Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 25, 2009, Page 10, Image 10

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    March 25, 2009
Portland OL s e r v e r
A u t o R e v ie w
News and reviews on new motor vehicles
2009 Dodge Charger SXT AWD
by K athleen C akk
The 2009 Dodge Charger is a
full-size, four-door sedan that
m akes a bold design statem ent
and backs it up w ith serious
horsepow er. A w ide range o f
m odels is available, but all are
com fortable cruisers, offering
drivers a friendly haven from
traffic and bumpy freeways.
The SXTis a good cruisers,
com fortable m otoring along at
70-80 mph. The Charger is quiet
at that speed, with little wind or
road noise. The SXT model felt
perfectly in its elem ent on the
highw ays o f Oregon. The SXT
is powered by a 3.5-liter V6 good
fo r 250 hp and 250 lb -ft o f
torque. T his engine gets a four-
sp e e d a u to m a tic w ith rea r-
w heel drive and a five-speed
auto with all-wheel drive. The
D odge C harger delivers pony
car excitem ent and style. A l­
th o u g h th e S X T fe e ls a bit
heavy it handles extremely well
if you arr cruising or deciding
to put the pedal to the metal. It
is just the right am ount pow er
when needed. The standard 5-
speed autom atic does a fine job
o f m atching the gear you need
to the dem ands your inputing
with your nght foot. A utom at­
ics do their best work behind
Specifications: 3.5 Liter High output 24-vavte V6 MP engine; five speed automatic
larger, high-torque en g in es -
transmission; 17 city mpg, 23 highway mpg; MSRP $29.490
and this is no exception.
The SXT upgrades with an ton A coustics stereo with six wheels. The SXT com es with face. A lso available are 18-inch
eig h t-w a y a d ju sta b le p o w er speakers and 276-watt amplifier, all-wheel drive. Options include aluminum wheels with P225/6OR
driver's seat, leather-w rapped interior air filter, power-adjust- leather-trim m ed seats ($640), all-season tires coupled with a
steering wheel and shift knob, able pedals, Sirius satellite ra­ su n ro o f ($950), and D odge's rear spoiler. In addition to the
60/40 split folding rear seat with dio with one year subscription, U C o n n e c t h a n d s -f re e c e ll Protection G roup and Sm okers
fold-down center armrest, Bos- fog lamps and cast alum inum phone link now with iPod inter­ G roup, there's a Com fort Seat­
(O b itu a r ie s
Remembered Grandmother
F uneral services w ere held
March 18 at M aranatha Church
for Rev. Wendell H. Wallace, a
longtim e Portland pastor who
p a s se d aw ay p e a c e fu lly , at
hom e on M arch 9, 2(X)9. In his
obituary in last w eek’s issue, a
photo caption for an unrelated
story w as in co rrectly p laced
under Rev. W allace’s picture.
The Portland O bserver apolo­
gizes for any discom fort this
error may have caused.
Rev. Wendell
H. Wallace
Clemm ie M ayes was bom in Grady, Ala. on
Sept. 13,1921, the youngest o f six children, bom
to Savannah and Herbert M ayes.
In high school, he saw a beautiful young coed
w alk by the athletic field, and undaunted by the
fact that he did know her, he proclaim ed to his
friends, "That girl is going to be my wife." As
usual, he accom plished his goal. In 1945, he and
Alezine were married in Detroit, Mich.
Rev. Mayes later answered a calling to become
a m inister and the couple m oved to Anderson,
Ind., where he attended A nderson College. In
1953, they took up a call to w ork as m issionaries
in the picturesque island o f Berm uda. W hile
there, they founded the Sound View Church of
God and helped plant another church.
In 1957, they m oved - with their tw o young
sons in tow - to Southern California w here he
pastored the 47th Street Church o f God, in San
Diego. After years o f successful ministry there,
the family m oved to the charm ing, beachfront
city o f Santa Barbara.
T hey
so o n
founded a m inis­
try devoted their
liv e s to se rv in g
people w ho were
hom eless o r drug-
d ep en d en t. O ver
n early th ree d e ­
cades, that m inis­
try, called "Wings
o f Love," touched hundreds and hundreds
o f lives by sharing a hot meal, a warm em ­
brace, and a m essage o f hope.
In 2006, Rev. Mayes moved from Santa Bar­
bara to Portland to be closer to his family. On
Feb. 26, 2009, at the age o f 87, he m oved on
to his final resting place.
He is survived by a 95-year-old sister, Ruby
May; seven sons, A hlem , Jonathan, Micah,
John, Andrew, D ew ayne and Ted; 18 grand­
children; and one great-grandchild
S erv ices w ere held on M arch 4 at Mt.
Olivet Baptist Church. A rrangem ents by Cox
Life was rededicated to the Lord
Jerl D ale H arris, the eld est
child o f M ildred L. W illiam s
and W ill M itchell, w as born
O ct. 9, 1955 in Portland.
He co n fe ssed to C h rist at
an early age and w as baptized
at M t. Sinai B aptist C hurch at
the age o f 12, u nder the lead-
ersh ip o f th e late Rev. L .L .
R anson.
H e a t te n d e d B o is e a n d
F aubion E lem entary sch o o ls
and continued his ed u catio n
at the P ortland O p p o rtu n ities
In d u stria liz a tio n C enter. He
w ork ed as a ja n ito r to h elp
They shared a w onderful life
until his death.
She w orked m any years at
both G ood Sam aritan Hospital
and O H SU as a dietician aide,
until her retirement.
She w as a m em b er o f the
V a n c o u v e r A v en u e B a p tis t
L u c re tia w as p re c e d e d in
death by her husband; a sister,
V erlee D avis; h er p aren ts; a
brother, Rev. A rtlee Josey and
su p p o rt h is fam ily . H is last
em p lo y m en t befo re tak in g ill
w as at C ity C en tral C oncern.
H e also w as a reco v ery ad ­
dict w ho had been clean for
se v e ra l y e a rs. H e lo v e d to
laugh, w as carin g , loving and
o p en m in d e d . He loved his
An ongoing series of questions and answers about America's natural healing profession
Dr. Billy R. Flowers
Part 12. Regular Checkups: As important to
your back as they are to your eyes or teeth.
: I d o n ’t have any serious but if left untreated, may disable sta g e s, so do C h iro p ra c tic
b ac k p ro b le m s. W hy you for days, months or some­ checkups. Detected early, spi­
times permanently. The likeli­ nal defects are not only easier
should I see a Chiropractor?
: T hat is a good question. hood of disability increase dra­ to treat, but may save a lot of
Som etim es we do n ’t re­ matically in over 30. Fortunately, pain and money, as well as re­
alize that a small crick in the we are able to avoid many spinal ducing the chance of a disabling
neck or som e slight back dis­ problems with regular, precau­ spinal disorder. To arrange for
com fort is beginning o f larger tionary checkups. Just as an eye your checkup, or for answers
problems which are often much exam or dental checkup prevents to any q u estio n s you m ight
m ore difficult to treat at a later potential problem s or corrects have about your health, call our
the p ro b lem s o r in its early office at the number below.
stage in life.
Unfortunately, eight out of
ten A m ericans will be struck
down by severe low back pain
2124 NE Hancock,
at one time or another. The m e­
chanical or structural defects of
Portland Oregon 97212
th e b ack u su a lly d e v e lo p
slowly and with very little pain,
Flowers' Chiropractic Office
Phone: (5 03) 2S7»5504
S ervices for F ran cis M ary M ays, w ho died
at the age o f 100, were held M arch 2 1 ,2 0 0 9 at
M aran ath a C hurch.
She w as born on the P en n ­
sylvania T urnpike, the d au g h ­
ter o f V iola and B ob M ays.
She had one sister nam ed Lilly
and on e b ro th e r (n am e u n ­
know n).
She w as m arried to the late
C h arles F lournoy and to this
union was bom , Charles, Paul,
Elizabeth, M axine and M arga­
ret, all w ho preced ed h er in
d ea th .
She graduated from N ew ark
C ity H ospital and w as a R e g ­
istered N urse at Q ueen o f A n ­
gels and Tem ple H ospital. She
b ecam e a nurse becau se she
liked helping people and m aking them happy.
L ater in life she w as a caregiver. She loved
playing Bridge. She m et several friends at the
L ake O sw ego S en io r C e n te r w here she occa-
jeri Dale Harris
Lucretia Mack was bom on
May 20,1917 in Dallas, Texas
to Lucious and D aisy Mack.
She grew up and attended
High School in Dallas. She met
and married Elvin McKenzie Sr.
and to this union a son was
bom , M uham m ad A bdullah
(Elvin Jr.).
After a divorce, Lou, as she
was fondly known, m oved to
P ortland around 1941. She
later met and m arried Larce
M cM illan on Aug. 25, 1954.
In Loving Memory
Life of Ministry Touched Many
Rev. Clemmie Mayes Sr.
Lucretia McMillan
fam ily and w as alw ay s there
to help. He rededicated his life
to th e L o rd a n d j o i n e d
Em m anuel Tem ple C hurch un­
der the lead ersh ip o f B ishop
C.T. Wells.
Jerl w ill be m issed, but not
fo rg o tten .
H e w as
p re c e d e d
in death by
h is fa th e r;
a b r o th e r ,
M anuel
W illia m s ;
h is
g ra n d ­
m o th e r
a H a rris .
H e le a v e s to c h e ris h h is
m em o ries h is tw o c h ild re n ,
S ean L acy an d Y o lo n d a R.
H a rris; fiv e g ra n d c h ild re n ,
S e a n L a c y J r ., T e a s e a n n a ,
D e a s e a n n a , A n th o n y a n d
A n d re L a c y ; a g r a n d s o n
T a s e a n L a c y ; h is m o th e r
M ild red ; sisters, S w ana W il­
so n ( C h a r li e ) a n d C h e ry l
F le tc h e r ; a b r o th e r . J o h n
M itchell o f Pasco, W ash.; tw o
n ie c e s, S h a rle tta H u rst and
Y vonne N orm an; a nephew ,
Ja v ares H arris; and a host o f
relativ es and friends.
S e r v ic e s w e re h e ld on
M arch 16, 2(X)9 at E m m anuel
T e m p le . A rra n g e m e n ts e n ­
tru sted by C ox & C ox.
ing G ro u p w ith h eated front
seats, leather-trim m ed bucket
seats, pow er adjustable pedals
and an eight-way pow er front
passenger seat ($1395).
The C harger is fun to drive
and enjoyable for ju st cruising
along. It's perfectly in its ele­
ment w hen making tim e on a
freeway. It is a big, heavy, full-
size sedan measuring more than
16 feet in length and tipping the
scales near tw o tons, but it's
responsive and entertaining.
T the 2009 D odge Charger is
a m odem m uscle car very clev­
erly disguised as a family se­
dan. It offers too much pow er
for m ost people to rem ain safe
with and is one o f the m ost ex ­
citing cars on the planet to own
and drive. Power, speed, luxury,
great looks and loads o f com ­
fort are all presented.
a g ra n d d a u g h te r , C y n th ia
Left to cherish her memory,
are h er son; a step d au g h ter,
L ena S andford o f Seattle; two
s is te r s , R u b y J. M ille r o f
Sealy, T exas and K athy L ean
Jo sey o f San F elip e, Texas;
fiv e b r o th e r s , L u c io u s C.
Jo se y II o f K ille e n , T exas,
R o b e r t J o s e y o f S e a ly ,
L aw rence E. Josey o f K illeen,
C h arles R. Josey o f San A n ­
to n io , T e x a s , a n d G e o rg e
M c D o n a ld o f San F elip e ; 5
g r a n d d a u g h t e r s , 10 g r e a t
g ran d c h ild ren , 9 g reat great
g ra n d c h ild re n ; and m any
n ie c e s , n e p h e w s an d o th e r
re la tiv e s ; and a h o st o f
Services were held on March
5, 2009 at Cox & Cox Funeral
Francis Flournoy
sio n ally v o lunteered.
W hen she w as in h er 9 0 s she trav eled to
S pain and o th e r d estin a tio n s w ith som e o f
h e r S e n io r C e n te r f rie n d s .
W h e r e v e r s h e w e n t, sh e
loved peo p le and m ade them
la u g h . S h e a ls o lo v e d th e
L ord, and m et several friends
o f a ll a g e s a t M a r a n a th a
C hurch.
S h e is s u r v iv e d b y h e r
grandchildren, T racey K illroy
an d S an d ra H o rn e r-B ro o k s;
g reat g ran d ch ild ren , P aszion
H om er, A aron H om er, Jalaicia
B ro o k s, C h ris B ro o k s, an d
K e ith B ro o k s ; a n d n ie c e s ,
M attie M orris, Lilly A lexander
and A d alin a G ran t; nephew s,
J a m e s G a lig h tly , W illia m
G alightly and John G alightly; and by her care
tak ers, Paul and C o lleen S chublin and a host
o f friends.
A rran g em en ts en tru sted by C ox & Cox.
Love Conquers All
Isabel Cazares
Isabel Cazares was bom in
San Carlos, Texas on Dec. 26,
1949 to Jesus Flores and Mary
G uadalupe Aceves.
W hen she w as 6 m onths
o ld , th e fa m ily m o v e d to
G u a d a lu p e N u e v o L e o n ,
M exico. In 1956 the fam ily
m oved to H am ilto n , C alif,
w here she attended elem en­
tary school and w ent on to H am ilton High School where she
Isabel m oved to O regon in 1970.
She was brought up Catholic and later converted to Protes­
tant. She was a beautiful person, innocent in heart, and with a
gentle breeze spirit. As a young woman she cared for her broth­
ers and sisters. She loved her family dearly.
She brought three children into the world and her role as a
m other was unconditional. Even though there might have been
com plicated challenges at times, she was a very strong woman
who overcam e challenges when it cam e to her family. Love
conquers all.
Rem em ber her smile, laughter and joy. For all o f these things
m ade Isabel.
She leaves to m ourn her passing, her children Anna Flores,
Juaquin Briseno and A dam C azares; a grandchild. Braydon
C azares; her m other and father; six sisters, T heresa Henry,
C hristina Pacheco, Lupe Santos, A melia Lewis, M aggie Flores
and Rosa Hardy; three brothers, Elias Flores, Jesus Flores Jr.
and John Flores; a host o f nieces and nephew s, and other
relatives and friends.
Services were held on March 9, 2009 at New Freedom A s­
sem bly Church. A rrangem ents entrusted by Cox & Cox.
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