March 4, 2009 Page A6 el O bservador . Theatre Observers Women’s Day "M ilagro Teatro" and the oth er its E nglish translation. F u n d in g fo r th e r e n o v a tio n s cam e from in d iv id u al d o n a tio n s. S pirit M ountain C om m u n ity Fund, an d the C o llin s F o u n d atio n . T he th e a tre h as g ro w n s ig n ific a n tly fro m w h en it g o t its p e rm a n e n t hom e 1995, with m ore than 100,000 people passing th ro u g h its doors. T he lobby w ill featu re the w ork o f local L atino artists and plans are in the w orks for im proved am en i­ ties for artists using the rehearsal stu d io an d a co m m u n ity m eeting room. On Sunday, M arch 8, in o b se r­ v ance o f In te rn a tio n a l W o m en ’s' Day, the M ilagro T h eatre, 525 S.E. Stark St., will feature a staged read ­ ing and com m unity forum in S p an ­ ish about the vital w ork o f w om en in the L atino com m unity. T h e th e a tr e 's T e a tro E s p a n o l troupe w ill p erfo rm "E n tre N os" ( " B e tw e e n U s " ) , b y S a n tia g o Serrano. T he one act play illu m i­ nates sexism still routinely visited upon w om en d e s p ite the s trid e s m ade tow ard equality. V isitors to T he M iracle T h eatre G roup will be g reeted w ith a new ly in sta lle d , c u s to m -b u ilt m a rq u e e, one o f the m ore visible renovations the theatre has m ade as o f late, as it co n c lu d e s a m a k eo v er that in ­ cluded new carpeting, lighting, e x ­ terio r paint, and others. T he flashy, neo n -lit style sign is m eant to have a retro feel and is b ilin g u a l, w ith one sid e re a d in g The Milagro Theatre, 525 S.E. Stark St., has a new marquee that advertises the Latino theater in Spanish on one side and English on the other side. < Local Artist Works S treet Onda Gallery, 2215 N.E. Alberta St., will unveil the work of three Latin Ameri­ can artists. Rita Urdaneta, a Venezuelan artist, has a dis­ tinct graphic style that fea­ tures an innovative and ab­ stract use of of colors to con­ vey space and motion. The work of Wilson Neto, a young Brazilian artist with Zulay Quintana 's ‘Law o f Remera. ' a burgeoning presence in Europe and the U.S., uses brightly colored and intricately textured paint to depict women from various b a c k ­ grounds. Zulay Quintana, an­ other Venezuelan, fea­ tures sculptures of women in atheltic poses. All three artists have had their work shown ex ten ­ sively throughout Canada and the U.S. as well as their home countries. IV/'/son Neto's 'Rainha Inca.' S|£M*8MRNNmftW^ Platinum Fade S A L O N S h in in g L ig h t o n P r is o n S y s te m over the last decade has only exacerbated the problem . The m ost recent revision to At least fo u r o th er states- Iow a C onnecticut, M innesota, Oregon's sentencing policy was an d W isco n sin - h av e so m e ­ M e a su re 5 7 , w h ic h v o te rs p a s se d la st y ear. It thing similar. m an d ated trea tm e n t Marc Mauer, the ex­ fo r so m e d ru g o f ­ ecutive director of the fe n s e s an d p ris o n Sentencing Project- a terms for other crimes. non-profit working to In 1 9 9 4 , v o te rs reform the nation's sen­ passed the controver­ tencing policies that s ia l M e a su re 11, c o lla b o ra te d w ith w h ic h p re v e n te d Shields on the bill- said judges from imposing that states already look State Rep. m o re le n ie n t s e n ­ at the fiscal or environ­ Chip Shields mental impact o f a policy, and te n c e s on d e f e n d a n ts , an d should begin to look at how sen­ m andated hefty jail term s for tencing policy will affect race. He many violent crim es, with no also said that it may spur the leg­ tim e off for good behavior. According to statistics from islature to look at alternatives to the Oregon Department o f Cor­ incarceration. "It represents a very ratio­ rections nearly 18 percent of nal crim inal justice policy," he people prosecuted under M ea­ sure 11 have been African Ameri­ said. T he "get tough on crim e" can, ev en th o u g h the g ro u p ap p ro ach ad o p ted by v o ters makes up about 2 percent of the co n tin u ed ^ ^ f r o m F ro n t We have the Best Barber & hair Stylist in Portland and we do Razor Line Cuts, Weaves, Relaxers and Cuts 5010 NE 9th Unit A, Portland, O regon 97221 503-284-2989 Hours M -F Sat Sun o f operation: 9 a m - 6 pm 8 am - 9 pm 11 am - 6 pm Chiropractic Auto Injury Clinic, PC T erry F amily Zchon R. Jones, DC 333 NE Russell St., #200, Portland, OR. 97212 We are located on the com er o f MLK and Russell Street, on the second floor above the coffee shop. 2337 N. Williams Ave. Portland, Or 97227 We make the service personal, You make the tribute personal. Every tim e w e a r r a n g e a p e rso n a liz e d fu n e ra l service, w c ta k e sp ecial p rid e g o in g th e e x tr a m ile W ith o u r o n lin e M e m o rial O b itu a ry , n o w w c c a n d o e v e n m o re f rie n d s a n d fam ily c a n fin d o u t se rv ice in fo rm a tio n , v ie w p h o to s, re a d o b itu a ry , o r d e r flo w e rs a n d leave p e rs o n a l m e ssag e s o f c o n d o le n c e s fro m a n y w h e re , a n y tim e S im p ly g o to o u r w e b site . "Dedicated to providing excellent service and superior care o f your loved one " W Parking Ve» UJNfc Ruwell <200 D w ig h t A. T erry Oregon tácense CO-3644 A m y S. T erry Russell St s I tional laws that impose harsher sentences for possessing crack cocaine (a drug used more by African A m ericans) and more lenient ones for cocaine p o s­ session (a drug used more by whites). Shields said his bill is still being considered by the House Rules com m ittee. He gives the bill a 50 percent chance o f b e­ coming law. But not so fast, says Kevin N eely, representative for O r­ egon District A ttorneys A sso­ ciation. Neely said that the associa­ tion is fine with the bill if it also includes a statem ent looking at w hat ethnic com m unities are im pacted by crim e, since stud­ ies show m inorities are dispro­ portionately victim s o f crime. He hopes impact statements in both cases will spur a dis­ cussion about the best use o f resources. 503-249-1788 (503) 284-7838 Truly making a difference in the lives of Auto Accident victims and Injured Workers for 16 years. If you or someone you know has been in an accident, call us so we can help you with your needs. (503) 284-7838 state's total population. For His­ panics, that number is over 21 percent, even though the group makes up about 10 percent of Oregon's population. M auer explained that long sentences tend to affect low- incom e com m unities o f color m ost acutely. They rip families apart and rem ove individuals from society for long stretches of time, making it more difficult for them to reconnect once out o f jail, he said. Alfred Blumstein, the J. Erik Jonsson University Professor of Urban Systems and Operations Research at C arnegie M ellon U niversity, said that the pro­ posed measure could sensitize le g is la to rs to the disproportionally o f sentencing policy. In particular, it could bring attention to how certain sentenc­ ing policies have a greater im­ pact on some ethnic groups. For exam ple, he cited n a­ Oregon lácense FS-0395