Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 01, 2009, Page 2, Image 2

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    ilie Jlortlanb ©bseruer
Page A2
A p ril I, 2009
The Interstate Firehouse
Cultural Center in north
Portland is once again is
fighting for city funding.
Public Hearing Notice
Due to th e w eak economy, TriMet is facing a b u d g et shortfall th a t requires a
5 percen t c u t in p rogram s an d services agency wide. In February, w e proposed
service cu ts for buses an d MAX th a t included th e d iscontinuation of 12 low-
rid ersh ip b u s lines. After review ing m ore th a n 1,500 public com m ents and
fu rth e r analysis of ridership d a ta , nearby service an d school/job access, we
revised o u r proposal.
Sum m ary
TriMet proposes th e follow ing service cuts effective S eptem ber 2009:
• 5 b u s lines w o u ld be d isco n tin u ed : 41-Tacoma, 74-Lloyd District/Southeast,
86-Alderwood, 153-South End Rd Loop and 157-Happy Valley.
• 20 b us lin es w o u ld have m a jo r changes to ro u te, frequency a n d /o r hours
of o p e ra tio n : 1 Vermont, 15-Belmont, 18-Hillside, 19-Woodstock, 27 M arket/
Main, 31-Estacada, 33-Fremont, 34-River Rd, 37-Lake Grove, 55-Hamilton,
58-Canyon Rd, 59-W alker/Park Way. 60-Leahy Rd, 63-W ashington Park, 70-12th
Ave, 85-Swan Island, 8 8-H art/198th Ave, 152-Milwaukie, 156-M ather Rd and
Cedar Mill Shuttle.
• 15 b u s lin es w o u ld have som e or all w eek en d service disco n tin u ed :
1-Vermont, 10-Harold, 17-NW 21st Ave/St Helens Rd, 33-Fremont, 34-River
Rd. 39-Lewis & Clark, 43-Taylors Ferry Rd, 47-Baseline/Evergreen, 48-Cornell,
51-Vista, 59-Walker/Park Way, 63-W ashington Park, 67-Jenkins/158th Ave,
89-Tanasbourne and 156-M ather Rd.
• MAX a n d vario u s o th e r b u s lines w o u ld have re d u ctio n s in ro u te , frequency
a n d /o r h o u rs of o p eratio n .
Read th e co m p lete service cu t proposal a t trim et.org.
How to contact us
Email: co m m en ts@ tn m et.o rg
C om m ent lin e: 503-962-5806
Fax: 503-962-6469
M ail: TriMet-MK2,4012 SE 17th Ave., Portland, OR 97202
TTY: 503-238 5811 (7.30 a m to 5:30 p.m. weekdays)
Public hearings
Wilson High School
1151 SW V erm ont
Portland, OR 97219
Tuesday, April 7, 2009,
4-7 p.m
Portland Building
A uditorium ,
Second Floor
1120 SW 5th Ave.
Portland, OR 97204
Wednesday, April 8,2009
4-7 p.m
Clackamas County
Sheriff's Office
Public Safety
Training Center
12700 SE 82nd Ave.
Clackamas, OR 97015
If you req u ire a sig n -lan g u ag e in te rp re te r or o th e r com m unication aids, please
call 503-802-8200 (select o ption 4) or TTY 503-802-8058 (7:30 a m. to 5:30 p.m.
weekdays) a t least 48 h o u rs in advance of th e hearing.
T R I «
Director says
arts diversity
at stake
by J ake T homas
C om m ents m u st be received by 5 p.m., Friday, April 10, 2009.
Monday, April 6, 2009,
4-7 p.m
IFCC Frets over Budget
T he P ortland O bserver
Adrienne Flagg, the creative
d ire c to r for the In te rsta te
Firehouse Cultural Center, is
worried that the north Portland
art center will become “just a
venue,” and will be unable to
fund any o f its unique
multicultural programs.
Since the IFCC was founded
in 1982 by C harles Jordan,
Portland’s first African Ameri­
can city commissioner, it has
been working to foster diver­
sity in the arts in Portland. It
has helped immigrant and mi­
nority artists just starting out
get their foot in the door with
mentoring programs, for ex­
Report • ~
Hosted Bv:
The Portland Chapter If the I .Inks,
The W hite Rose Educational Fund,
In Partnership with T he Oregon Convention
continued ¿ ^ f r o m Front
For the Benefit Of:
T he Finks Educational and
Scholarship Fund
Even' Ticket Price
Oregon Convention Center
777 N F m artin l.uther King Blvd
one-vcar antncrlptton to
Portland, Oregon
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•layah Salon and Spa
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Portland. OR 9 7 2 12
Brown Paper Tickets www.brovvnpapcrtickels.toin
Ticket West ftti Safeway Stores
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AmericanAirlines ^ r s .
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503-288-4070 or 503-288-4106
are about 97 times greater. A
state court previously cut the
co m p en sato ry aw ard to
The value o f the award has
climbed to more than $145 mil­
lion because of accrued inter­
est, the com pany said. Sixty
percent of it would go to an
Oregon crime victims fund, al­
though the company has said
it might continue to contest
the portion owed the state.
The Oregon high court made
its first decision in 2(X)2, refus­
ing to hear an appeal from Philip
T h en the U .S. S u p rem e
Court rejected the judgm ent
of nearly $80 m illion, saying
in another case that damages
generally should be held to no
more than nine times actual
e co n o m ic dam ag es. It d e ­
clined, however, to make that
a firm rule.
Next, the Oregon Supreme
Court upheld the punitive dam­
ages, citing "extraordinarily
re p re h e n sib le " c o n d u c t by
Philip Morris officials.
Then came the U.S. Supreme
Court's second take on the case.
In 2007, the court said in a 5-4
decision that jurors may pun­
ish a defendant only for harm
done to someone who is suing,
not other smokers who could
make similar claims.
The state court was told to
reconsider the award in the con­
text of instructions for the trial
jury that Philip M orris pro­
posed and the trial judge re­
In January, the Oregon court
said there were other defects in
the instructions that violated
Oregon law, and supported the
trial judge's decision not to give
the proposed instructions to
the jury.
The case is Philip M orris
USA v. Williams, 07-1216.
Grocery was Maxey’s
Tickets Subject To Convenience Charge
Studio Slv-Nine Hair Design
545 NE Killingsworth ST.
Portland. OR 97221
get, that the $80,(XX) was being
“We were not prepared for
that at all,” said Flagg, who ex­
plained that the money makes
up about a third of its budget
and the cut would have ham­
strung the center.
However, Flagg said that sup­
porters quickly rallied.
“We’ve been in letter writing
mode,” she said.
Commissioner Nick Fish, who
oversees the parks budget, said
he included $72.000 in funding
for IFCC all along.
“I’m a big supporter of the
IFCC,” said Fish. However, he
noted that eventually IFCC will
have to become self-sufficient
and not rely on the city for cash.
M ayor Sam A dam s, who
helped keep the center from
closing its doors as a city com­
missioner in 2005, said that he
has funding for the IFCC in his
budget as well because of the
unique role it plays in Portland’s
art scene.
However, every service the
city provides is starring down
deep cuts, and funding for the
IFCC could be gutted before the
full council.
“This year we have really
deep cuts,” said Adams.
In May, the city council will
hear public testimony on the
proposed city budget.
Flagg plans to be there along
with supporters, but is hoping
sh e ’ll be there to thank the
council for their support, not to
pressure them to restore fund­
W id o w ’s T ob acco
A w ard U p h eld
What's Hip. What's Hot. What's Now!
A pril 24, 2009
8:00 PM
The center is a regular spon­
sor of multicultural theatrical
perform ances, dance studio,
and gallery exhibitions. Just re­
cently the IFCC hosted an exhi­
bition called “ Due N o rth ,”
which featured the visual works
of over 50 artists based in north
and northeast Portland.
“IFCC supports diversity on
a daily basis,” said Flagg.
The center has relied heavily
on the city to supplement its
budget, but with city coffers
severely strained and with most
city bureaus looking at 5 to 10
percent cuts, the arts center’s
operations may face a dramatic
reduction if it c a n 't m uster
enough support from the City
Since the IFCC was founded,
the city has helped keep it afloat
by providing it a 100-year-old
firehouse and a steady stream
of subsidies, with the under­
standing that the arts center
would have to eventually stand
on its own.
According to Flagg, the cen­
ter received $ 100,000 annually
for its first 15 years to support
its program s. In tw o o ther
years, proposals for a complete
cut to funding the center were
eventually put back in, said
Since 2005, IFCC has re ­
ceived $80,000 from city funds
that they must match.
However, early last month
Flagg said she got word from
her liaison with Portland Parks
and Recreation, which has usu­
ally overseen the IFCC’s bud-
The grocery former Sen. Avel Gordly frequented as a child
was “Maxey’s". The name was misspelled in the story “Gang
War Front Lines" in our March 25 edition. The Portland
Observer regrets the error.
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