íl'‘' Jlortkutb ObsCrUeV_____________________ March 4, 2009 Page A3 C lassified /B id The City of Portland, O ffice of M a n a ge m e n t and Fin a n ce - Facilities Services Division Js seeking a Property and Contracts Manager to be responsible for a diverse asset and property p o rtfo lio . T h is p e rs o n w ill m a na ge a sm a ll team and ta k e th e le a d ro le in n e gotia tin g and purch a sing re a l p ro p e rty , n e g o tia tin g preparing and adm inistering le a s e s , lic e n s e s , re n ta l a g re e m e n ts , p e rm its a n d o th e r c o n tra c t d o c u m e n ts associa te d w ith use of City p ro p e rtie s a n d fa c ilitie s ; preparation and m onitoring of business plans, policies and o p e ra tin g p ro to c o ls , and m a k in g re c o m m e n d a tio n s r e la tin g to re a l p ro p e rty . Approxim ate M onthly Salary: $5,077 to $6,779. For more information or to apply on line, p le a s e go to w w w .ci.p o rtla n d .o r.u s/io b s/ Drivers: Flat Broke? Think Flatbed! Excellent Ray I Take Truck Home 11 W estern. Class A CDL. l y r Exp. Req 866-394-1944 x 117 Advertise with diversity in L ife W orks N O R T H W E S T For a complete listing of open positions visit: http://www.llfeworksnw.org/ Careers/ Posltions.aspx (0 b s e rv e r I Call 5O3-288-OO35 LifeWorks NW is a leading non­ profit that provides culturally- responsive m ental health & a d d ic tio n tre a tm e n t, prevention & related service to ch ild re n , a d u lts & fa m ilie s. Current opportunities include: ads@ p c ^ ^ ^ H s e r v e r .c o n i • G raveyard Residential Care Facilitator (N Portland) • M entor (N. Portland) • Clinical Supervisor (Forest Grove) To Place Your Classified Advertisement Subm it resum e & cover letter C o r l H ^ B t h y Linder P h o k 501-288-0033 Fax: 503-690-9605 or Mail to: L ife W o rk s NW , 1 4 6 0 0 NW C o rn e ll R d , P o rtla n d , OR 97229 Attn: HR. Tobacco-free sites 1/09- Equal Opportunity Employer. F a l 503-188-0015 S o rtla u b ffihseruer ttiiir .s l n i n i f i t u i r t i t n / >ti it y , < 't S e r v i n g P o r t k m d '.ï c o m m u n i t i e s / o f W itty & .... PORT OF PORTLAND Advertise Possibility. In every direction.™ with diye^ify z/i '!C purtta nb 1 Call 5(H H oO 33 ads@ poillanclB H B r.com CAREER OPPORTUNITIES The Port of Portland is a regional governm ent operating airports, marine terminals and industrial parks in the greater Portland metropolitan area, to fulfill its mission of providing com petitive cargo and passenger access to world m arkets while enhancing the region’s quality of life. Committed to Cultural Diversity 503-288-0033 To view current jo b openings and to access the application form , visit the Port's w ebsite at w w w .portofportland.com or call (503) 944-7400. The Port of Portland is an AA/EEO em ployer com m itted to w orkforce diversity and affirm ative action. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA IN THE FAMILY COURT OFTHE ELEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT COUNTY OF LEXINGTON C.A. NO.: 2008 DR-32-2783 NOTICE OF ADOPTION PROCEEDING TO: CHRISTOPHER BURWEL, BIRTH FATHER AND “JOHN DOE”, BIRTH FATHER: You are hereby notified pursuant to SC Code Ann. Sec. 20- 7-1734, that adoption proceedings have been initiated under the above-referenced case num ber involving a child of whom you have been named the biological father, which child was born on Decem ber 3, 2008. YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED AS FOLLOWS: 1. That within thirty (30) days of receiving notice you shall respond in w riting by filing with the Clerk of Court at 139 East Main Street, Lexington, South Carolina 29072, notice and reasons to contest, intervene, or otherw ise respond; 2. That the Court must be inform ed of your current address and of a n y ch a n g e s in a d d re ss d u rin g th e a d o p tio n proceedings; and 3.That failure to file a response within thirty (30) days of receiving notice constitutes consent to a d o p tio n o f th e ch ild and fo rfe itu re of all rights and obligations that you may have w ith respect to the child. Raym ond W. Godwin, Esq. 1527 W ade Ham pton Blvd. G reenville, SC 29609 (864) 241-2883 (Phone) (864) 255-4342 (Facsim ile) ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFFS Greenville, South Carolina February 12, 2009 A Absolutely New Queen Pillowtop Mattress with Box Set. Still Sealed in Mastic. Can Deliver $150. (503)828-8927 Old School 1985 SS Monte Carlo Black w/Red Trim Garage Kept! Original Interior, Excellent Condition! $3,500.0B0 Call Gary @ 503-875-7152 ‘A U W p n r t 1.1 n il o h ». c r \ e r c/m it ‘r,’r TJnrtlanb (B)bseruer Established 1970 U SPS 9 5 9 ^ 8 0 ________________________________ __ The Portland Observer welcomes freelance sub­ missions Manuscripts and photographs should be clearly labeled and w ill be returned if accompa­ 4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97211 , E ditor -I n -C hief , P ublisher : Charles H. Washington EDiTOR.Michael Leighton D istribution M anager : M ark W ashington C reative D irector : Paul N eufeldt________ nied by a self addressed envelope A ll created design display ads become the sole property o f the newspaper and cannot be used in other publi­ cations or personal usage without the written con­ sent o f the general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition o f such ad O 2008 TH E P O R TLA N D OBSERVER A l l. RIGHTS RESERVED. REPRODUCTION IN W HOLE OR IN PART W IT H O U T PERMISSION IS PROHIH P ostmaster : Send address changes to Portland Observer, IT E D The Portland Observer--Oregon's Oldest M ulticultural P ub lica tio n-is a member o f the Na­ P O B ox3137, Portland, OP 9 7 2 0 8 tional Newspaper Association--Hounded in 1885, CALL 503-288-0033 FAX 503-288-0015 news @Dortlandobserver. com ads (gportlandobserver. com subscription^ Dortlandobserver.com and The N ational A dve rtisin g Representative Amalgamated Publishers. Inc. New York, NY. and The West Coast Black Publishers Association Yo,u Belong ° n 0 TeA'Ln! |ob Hotline: 503-988-5035 TTY: 503-988-5170 an equal opportunity employer \.l\ i iiis c w it h divcisity in ^ lrr J lo rtla iU ' dThftri Ui'r ( ill 503-288-003» ads(®portJantlo| servcr.com M ULTNOM AH C O UNTY www.multcojobs.org