Walnut Park Saved Arts Center Woes Non-profit buys apartment complex to retain its use fo r elderly, disabled Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center fights fo r funding See Housing, page A 7 ‘City of Roses’ See story, page A2 31 a rtlattò ©bserlier P e t a l 'l l in 1 0 7 0 Established in 1970 Volume XXXVIV, Num ber 13 u n in n n n r t In n m w w w .p o rtla n d o b se rve m r.co m Committed to Cultural Diversity Wednesday • A p ril I. 2009 TLWeek in The Review Obamas’ Arrive In London President Barack O bam a and First Lady M ichelle O bam a ar­ rived in London Tuesday for their first journey across the Atlantic since taking office. First up for the president w as a summit of the world's economic pow ers to address the global financial meltdown. Pistachios Contaminated T h e sa lm o n e lla scare th a t prom pted a blanket federal w arning against eating pista­ chios may have erupted be­ cause contam inated raw nuts got m ixed with roasted nuts during processing, the C alifor­ nia com pany at the center o f the nationwide recall said T ues­ day. Tainted Pepper Spices Public health officials in O r­ egon and three other w estern states have tracked an outbreak o f salm onellosis to ground p ep p er im ported, packaged and distributed by Union In­ ternational Food Co. and dis­ trib u te d to resta u ran ts and spice w hole sellers. Black ScholarRemembered photo by M ark Club Twelve 22 Hits Reset Proprietor determined to get past troubles John Hope Franklin, a revered historian and scholar o f the A fric a n - A m ericanex- k perience, was ■ being remem­ b e r e d a f te r by J ake T homas gjL h is d e a th T , he P ortland O bserver » the age o f 94. F ranklin’s book “From Slavery to Freedom ” was a landm ark integration o f black history into A m erican history. W ashington /T hf . P ortland O bserver LaVon Van is determined to make LV's Sports Bar, Restaurant and Lounge, 35 3 0 N. Vancouver Ave., a comfortable and safe environment. LaVon Van, w ants everyone to know your nam e when you walk into his bar. Van, the proprietor of LV's Sports Bar, R estaurant, and L ounge (com m only know as Club Twelve 22), wants his bar to be a com m unity place where custom ­ ers can kick back and m eet up with old friends or take in a B lazer’s gam e in a com fortable and safe environm ent. He also w ants you to know you h e’s trying to get rid o f the rough crow d that has given the entertainm ent venue a sketchy reputation over the years. L o cated n ear the corner o f N orth Vancouver Avenue and Frem ont Street, Club Twelve 22 - one of Portland’s last "black bars” - LV 's has been plagued fo r y ea rs w ith p ro b lem s in v o lv in g gangs, drugs, and violence. But Van, who has ow ned the establishm ent since 2(X)4, is determ ined to turn it around. "M y first five years has been dealing with a lot o f negative issues," said Van, w ho adm its that the bar has attracted a seedy crow d that caused trouble. Portland Police records reveal that there were 3 1 incidents in 2008 alone at the bar, some involving drugs and violence. A ccording to Oregon Liquor Control Com mission records, LV’s has a history o f “serious and persistent problem s,” prom pting the com m ission to clam p d o w n on it fo r d ru g d e a lin g an d shootings in the parking lot. The bar was cited last year by the O LCC for perm itting or not controlling unlawful activity on the prem ises and providing private security w ithout a li­ cense. The bar was fined $2,310 and was put on notice that it’s in jeopardy of losing its liquor license. But Van points to his progress. "Since August I've really done some cleaning up," he said. He gave the troublem akers the boot, and cut dow n on the in-and-out traffic that lends itself to questionable behav­ ior. He got him self licensed to run secu­ rity and checks IDs m ore vigilantly. He has a cam era system in place to m oni­ tor what goes on and has told the po­ lice to check in anytim e they want. He also placed a big “no loitering” sign in continued y ^ on page A10 Stock Market High Note W all Street ended a tum ultu­ ous M arch on a high note, m an­ aging its first w inning month this year and its best m onthly perform ance in nearly seven years. Stocks finished off their earlier highs on Tuesday but resumed a three-w eek rally that has brought the Dow Jones industrials up 16 percent since hitting new 12-year lows in early M arch. Computer Infection Noted A nasty com puter infection will start ram ping up its efforts W ednesday to use those m a­ chines for cyber crim es. The C onficker w orm spreads from PC to PC by exploiting a secu­ rity hole in M icrosoft Corp.'s W indow s operating system . The hole was fixed in October, but if your com puter doesn't get autom atic updates from M icrosoft, you could be vul­ nerable. Oregon Beach Cleanup D espite wet and storm y condi­ tions, more than 4,300 volun­ teers turned out to participate Saturday in the 24th annual SOLV G reat Oregon Spring Beach Cleanup. The volunteers rem oved an estim ated 60,000 pounds o f trash from O regon’s coastline. Portland Home Prices Fall H ome prices in the Portland m etro area continued their de­ cline in January, according to an industry report, dropping about 3 percent in a month, but dow n 14 percent from a year ago. Instilling Sportsmanship over Conflict Local players earn points for conflict resolution by L ee P erlman T he P ortland O bseryer A local group o f basketball players have learned some things about play­ ing the gam e, but it has nothing to do w ith the shot, drib b le, pass and re­ bound. The lesson is avoiding conflict on and off the court. “I learned it’s good to have sports­ m an sh ip ,” seventh g rad er C ardeana Barton says. “You need to give people th eir personal space on and o ff the court.” The personal space for basket­ ball would be the length o f your arm. A n o th e r se v e n th g ra d e r, J a ’N ae Davis, rem em bers a time when another girl was in her “personal space" and m ade contact; D avis responded by hit­ ting her. If that happened today, she says, “I’d w alk away.” Fifth grader Secret Wilson has learned about the benefits o f teamwork. “ Basketball is a team gam e, and you photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Cardeana Barton (left) and Ja 'Nae Davis learn the finer points to sports­ manship in a workshop called ‘Competition, Not C onflict.' c a n 't do it without the team ." she said. “If another girl is open, you pass to her. A nd you d o n ’t get mad." As members o f the Portland Parks and R ecreation's Cisco Kids youth basket­ ball league, the girls com pleted a series o f workshops called “Com petition, Not Conflict,” conducted by the Northwest Institute for C onflict Resolution. Carried out by a team o f six coaches with conflict resolution backgrounds, the pilot program attem pts to instill positive values into athletic com peti­ tion. O ver the course o f three weeks the basketball players were given training in the areas o f team building, race, cul­ ture and identity; gender, pow er and lead ersh ip ; and sp o rtsm an sh ip and conflict. R e so lu tio n team le ad e r M ichael M cCorm ick said th ere's an artificial conflict in sports that’s created by our obsession with winning. ‘T ogether with racial prejudice and other ingredients, it can lead to ugly incidents,” he said. Last year, at a high school basket­ b all to u r n a m e n t in E u g e n e , th e Roosevelt High School team was show ­ ered with racial epithets by the home crowd. M cCorm ick says he hopes to correct such attitudes with this sort o f training. However, he adds, “You don’t have a chance unless you start when (the athletes) are young." continued y ^ on page A8 Widow’s Tobacco Award Upheld in Appeal Decision comes 10 years after original verdict (AP) - The Suprem e Court on T ues­ day threw out a cigarette maker's ap­ peal o f a $79.5 m illion award to a Port­ land smoker’s widow, likely signaling the end o f a l()-year legal fight over the large payout. In a one-sentence order, the court left in place a ruling by the Oregon Supreme Court in favor of Mayola W illiams. The state court has repeatedly upheld a ver­ dict against Altria Group Inc.'s Philip Morris US A in a fraud trial in 1999. T he ju d g m en t has grow n to m ore than $145 million with interest. The justices heard argum ents in the case in December, but said Tuesday that they arc not passing judgm ent on the legal issues that were presented. In­ stead, it is as if the court had declined to hear the case at all. P hilip M orris had argued that the award should be thrown out and a new trial ordered because o f flaws in the in­ structions given jurors before their d e­ liberations. Business interests had once hoped the high court w ould use the case to set firm limits on the award of punitive dam ages, intended to punish a defen­ dant for its behavior and deter a repeat offense. The case has bounced around appel­ late courts since 1999, when W illiams convinced a ju ry that P hilip M orris should be held accountable for mislead ing people into thinking cigarettes were not dangerous or addictive. W illiams' husband Jesse was a jam - tor in Portland who started sm oking during a 1950s Army hitch and died in 1997, six m onths after he was d iag ­ nosed with lung cancer. His widow was aw arded $800,000 in actual dam ages. The punitive dam ages continued ( y ^ on page A2