March II. 2009 Page A 6 Charges Filed in Assault on Rihanna Chris Brown free on bail (AP) - Chris Brown has been charged with two felonies stem­ ming from what a police detec­ tive describes as a brutal argu­ ment between the singer and his girlfriend, Rihanna. Brow n's arraignm ent was postponed until A pril 6 on charges o f assault likely to cause great bodily injury and making criminal threats. The 19-year-old R&B singer re­ mains free on $50,000 bail. A court com m issioner or­ dered him not to h a ra ss, threaten or harm anyone. At the request of Donald Etra, an at­ torney representing Rihanna, the commissioner did not order Thursday. He answered a few questions from the com m is­ sioner as his mother watched from the front row along with a group of family members. D etails released Thursday offer a starkly different portrait of Brown than the squeaky- clean image he has cultivated. The young man once praised for his Michael Jackson-esque dance moves is described in a detective's affidavit as punch­ ing his girlfriend, biting her ear and trying to choke her until she nearly lost consciousness. He rose to fame after the Singer Chris Brown, 19, faces his attorney Mark Geragos 2005 hit "Run It!" and his popu­ in Los Angeles Superior Court last Thursday on charges larity has only grown. He was o f assaulting his girlfriend, the pop star Rihanna. nominated for a Grammy for and cream shirt, clasped his "No Air" with Jordin Sparks Brown to stay away from her. Brown, wearing a three-piece hands behind his back as he and named Billboard's top art­ gray pinstripe suit with gray tie w alked into the courtroom ist in 2008. High Speed Drivers Slowed Oregon State Police statistics involving high speed traffic stops shows a nearly 25 percent drop in citations issued to driv­ ers traveling 100 mph or faster and fewer traffic fatalities in 2008. In January 2006, a new law took effect providing tougher penalties for drivers convicted of traveling over 100 mph. At a time when there was a notice­ able diminished enforcement presence on Oregon roads, the strong penalties were passed in effort to save lives endangered by drivers traveling at danger­ ous high speeds. Last year, Oregon State Police troopers cited 376 drivers for driving 100 mph or faster, an most popular songs with "Um­ brella" and has numerous other hits. Her stunning looks have made her a cover girl for maga­ zines, as well as a pitchwoman for Cover Girl cosmetics. According to Andrews' affi­ d a v it, B row n and R ihanna started dating about a year and half ago. The couple have never officially confirmed their ro­ m ance, but have been fre ­ quently spotted together, cud­ dling or holding hands. Brown issued a statement a week after the incident saying that he was "sorry and saddened" Rihanna about the incident. Rihanna also Grammys Feb. 8, but the al­ later issued a statement, saying leged attack forced both to can­ she wouldn't comment on the al­ leged beating at the request of cel their appearances. A Barbados-bom pop singer, authorities. She thanked fans for Rihanna recorded one of 2OO7's their support. The couple were among the marquee names scheduled to ap p ear and perform at the Ex-Cop Arrested for Arson approximate 25 percent decrease mph carries a mandatory mini­ speed is a factor in half of all over the number cited in 2007 mum 30 to 90 day suspension traffic fatalities, and it is the only factor in about 30 per­ when 494 citations were issued. in addition to a $1,103 fine. Figures show that excessive cent. Driving a vehicle over 100 A former Portland police of­ ficer has been charged with try­ ing to bum down an apartment complex with people inside. Steven Brian Gomez, 43, was arrested March 3 and charged with three counts of arson and attempted assault. The charges are based on an incident that occurred on Nov. 7, when a fire was started at a triplex located at 2121 N. Kilpatrick St. Police said there were three occupants in the residence Steven Gomez when the fire was started and one victim sustained m inor years. He resigned in 1997 af­ ter confessing to shooting his bum injuries. Detectives believe Gomez wife in an incident he claimed knew the victims inside the resi­ was an accidental shooting. His wife survived, but he spent 90 dence. Gomez worked for the Port­ days in jail for assault and re­ land Police Bureau for five signed from the force. Platinum Fade PDX Baggage Handlers Arrested S A L O N Two baggage handlers have 18 on eight counts o f theft. tw o-w eek in v e stig a tio n by been arrested on theft charges Jo se T re jo R o m e ro , 4 6 , P o rt o f P o rtla n d P o lic e . at Portland International A ir­ Vancouver, was arrested Feb. Some 200 items believed to 14 on charges of aggravated have been stolen have been port. r e c o v e re d ra n g in g fro m Bridgette Denise Bunnell, theft. laptop computers and jewelry. The arrests result from a 43, Molalla, was arrested Feb. to hand bags and clothing. Travelers who believe they m ay have had b ag g ag e or items from baggage stolen are urged to contact Port Police at 503-460-4747. Scam Warnings from Attorney General Jury Duty O regon A ttorney G eneral John Kroger is warning about a jury duty scam that seeks to trick people into providing per­ sonal, confidential information. The scam involves em ails and telephone calls that claim recipients have m issed jury duty and will be arrested or face other legal sanctions if they do not turn over Social Security numbers, bank accounts infor­ mation or dates of birth. O regonians recently have been receiving fraud emails with what appear to be subpoe­ nas from the U .S. D istrict We have the Best Barber & hair Stylist in Portland and we do Razor Line Cuts, Weaves, Relaxers and Cuts 5 0 1 0 N E 9 th U n it A , P o r tla n d , O r e g o n 9 7 2 2 1 503-284-2989 Hours o f operation: M-F Sat Sun 9 am - 6 pm 8 am - 9 pm 11 a m - 6 p m Chiropractic Auto Injury Clinic, PC Zchon R. Jones, DC 333 NE Russell St, #200, Portland, OR. 97212 (503) 284-7838 Truly making a difference in the lives of Auto Accident victims and Injured Workers for 16 years. If you or someone you know has been in an accident, call us so we can help you with your needs. (503) 284-7838 We are located on the com er o f MLK and Russell Street, on the second floor above the coffee shop. Court. These are invalid and may contain harmful links to viruses and identity thieves. Most of the bogus emails come from “,” which is not a government Web site. Oregon residents receiving jury scam calls or emails should contact local police or the At­ torney General's consumer pro­ tection hotline at 1-877-877- 9392 or o n line at Consumers who think they may have turned over personal financial information to jury duty scammers should go to the Federal Trade Com m ission's website at for specific directions in defending themselves against ID theft. Check Scam O regon small businesses, churches and non-profits con­ tinue to be tricked into con­ tracting for unwanted services by depositing small checks that arrive in the mail, accord­ ing to the O regon A ttorney General. The checks appear to be re­ funds or paym ents on small debts, but depositing a check signs up the victim for un­ wanted Internet access or yel­ low page a d v e rtis in g and T erry F amily 2337 N. Williams Ave. Portland, Or 97227 503-249-1788 We make the service personal, You make the tribute personal. Every tim e we a rra n g e a p ersonalized funeral service, w e take special p rid e going the e x tra m ile W ith o u r o n line M em orial O bituary, now w e can do even m ore. Friends a n d fam ily c a n find o u t service inform ation, view photos, re a d obituary, o rd e r flow ers a n d leave personal m essages o f condolences from anyw here, anytim e S im p ly go to o u r w ebsite. Dedicated to providing excellent service and superior care o f your loved one" I’wknit Ate« \\ VBNt *200 Dwight A. Terry Oregon License CO-3644 Amy S. Terry Rimell St s I I o b lig e s p ay m e n t, o ffic ia ls said. Oregon law generally prohib­ its what are known as "activa­ tion checks" or "live checks." The Oregon Department of Jus­ tice recently took court action against three companies that profited from check activation schemes. Consumers, businesses and non-profit groups wanting more information about check activa­ tion scams and other consumer protection issues may call the Attorney G eneral’s consumer hotline at 1-877-877-9392 or v isit the office online at Oregon l icense FS-0395