I,ie Jïortlanb ©bseruer March 25, 2009 Page A7 H ousing Habitat for Humanity Builds Green New homes meet highest standards M aking a sustainable home d o e s n ’t j u s t m e a n g o in g g r e e n — it m e a n s c re a tin g hom es with lasting value that co n trib u te to the prod u ctiv e grow th and positive health o f the com m unities in w hich we live. P o rtlan d ’s H abitat for H u­ m anity has a com m itm ent to g reen b u ild in g and contihu- ously looks for w ays to make hom es affordable to buy and affordable to live in. In 2007, a unique opportunity arose when the C ascadia R e­ g ion B uilding C o uncil c h a l­ lenged participants to design a L E E D (Leadership in Energy an d E n v iro n m e n ta l D esig n ) green rated duplex at 604 N.E. W ebster, a property ow ned by Habitat for Humanity. The rating system provides a framework for sustainable green building and development prac­ tices. LEED certification demon­ strates that a building is envi­ ro n m en tally resp o n sib le and healthy place to live. T he w inners o f the contest w ere D avid Posada and Scott Mooney. After meeting with the photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortean » O bserver Juan Gonzalez (from left), Carrie Davis and Thea Zander work on a Habitat for Humanity home at 602 N.E. Webster St., the non-profit group's first LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) home in Oregon. co sts w o rth w h ile— it is e sti­ m ated that these hpm es will be 40 percent more energy efficient than a norm al home. The two Habitat homes at 604 N E W ebster, a four-bedroom and a tw o -b ed ro o m , are e x ­ pected to earn either a gold or platinum rating from LEED for Homes. A ccording to the U.S. G reen Building Council, there are only 14 housing projects in the entire state o f Oregon with a gold or platinum rating— and none o f those fall under the cat­ egory o f “affordable housing.” It is H abitat's hope that the houses on NE W ebster can b e­ come a model of how socially and environm entally resp o n ­ sible decision-m aking can ulti­ mately provide more progres­ sive and energy-efficient homes for families in need. Q w est right speed, right price, right here The Alemayoh family will move into a Habitat for Humanity home with the highest rating for green sustainability building practices. designers, H abitat decided to make their design a reality, with som e adjustm ents to make the h o m e m o re c o n d u c iv e to H ab itat’s program o f sim ple, d e c e n t, a ffo rd a b le h o u sin g . W alsh C o n stru ctio n Co. and Bank o f America sponsored the project and Walsh provided the project m anagem ent. M ost Habitat hom es are al­ ready Energy Star efficient, but this dem onstration project was an opportunity to utilize many n o n -trad itio n al products and system s that H abitat wished to leam about. A large am ount o f the m aterials and labor for this p roject w ere donated, w hich kept the hom es affordable for hardworking families o f limited means. The families will purchase the Promotional pricing available tor 12 monttw to w w Qwest High speed internet* customers subscribing to Qwest Connett* Silver w.|h Windows Uve’ Pequtes a qualifying home phone package. See details below Service not nailable in all areas. Janette Clark becomes a homeowner thanks to 500 hours o f sweat equity with Habitat for Humanity. hom es at cost and pay a zero p e r c e n t in te r e s t m o rtg a g e , W hile building green is m ore expensive, the long-term ben- efits o f low er-energy cost help m ake these additional up front Preventing Home Fires O regon State Fire M arshal Randy Simpson reminds Orego­ nians any tim e is a good time to have chim neys, fireplaces and w o o d s to v e s in s p e c te d an d cleaned to avoid fires. "K eeping your family warm should never result in tragedy," says Simpson. If you use portable room heat­ ers m ake sure to give them space and keep them away from com bustible materials. O regonians can keep them ­ selves safe by having c h im ­ n e y s, f lu e s , f ire p la c e s an d w o o d s to v e s in s p e c te d an d cleaned each year by a quali­ fied chim ney sweep. Ask them to check for creosote deposits, soot build-up and physical dam ­ age. A lw a y s u se a f ire p la c e screen. M ake sure the screen is made o f sturdy metal or heat- te m p e r e d g la s s to p re v e n t sp a rk s fro m e s c a p in g . You should also keep a clutter-free environm ent. Store kindling, fire logs and wood at least three feet from any h ea t so u rc e and d isp o s e o f ashes in a metal container and place the container outdoors at least three feet from anything flammable. call, click, come in. 1 8 7 7 -6 4 5 -4 4 5 4 ¿Español? 1 800-763-6573 qwest.com/rightprice f phone p«k age aie $2999 with a two year commitment o higher Oftcount win beqm wit h hist hill month of b nog 01 d OH er restrictions may app (aids unies rates Downwad speeds wB b*> ip to IS% ow et due to neiwork regir and r ostomer equipment Spec' Ì ítPíÁt Customers tjualitvmq for Owes,t formed Platinum * recene with Wwto>ws XP (wih Serv ■ce Pack 2 or greater) and Wndows systems witi receive MSN Pien uim Certain featieesot Wmdciwsbvt and other itsts With approve«1 credo Requires compatible n u res AGPOt'Wt’ *s’ Mu rosoft terms and (onddHMIS M " the Mif rosoFt oro jo ot c o c w nes Aii other trademarks are c Kd morth'v rdes ’ to month wtoo'bi Qwest Connect may vary tor tease