Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 11, 2009, Page 11, Image 11

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    ffl,c JJo rtlan h ffibscruer
March II, 2009
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Portland O t server Aufo R e v ie w
2009 Range Rover Sport HSE
Specifications: 4.4L 300hp Aluminum Alloy V8 engine; Six speed electronic controlled automatic with CommandShift;
12 city mpg, 18 highway mpg; MSRP $65,050.
T he 2009, the L and R over snow, mud and ruts, sand and
R ange R over S p o rt b en e fits rock crawl. Properly equipped
from cosm etic changes, includ­ Range Rover Sports can tow up
ing new wheel designs, addi­ to 7,700 pounds.
The 2(X)9 Range Rover Sport
tional exterior color choices,
updated metal vent bezels, new is very drivable, with a decent
door pulls and updated console turn radius and good pow er-as­
trim . It m aintains its rugged sist on the steering. There's no
reputation, but an upscale price m istaking its b u lk - it is a big
means luxury elem ents, such as SUV—but good visibility and
real w ood trim and a refrigera­ re sp o n siv e d riv in g c o n tro ls
keep it m aneuverable in traffic.
tor in the console.
L a n d R o v e r's p e rm a n e n t T he 4 .4 -lite r V-8 d id n 't w ant
4W D system with a tw o-speed fo r boost, using its 300 h o rse­
tran sfer case and the Terrain po w er at 5,5OOrpm and 315
Response system com es stan­ p o u n d - f e e t o f to r q u e at
dard. It autom atically sets the 4 ,0 0 0 rp m to get th is h eavy
p o w e rtra in , su sp e n sio n and SUV o ff the line w ithout h esi­
electronics system s to optim ize tation. T he eng in e is m ated
traction based on five different to a s ix - s p e e d a u t o m a t ic
settings: general, grass/gravel/ .tr a n s m is s io n w ith d r iv e ,
sport, and m anual m odes. In
d riv e, it tries to keep the e n ­
gine speed aro u n d 2 ,0 0 0 rp m ,
w h ile sp o rt m o v e s th e tach
n eedle up aro u n d 3,5OOrpm,
m aking m ore p o w er im m ed i­
ately av ailable. M anual m ode
sh ifts w ere the usual slushy
feelin g ch a n g e -u p s affo rd ed
by an autom atic transm ission.
S ta n d a r d e q u i p m e n t o n
H SE trim s in clu d es a p o w er
su n ro o f,
1 9 - in c h
a llo y
w h eels, b i-x en o n h ead lig h ts,
leath er u p h o lstery and n a v i­
gation system ; S u p erch arg ed
trim s are further outfitted with
2 0 -inch w h eels, an ad ap tiv e
front lig h tin g sy stem , h eated
fro n t and rear seats and sa te l­
lite rad io (all o p tio n al on the
H S E ). S ta n d a rd sa fe ty f e a ­
tu r e s in c lu d e six a ir b a g s ,
fo u r-w h eel a n ti-lo c k b rak es
w ith brak e assist, elec tro n ic
stab ility co n tro l w ith tractio n
c o n tro l an d ro ll m itig a tio n ,
fro n t and rear fog lig h ts, park
assist and tire pressu re m o n i­
to r in g . A sm a ll, tw o - p ie c e
ce n te r co n so le bin holds e le c ­
tro n ic d ev ices. T he tw o -p art
g lo v e b o x is q u ite large: the
b o tto m bin can easily hold a
sm all p u rse o r pack.
It has authentic off-road ca­
pability with refined, powerful
o n -ro a d p e rfo rm a n c e . C ity
dw ellers w ith a love o f adven­
ture will find the best o f both
w orlds in this luxury sport-util­
ity vehicle.
JI ) j ? ? Í f \ r'
t < t . t t Ì / > 1 1
Edward D. Strickland Jr.
Always loved, never forgotten.
3311 NE Martin Luther King Jr Blvd
$5 cover
Refreshm ents will be served
DJ George: The Mixologist”
Lady Kat
Hair and Fashion Show
Best Dress Contest ($250 gift card prize)
Battle of the Barbers ($ 10 to enter, $ 100 prize)
t- a £
Lupus Awareness
In memory of Diana Simon
(my m other R.l.P)
. , ¿ t ¿ i ¿ 4 I í
Delaware State Concert Choir
T y i . ynn P reston
T he D elaw are State U niver­
sity Concert C hoir will be per­
form ing in P ortland Sunday,
M a rc h 15. T h e c h o ir w as
founded in 1891, and features
75 voices in a m ixed chorus that
will serenade the audience with
th e ir m ixture o f im m aculate
sounds. Selections will include
N e g ro S p iritu a ls o f M o se s
George H ogan, M ozart's “Re­
q u ie m ,” H a n d e l’s M e ssia h ,”
and B ach’s “M agnificat.”
The direction o f this Concert
Choir is lead by Curtis Everett
Pow ell. T hrough outstanding
musical service and commitment
to several ministries to various
churches around the country,
Powell has received a Proclama­
tion o f the Com m unity Leaders
of America and has studied with
various directors and music pro­
fessors at many universities.
With these attributes in key,
Powell m aintains this prem ier
choral ensemble, as their legacy
continuously thrives. The con­
cert will he held again on March
15, a t A u g u s ta n a L u th e ra n
Church, N.E. 15th & Knot, at 6
pm. The adm ission is free, and
it prom ises to be a joyful per­
formance, filled with a blend o f
entertaining form s o f music.
State Farm' gives more discounts to more
drivers than anyone else So let me show you
how something as simple as combining home
and auto policies could save you up to $¿26’
Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there.’
Michael David Holton, Agent
PCC Foundation More Vital in Tough Times
A s th e econom y co n tin u es
to tank, an in creasing num ber
o f p e o p le a r e t u r n in g to
h ig h er ed ucation in hopes o f
co m ing out o f the recession in
b etter shape than going in.
T his influx o f new students
h as s tra in e d in s titu tio n s o f
h ig h e r e d u c atio n , e sp ec ially
w h en it c o m e s to fin a n c ia l
a id . T h e s ta te a n d f e d e ra l
g o v e r n m e n t h a v e s la s h e d
fu nding for h ig h er ed u catio n ,
and m ore people are looking
to c o m m u n ity c o lle g e s as a
less-ex p en siv e option.
P o rtlan d C o m m u n ity C o l­
lege has been no ex c ep tio n in
th is regard, but has a m e ch a­
nism a, its d isp o sal to h elp
fu n d its s tu d e n ts: th e P C C
F o undation.
T he college has seen a rise
in th e n u m b e r o f s tu d e n ts
lo o king into gettin g sc h o lar­
ships from the foundation.
T h e a p p l i c a t i o n p e r io d
s ta rts on M arch 16 an d the
school ex pects to see tw ice as
m a n y a p p l ic a tio n s a s la s t
PC C is hoping to keep the
fund hum m ing along despite
the in crease in people w an t­
ing to use it and is e n c o u ra g ­
ing donations. T he Jam es F.
and M arion L. M iller F o u n ­
dation is ch a llen g in g people
to r a is e m o re m o n e y f o r
s c h o la rs h ip s at c o m m u n ity
c o lle g e s . If P C C ca n raise
enough m oney by M arch 31,
A quarter century of
Ia n and Blues; 25
years a long time,
th e fo u n d a tio n w ill d o n a te
$ 3 2 0 ,0 0 0 in m atch in g funds.
T he fo u n d atio n has already
d is t r i b u t e d $ 4 1 2 ,0 0 0 fo r
sc h o la rsh ip s d u rin g the last
fisca l year. H o w ev er, m ore
th an 4 0 0 q u a lifie d s c h o la r ­
O 5
Part 10. Fatigue: A cure for people sick
and tired of being of being sick and tired.
T'J -,»• A
' tB
going that counts."
Ella Fitzgerald
Mail to KMHDfMHCC/26000 SE Start», Gresham. OR 97030
City ________________
Exp Date
: I seem to be tired a Io, detail. A nother cause, how ever vastly improved. Patientscomc
lately. Does that mean I is often stress. M any o f you back well-rested, telling us they
have p robably heard o f the ju s, had their best n ight's sleep
“Fight O r F light” syndrom e. in ages. If you think the stress
: The m ost com m on rea
W hen the body is stressed, it of everyday life might be w ear­
son patients come i nto our
responds with a com bat-ready ing you down and preventing
office is because of some type
posture. In analyzing many such your body from w arding off
o f pain. Bu, many o f these
patients' x-rays, we find the head illnesses, call us for an ap­
people are also suffering from
angled forward and the back pointm ent. Or if there arc any
fatigue. Fatigue that makes the
arched in this highly-stressed other questions you might have
eyes burn slows down the heal­
position. After Chiropractic ad­ about your health, just call us
ing process and makes you
justm ent. this condition is often at the phone num ber below
w onder why you don’t feel as
well as you used to. Obviously,
there can be many causes o f
2124 N E H anoock,
fatigue. D ie, is certainly one
Portland O regon 97212
o f them. It's a subject w e’d be
happy to discuss with you in
„1, i i n ', w (,e re you came from, It's where you're
If you are interested in making a contribution online visit www kmhd.fm
State __
With your faith and
'4vw r-»» pu» haælWKÎ «frttpLwlT#
s«**»» t -e* i«**'*-'*'**'’ wh
State to>r MulwiAfcliroble irwi-ujCuoMr, Su» kite,’#'' 1
P9W094 04»
Dr. Billy R. Flowers
jazz and blues music
I Address
www michaelholton.com
An ongoing sen€S of questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession
1 to
monetary support
KMHD will be
around for 25 more!
Bus 503-517-9090
music of KMHD
FM please
consider supporting
the station. We need ■
c o n tin u e p la y in g th e
sh ip ap p lic a n ts w ere tu rn ed
aw ay du e to lack o f funds.
For m ore in fo rm atio n visit:
w w w .p cc.ed u /fo u n d atio n
7223 SW Macadam Avenue
Portland. OR 97219
broadcast service of Mt. Hood Community College
Flowers' C h iro p ractic Office
Phone: (503) 287-3304