Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 08, 2009, Page 11, Image 11

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    i,!C f o r i la tth ©bscruer
A p ril 8, 2009
Page A ll
H O P P IN G !
Rabbit Romp
Getting Intimate
with Storm Large
Singer tackles
life’s struggles
on stage
Storm Large brings her in-
your-face sexuality, raw musical
talent and breathtaking em o ­
tional honesty to Portland Cen­
ter Stage in the autobiographi­
cal world premiere musical Crazy
Enough, playing through June
7th in the Ellyn Bye Studio.
Large stared down the harrel
o f reality TV fame, rose to #5
on the B illb o ard c h a rts and
then tackled the trial by fire that
w as h e r th e a tric a l d e b u t in
N ow the Portland singer is
shining a light into the darkest
and most intimate com ers o f her
ow n past and inviting all the
world to take a look in Crazy
Enough, her autobiographical
one w om an show that features
eight new songs and ju st un­
der two hours o f stories about
photo by L aura D omela
For a good time call Storm Large, who's world premiere
autobiographical rock n' roll musical, Crazy Enough, is now
showing through June 7th in Portland Center Stage's Ellen
Bye Studio.
Top Model sees
Latent Racism
(A P) - Superm odel N aom i
Cam pbell lashed out Friday at
w hat she sees as latent racism
in the fashion industry, which
she said gives p reference to
"blond, blue-eyed models" over
black women.
"You know , the A m erican
president may be black, but as
a black woman, 1 am still an ex­
ception in this business. I al­
ways have to work harder to be
treated equally," she said in a Naomi Campbell
Glamour interview appearing on m o d e ls e v e r y w h e re ," she
M onday in Germany.
In 2007, the L o n d o n -b o rn
"In the past, there were more
opportunities for black models C am pbell, along w ith fellow
but the trend tow ards blond m odels Liya Kebede and Tyson
women has again become ex­ Beckford, launched a campaign
treme. In magazines, on the cat- against what they said was dis­
w alk, I see blond, blue-eyed crimination in the fashion world.
the places she’s been — places
most people never speak o f —
and the things she's overcome.
T he show b egins w ith the
revelation that a psychiatrist
pulled Storm aside when she
was 9 year old and told her that,
based on the progression o f her
m other’s schizophrenia. Storm
would most likely be completely
crazy herself before she hit 30
years old.
From there it's a wild ride with
a w oman who has no reason to
play it safe: through teenage
sexual ad diction, clu b fame,
h ea rtac h e, a b o rtio n , h ero in ,
break ups and breakdown until
her discovery o f music pulls her
out o f the abyss and onto a glo­
bal stage.
Storm Large has been singing
and slinging inappropriate ban­
te r at a u d ie n c e s aro u n d the
globe for more than 15 years.
Seven years ago she moved to
Portland and quickly, with her
band The Balls, went from wild
club act to legendary cult sta­
tus. In 2(X)6 she was tapped to
be on CB S’ Rockstar: Supernova.
This three-month stint on televi­
sion gained her worldwide fame,
and in late 2006, her single, “La­
dylike," debuted at #5 on the hot
singles chart in Billboard m aga­
Crazy Enough runs through
Ju n e 7. T ic k e ts ran g e from
$25.50 to $48.50, with student
and under 30 discounts avail­
able. Show tim es are 7:30 p.m.
on T u esd a y s th ro u g h S atu r­
days, with 2 p.m. Sunday m ati­
nees and alternating Saturday
2 p.m. matinees and Sunday 7:30
p.m. performances.
Ml »
Come enjoy the smooth
sexy soulful sounds
o f the
. o
crcry Sunday
fro/// 7f)/// to lip///
ut Portland's hollvst
duna dub
7f¿() &/„/>
at 720 SI . Hawthorne \vc.,
Portland ( fregón *J~214 (503) 234-"7~3K
llie jam session and open mic
is from 9-1 (>pm
All professional musicians are welcome!
livery Sunday starting March 1st
fro/// 7-11 pm
enjoy good food, music and friends
Advertise with diversity in ^ '" IJ o rtla n h (O bserver
Call 503-288-003« ads@portlandób server.com
What's Hip. What's Hot. What's Now!
Hosted By:
The Portland Chapter if the I .Inks,
The \ \ hite Rose Educational Fund.
In Partnership with The Oregon Convention
For the Benefit Of:
The Finks Educational and
Scholarship Fund
Oregon Contention ( enter
777 NE martin l.ulher King Blvd
Portland. Oregon
E.%en Ekkel Price
Includes the choice of a
one-year subscription to
I B O M m aua/inr or tint u ai
subscription to I I I maua/inc.
a cops o i l B O M I \ M I I O \
April 24. 20(19
8:00 PM
I M R magazine plus a chance
to ssin round trip air-lrans-
portation for two to any desti­
nation sersed bs \M E R IC
A IR L IN E S or M IE R K \ S
Ticket Prices
560.00 General Admission
5100.00 Patrons
I M .I.E In the domestic I ,S.
stairs, a one sear suppls
hair care Items from I I M i l l
P R O D I ( IS and selected
Items from E \ S H I O \ E M R
C O S M E 1K s
Tickets Available At:
G enoa's Sheer Perfection
One Slop Music
Barber & Beauh Salon
5601 NE Marlin l.ulher King JR .
Portland. OR 97211
Netflix workers sort DVDs at the company's Piscataway,
N.J., distribution center.
Multicultural l ull Service Salon
5X52 NE 42nd Ave
Portland. OR 972IX
.lavah Salon and Spa
Netflix Delivers 2
Billionth Movie
Netflix Inc on Thursday said
it d elivered its tw o billionth
m ovie and gave the lucky re­
cipient of the milestone DVD a
complimentary lifetime member­
Netflix, launched in late 1999,
now serves more than 10 m il­
lio n s u b s c rib e r s an d sh ip s
about two m illion o f its trade­
mark red m ailers per day from
58 distribution centers across
the United States.
The com pany's DVD library
spans more than I OO.OfX) titles,
including more than 1,300 that
arc available in high-definition
on Blu-ray.
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