Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 04, 2009, Page 7, Image 7

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    il!e JJortlanb ©bseruer
March 4. 2009
L aw
Page A7
J ustice
NAACP Leaders Protest Racist Cartoon
The Portland Branch o f the
N A ACP stood up against a rac­
ist cartoon seen as advocating
the assassination o f President
O bam a and prom oting deh u ­
manizing racial stereotypes in a
N A A C P N ationw ide D ay o f
“Make M urdoch Fix it,” was
the ra lly in g cry o f N A A C P
m em bers and other com m unity
le a d e rs in c itie s a c ro ss the
c o u n ty
d e m a n d in g
th a t
NewsCorp Chairman and owner
Rubert M urdoch make changes
im m ediately to his New York
Post and Fox N ew s outlets.
The New York Post cartoon
showed police shooting a chim ­
panzee with a caption saying,”
I guess th e y ’ve have to find
som eone else to write the next
s tim u lu s b ill ,” ju x ta p o s e d
ag ainst a photo o f P resident
O bam a singing the stim ulus
T he local protest took place
Thursday at Reflections B ook­
sto re in n o rth e a st P o rtla n d ,
draw ing several local leaders
and supporters.
Portland N A ACP President
Bishop H. L. Hodge distributed
a letter the group sent to the
Patrick M cCreery, the general
manager o f KPTV, Channel 12,
asking the local FOX-TV afftli-
piioto by
M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver
A Nationwide Day o f Action to protest a racist New York Post cartoon draws the support o f the Portland Branch o f the NAACP. Pictured are Helen
Sherman (from left), Bishop H. L. Hodge, Lurene P. Campbell, Barbara Brady, Bishop Lamont Tellis and Earlean P. Hodge.
ate to lend its voice to a call to
change the pattern o f racially
in s e n s itiv e an d in c e n d ia ry
new s coverage, and dem and
greater diversity at new s out­
lets nationwide.
M cC reery did not return a
photo call from the P ortland
O bserver asking for comment.
K PT V is o w n e d by the
Meredith Corp, o f Des Moines,
State Farm1*'
Providing Insurance and Financial Services
Home Office. Bloomington, Illinois 61710
Cross Burning Guilty Pleas
Two men from Medford have
pleaded guilty to a hate crim e
after pouring flam m able liquid
on the front lawn o f a residence
in the shape o f a cross and the
letters KKK and igniting the
material with a small explosive
G a ry M o ss an d D ev a n
K lausegger adm itted that this
w as done with the intent to in­
terfere with the victim s’ civil
rights under the Fair Housing
A ct because one o f the victims
was A frican-A m erican, federal
prosecutors said.
“ Bias-m otivated acts o f vio­
le n c e a re o f fe n s iv e to o u r
nation's fundam ental values,”
Loretta King, acting assistant
attorney general for the Civil
Rights Division. “The Justice
Departm ent is com m itted to
vigorously prosecuting the fed­
eral law s p ro hibiting violent
acts m otivated by hate.”
“C rim es com m itted in the
nam e o f racial hatred tear at the
very fabric o f our society,"said
U.S. Attorney Karin J. Immergut.
“All m em bers o f our society
must be free to live without fear
that they will be targeted b e­
cause o f their race.”
M oss and K lausegger face
a maximum punishm ent o f 10
y ea rs in p riso n , up to three
years o f supervised release and
a tine o f up to $250,(MX).
M ichaelE Harper
We moved to our new location at:
9713 S.W. Capitol, Portland, OR
Fax 503-227-8757
Northwest Voice For Christ Ministries
‘A Community Church”
Bishop H. L. Hodge, PhD
P astor/T eacher/R evivalist
Dear Deanna!
M y m other-in-law is causing
tension in my m arriage. S h e ’s
sexy, y outhful and has im ­
plants but I ’m not attracted to
her. I am happy w ith my w ife.
M y w ife has self-esteem is­
sues b ecause o f h er w eight
and sees her m om as c o m p eti­
tion. I often tell h er that her
m other is fake because o f the
plastic surgery. O u r m arriage
is suffering because my w ife
has it in her m ind that 1 w ant
her m other. Is there anything
I can do in o rd er to boost her
se lf-e stee m ? --Jam es; To­
peka, Kan.
Dear James:
You have no b u siness co m ­
m enting on your m other-in-
law s im plants nor calling her
sexy. T his m akes it look as if
y o u ’ve spent tim e looking at
her and sizing her up. You wife
has been o b servin g your b e­
h avior and actions in the p res­
ence o f her m other and it has
m ade her insecure. If your wife
sees her m om as com petitio n ,
she needs to lose w eight, im-
Ask Deannal
and m y w ife still insists th at 1 and it hurts m e looking at this
should. W hat do I d o? --Paul w om an living the life 1 was
Real People,
supposed to have. How do 1
R.; Jacksonville, Fla.
Real Advice
approach him and let him know
Dear Paul:
that I w ant an o th er ch an ce? -
Ait advice
If y o u 'v e had the sam e jo b and
-A n o n y m o u s; C h a rle sto n ,
colum n
sam e spouse w ith no issues,
known for
! u tility hosed
then som ething has been trig ­
gered with the arrival your new Dear Anonymous:
em ployee. If y o u ’ve w inked or You d id n 't miss the water until
p ro v e h e r a p p e a ra n c e an d w agged then y o u ’ve given the the well ran dry and now you
w ork on her ow n happiness. o ffice hens som ething to talk ha ve to look at the I i fe you mi ssed
Y our encouragem ent, coupled about. O ffice g o ssip is 99 p e r­ out on. You got what you d e­
w ith her self-im pro v em en t is cen t g ossip w ith a one p ercent served because you were self­
the solution to b rin g in g the sm ell o f truth. Y our w ife has ish and only thought about
h ap p in ess back an d sav in g an in secu rity issue that started yourself and your agenda. It
before now and th is is sim ply appears h e’s happy in his new
your m arriage.
an excuse. Y ou have a choice relationship. You can call him
Dear Deanna!
to fix y o u r m arriag e, fix your on the phone or talk to him d i­
M y spouse is tryin g to force
rect. However, you must remem­
jo b or fix y ourself.
m e to q uit my stable jo b o f 10
ber that you left him for another
years. I ’ve never had p ro b ­ Dear Deanna!
man. If he rejects you, or hurts
lem s and the benefits are great. I end ed my relatio n sh ip with your feelings, get over it be­
T he issue is a new departm ent m y b o y f r ie n d b e c a u s e I cause the pendulum o f karma
secretary . 1 have no interest in th o u g h t I w an ted so m eo n e ju st swung back.
this w om an but my w ife only more active, exciting and could
sees h er as a young, en erg etic give me thrills. I now realize I Ask Deanna isSvritten by Deanna
w om an clim bing the ladder. had ev ery th in g I n eeded in the M. Write Ask Deanna! at the
I’ve d one nothing to m ake my m an I w as w ith. M y ex -b o y ­ email askdeannal@yahoo.com
w ife insecure and s h e 's going friend has a good jo b , m aking or 264 S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite
crazy listening to o ffice g o s­ a lot o f m oney and h e ’s dating 1283 Beverly Hills, CA 90211.
sip. I’m not quittin g my jo b so m eo n celse. I w ant him back Website: www, askdeanna. com
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“The Voice Speaks"
Worship Service: Sundays- 8:00 A.M.
Seminars: Bible Themes- Wednesdays- 6:00 P.M.
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Bishop Hodge and Congregation invite you to join
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We Reach, Teach, & Preach in Jesus’ name »»»
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To inquire about our Church or Ministry
call 503 863-6545 or email hodgehspks@msn.com
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