Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 01, 2009, Page 9, Image 9

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A p ril I. 2009
Portland OL s e r v e r A u to
e v ie w
News and reviews on new motor vehicles
2009 Dodge Grand
Caravan SXT
K athleen C arr
The D odge G rand Caravan
SXT is a family friendly minivan.
It is a great way for parents and
their children to travel as long as
you have added som e o f the
opitional equipment. The vehicle
tested was loaded with lots of
fun filled entertainm ent. The
SXT offers a great over all ride
with plenty o f entertainment to
keep the family entertained.
The SXT comes standard with
a 3.8-liter V6 that produces 197
hp and 230 lb-ft of torque. O p­
tional is a more modem 4.0-liter
V6 making 251 hp and 259 lb-ft
o f torque. Both SX T engines
come with a six-speed automatic.
The 4.0-liter V6 makes the Grand
C a ra v an one o f the sw iftest
minivans available. For 2009, the
4 .0 -liter SX T gets the sport-
tuned suspension setup from
Europe's Chrysler Voyager, which
improves the van's responsive­
ness. It has a soft and supple
ride that absorbs bum ps w ith­
out disturbing occupants.
T he C aravan SXT optional
features include a rear D VD en­
tertainm ent system includes a
swiveling second-row flip-down
screen. Also optional on the SXT
is the Premium Group that adds
rain-sensing wipers, automatic
climate control, a power-folding
third-row seat, an auto-dimming
re a rv ie w m irro r, u c o n n e c t
Bluetooth phone connectivity
Specifications: 4.0 Liter V6 SOHC engine; Six speed automatic 62TE transmission; 17
city mpg, 25 highway mpg: MSRP $37,880.
with iPod interface (also a stand­
alone option on all trims), and a
nine-speaker audio system. The
Family Value Group adds sec­
ond- and third-row sunshades,
sliding front center console and
remote ignition. Stand-alone op­
tio n s on the S X T in c lu d e a
sunroof, heated front and sec­
ond-row seats, a navigation sys­
tem with real-time traffic, and
Sirius Satellite TV with Cartoon
N e tw o rk , N ic k e lo d e o n an d
Disney Channel presently pro­
. Dodge offer the same practi­
cality and livability that made the
minivan a popular choice among
Father, Grandfather Remembered
Leo Frank Thornton
L eo F ra n k T h o rn to n w as
b o rn in M o rrilto n , A rk ., on
M arch 4, 1923 to M abie Brame
Thornton and Frank Thornton.
The eldest o f five children, he
was an exemplary child w ho set
an exam ple for his siblings. It
was in his adolescent years that
he a c c e p te d th e L o rd Je su s
Christ as his personal Savior.
He received his education in
public schools in A rkansas and
training in the U. S. Army. In
1940, he was stationed at Fort
Riley Kansas. He served in the
1 st Calvary Division in the days
o f horseback soldiers. He later
served overseas in Italy in the
T ransportation Corps. He was
honorably discharged in 1945.
He returned to M orrilton for
a brief period and then moved
to Portland to join other family
families in the first place. Interior
v ersatility and the ex clu siv e
Stow ‘n G o folding seats are ex­
cellent, but they mean sacrific­
ing some second-row comfort,
as they use a thinner seat. The
Swivel ‘n Go seats are a bit gim ­
micky, and there’s not much leg-
room once they’re turned around.
members. It was here
that he met and m ar­
ried the love o f his
life, Eva Mae Adams.
Together they raised
7 children in Portland.
H e w as a d e v o te d
family man and a skill­
ful barber in his early
ca reer and later re ­
tired as a professional
F ra n k an d h is
f a m ily a tte n d e d
c h u r c h fa ith fu lly
an d h e c o u ld be
found w orking dili­
g e n tly w h e re v e r
needed. He contin­
u ed to se rv e th e
Lord and stayed on
th e b a ttle fie ld for
over 30 years until
re c e n tly w hen his
h ealth b eg an to d eclin e. He
w ent on to be with the Lord on
March 25,2009,
He leaves to m oum , his chil­
dren, Norah G arfield Patterson
o f S an D ie g o , C a lif ., an d
Johnnie Marie Summers, Willie
Deannia Zickrick, Theoskei Lee
P a tte r s o n , L in d a L o u ise
T h o rn to n and T heresa Joyce
Thornton-W oods, all o f Port­
la n d ; g r a n d c h ild r e n , K e ith
You should think long and
hard about the practicality o f
the Swivel ‘n G o seats. They
might seem like a great idea, but
space aro u n d the rem o v ab le
tab le is cra m p ed , an d w hen
equipped with Swivel ‘n Go, the
seco n d -ro w seats d o n ’t fold
into the floor. On the flip side, it
would be wise to consider the
Stow n G o arrangem ent if you
think y o u ’ll need to haul a lot
o f stuff, as it allow s for the sec­
ond- and third-row seats to fold
into the floor
The Grand Caravan SXT is a
great family vehicle but if they
are looking to win over the guys
by offering tail gate seating for
the tail gate party or the swivel
seats in the middle maybe for the
card game it will not happen. The
younger generation will always
be more attracted to the SUV then
the mini van it will always have
the soccer mom stigma.
W ashington, Kevin W ashing­
ton, John Sum m ers Jr., Abens
Thornton, Jeff Summers, Heidi
Patterson, Cam eron Zickrick,
Idris O ’ Ferrall, Azelle Hall and
Iy o n a W o o d s; b r o th e r s ,
Charles A. Thornton (Helen) of
C o lu m b ia , M d., G e o rg e W.
Thornton o f Santa Ana, Calif.,
an d Ja m e s A. T h o rn to n o f
Belkview, 111.; his nieces, neph­
ew s, g reat n ieces and g rea t
nephew s, and a host o f rela­
tives and cherished friends.
®*!e ^ a r tla n it (©hserrier
The 4th Annual
Joyce Washington Classic 200*
H igh S chool A ll -S tar
B asketball G ames
Joyce Washington Scholarship
2009 Women’s All-Star Teams
Home Team (Gray)
Head Coach: Floyd Hall
Jude Schimmel
Shoni Schimmel
M ariah Ladd St.
Denaya Brazzle
Ariel Reynolds
Kristen Swim
M ikaylaElliiott
H annah M unger
Bailee Jurgenson
Aliyah G reen
S han’nice Story
Zoie Sheng
M arin Hobson
M ary ’s
N ewberg
St. M ary’s
St. M ary’s
Joyce Washington Scholarship
2009 Men’s All-Star Teams
Home Team (Gray)
Head Coach: M ichael Harper
Assistant Coach: Paul Kelly
R oosevelt
W ilson
W ilson
De L aSalle
Terrence Jones
Larry Richards
Derrick Hayes
Nick Kunis
Vlad Bahjak
M ax Snodderly
David Jordan
Dominique Gilles
Tyrone Phillips
Ryan Robertson
A shton M urdock
D onta Harris
Visiting Team (Blue)
Head Coach: M ichael Holton
Assistant Coach: Michael M angum
H ead C oach: Dennis Carline
Kay Phosakham
T yrisha Blake
Jacque Shaw
M onique Carlson
Krystal Forthan
RazjaG oodm an
D iam ond Ferguson
Kiarra Berry
M addy May
Brittany Raz
Mia Robinson
B enson
R oosevelt
B enson
De La Salle
In memory o f
Cory Neal Washington,
Women’s Coach of the Year:
Cecille M oses Franklin High School
JD Esters
M ike M oser
M ichael Holton JR
M ikeFendall
Damarcus Davis
Terrell Manlley
Perry Dinyain
Joe Owen
Anthony Holton
Lucas Shaw
Jack Hollowell
Zachary Minden
S unset
S unset
Men’s Coach of the Year:
Pat Strickland, Jefferson High School
Come see the best of high-school basketball players! Be there to support your school!
May 9th at Self Enhancement Inc., 3920 N. Kerby, Portland
Doors Open at 3:00 p.m.
Girls Classic at 4:30 p.m.
Dunk Contest at 3:30 p.m.
Boys Classic at 5:30 p.m.
Tickets can be purchased at The Portland Observer (4747 N.E. Martin Luther King Blvd.)
$5 for adults, $2 for kids (age 7-17) & Seniors. *Kids 6 and under free.
Proceeds raised go to the Joyce Washington Memorial Scholarship Fund
F o r inform ation, ca ll M ark W ashington a t 503-288-0033 o r F loyd H all at 503-804-9504
U n t929
Bashor’s 11 \\1 ATHLETICS
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