking potatoes • 6 tablespoons butter or m argarine • 6 tablespoons all­ purpose flour • 1 teaspoon garlic pow der • 1/2 teaspoon salt • 1/2 teaspoon pep­ per • 3 l/2 c u p sm ilk • 12 ounces process cheese (eg . V elveeta), cubed • 1/3 cup crum bled cooked bacon • 1 c u p sh re d d e d Cheddar cheese • 1/4 c u p s lic e d green onions Boneless Pork Top Loin Roast Rancher’s Reserve® Beef Ribeye Roast Bone-in. Or Boneless New York Roast. SAVE up to $3.50 lb. U lM M k to ! 2110» c t TBK» SflMtoi a2-fc tag M e w neuf* 1 j M M f c HamAhawíd SMCuptottSCft ’ SAVE up to $1.50 to. Prie® 5 on „ p ro d u c e 750-n» Selertsd, SAVEuptoJ/ÛI Large Raw Shrimp 31 to 40-ct Shek-onOt Cooked 51 to bO-ct Stamp.Both Sotoma2< bag. Ríndan weight $6.991), Fraw /tam t SAVtitotoHSOt. wno*e bowen rineappte SNEu$toS241«. p r ic e * on „ p ro d u c e Directions 1. Scrub and pierce potatoes; place on a m icrow ave-safe plate. M icrow ave on high for 15-20 m inutes or until tender. Cool slightly. 2. In a saucepan, melt the butter. Stir in flour, garlic pow der, salt and pepper until smooth; gradually whisk in milk. Bring to a boil; cook and stir for 2 m inutes or until thickened. Add the process cheese and bacon; stir until cheese is melted. Rem ove from heat; set aside. 3. C ut the potatoes into 1/4-in. slices. Place a third o f the slices in a greased 13-in. x 9- in. x 2-in. baking dish; top with a third o f the cheese sauce. Repeat layers twice. Sprinkle with cheddar cheese and onions. Bake, uncovered, at 350 degrees F for 15 m inutes or until cheese is melted ____ , P ric e s on f r e s h P ro d u c e / / 7 r C / ' - c. f / we! Frali Express or 1 I'm a superfood. 1 KcwM-Jackson Chateau Sie McWte arldMfefcy no-ml SdtacwdtwwUM sAVtuptoM'ri 4-fc. Strawberries Great with Angel Food Cake SAVEuptoS5.net. Or «lutarti at $2.99 to. 4^5tol2-oz. Selected v 45 tore-«. Satoctod «notes. SAVE i»toS1 Olaa. Ingredients • 1 bunch spinach, rinsed • 10 large straw berries, sliced • 1/2 cup w hite sugar • 1 teaspoon salt • 1/3 cup white wine vinegar • 1 cup vegetable oil • 1 tablespoon poppy seeds SAK«p»S731 a CLUB ERICE Spring Strawberry Spinach Salad 1 / É , Is * f i Directions 1. In a large bowl, mix the spin­ ach and straw berries. 2. In a blender, place the sugar, salt, vinegar, and oil, and blend until smooth. Stir in the poppy seeds. Pour over the spinach and straw berries, and toss to coat. Ham Stir Fry with Couscous Lay’s Potato Chips Safeway SELECT* Ice Cream Folgers Coffee 10.5 to 11-oz. Selected varieties. SAVE up to $2.11 1.75-qt Selected varieties. Club Price: $2.50 ea. SAVE up to $6.78 on 2 27.8 to 34.5-02. Selected varieties. SAVE up to $2.50 SAFEWAY S COUPON Ingredients • 1 1 / 2 cups water • 1 cup couscous • 2 cups chicken broth • 1/4 cup cornstarch • 3 tablespoons soy sauce • 3 tablespoons brow n sugar • 1/8 teaspoon ground ginger • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil • 2 cloves garlic, m inced • 1 (16 ounce) package mixed broccoli and cauli­ flow er florets • 1 carrot, sliced • 1/4 pound cooked ham , cut into strips • I (8 ounce) can sliced w ater chestnuts, drained • 1/2 cup sliced alm onds spring soda 3f or BUY ANY 3 p a rtic ip a tin g C o ca-C o la, C M h k e without toupon Pepsi o r 7»U P 12-p ack W it'i a minimum JPO grocery purchase Limi* 1 coupon per transaction Items must be purchased m a single transaction 1? 0 ani 12 o 7 z. . r cans W ith Directions 1. T o M ake Couscous: In a m edium saucepan, bring w ater to a boil. Stir in couscous, reduce heat to m edium -low , and sim m er for 8 to 10 m inutes, until fluffy. Cover and set co uscous. . -, M»»« mu,11»’ piirrhawd in a ungi» tramar non ( « n i canai « w ith Card Dowfooatfwtuto *na 0 0 0 0 20 3 4 1 I M t m» (1) otter p»r transaction G r e a t g ifts m a d e s im p le Gift Card Mall: Your place for One-Stop shopping P-oduci« may not be wnuftta « K floras Scegrit - * 4 t Rx 1W» s t r i m ind condi-iorn when may v r . on,.. <••1. ' rwtortbi t rronlmum $10 grorary pu»rha«a Ottar m ib-, it an <■*»*» e «M WMnmrtw Apr« I »n, h. «ta» «prt H tatto r nV MHr«l in On-F” A P R IL WVO THUS n il SAT MW MOW f u ll Prices m this ad good th rou g h A p r il 14th MUnn fwrwMVa - s W Waahmgkm M«t W.MJam i,wto. « » « w in n lw r d w iim . v * h * w k * » rt w>«»«l v .rrianwm.i».»*»»' ritm A n to » .« m m it » * r ( t o r * < i» i» * i» '’tan t m (J u n ta nnhb w w S O I* MVFWCMr. I ‘ MS IM» NOI » « M AH f M X I S iO » S S ara »maito«« o to n a t t o M n l w a to » « On (dry On». CdO n»l* t a I M û lï ) X . ra a trtta inuto cairtaa» toa Uto t a n la lacto« U» «aran« kan Ima HOflGrtl«r« » rt ( r t I V m t l n » . i * »«»»)» t a n i»'H»wa« to a ra p ta pra-a . « ta » U a a ta tn a r» .« u n ta "iav br innrl r irre tì» » « t a m