P a g e A I2 îl? e ^ O r t la it Ò F ood (© b s e r U e r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ March 4, 2009 SAFEWAY O G e t free on your i Ingredients for life.. ° Go » S afe w ay. Caribbean Coconut Flank Steak T H IS W E E K E N D ... SATURDAY & S U N D A Y ONLY new reusable bags! rebag • reduce • rethink HOUR stocks Total Recipe Time is 45 to 60 minutes; marinade time is 6 hours or overnight. Makes 6 servings. CLUB PR IC E Rancher's Reserve* Beef Loin T-Bone Steak Bone-in. Or New York Strip Steak. Extreme Value Pack. SAVE up to $5.20 lb. Beef Flank Ingredlants • 1 beef flank steak (about 1-1/2 pounds) • 1 can (8 ounces) crushed pineapple See Weekly Insert and rice in m edium saucepan; bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and sim m er 35 to 45 m inutes or until rice is tender. Remove from heat. Stir in reserved pineapple, coco­ nut, alm onds and cilantro. Season with salt, as desired. M arinade Ingredlants • 1/4 cup fresh lime juice • 2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh cilantro • 1 tablespoon Caribbean jerk seasoning 4. M eanw hile, remove steak from m ari­ nade; discard marinade. Place steak on grid over m edium , ash-covered coals. G rill, un­ covered, 17 to 21 m inutes (over medium heat on preheated gas grill, covered, 16 to 21 m inutes) for m edium rare (145°F) to medium (160°F) doneness, turning occa­ sionally. Season with salt, as desired. • Coconut Rice Ingredlants • 2 cups w ater • 1 cup uncooked brow n rice • 3 ta b le s p o o n s s h re d d e d c o c o n u t, toasted • 2 tablespoons sliced almonds, toasted • 1 ta b lesp o o n finely cho p p ed fresh cilantro 80% Lain B ro o n tfla af Sirloin Chop« 20% F it. E x tr iim Valua P io *. SAVE up to » 1 * 0 Ib. Extrom i V alu* Rack. Of Spat» Sib. SAVE up to 1 2 .0 0 » . 5. Carve steak across the grain into thin slices. Serve with rice. Cook's Tips: To broil, place steak on rack in broiler pan so surface of beef is 2 to 3 inches from heat. Broil 13to 1 Sm inutesform edium rare ( 145°F) to medium ( 160°F) doneness, turning once. To toast coconut on the stovetop, heat large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Spread coconut in single layer; cook 4 to 5 minutes or until lightly brown, stirring occasionally. To toast almonds on the stovetop, heat large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Spread almonds in single layer; cook 5 to 7 minutes or until lightly brown, stirring occasionally. Directions 1. Drain pineapple, reserving l/4 c u p ju ic e for M arinade; discard excess juice. Re­ serve crushed pineapple for Coconut Rice. 2. C om bine m arinade ingredients and re­ served pineapple juice in small bowl. Place beef steak and m arinade in food-safe plas­ tic bag; turn steak to coat. Close bag securely and marinate in refrigerator 6 hours or as long as overnight, turning occasion­ ally. 3. Prepare Coconut Rice. Com bine water saimroav WkMklítM» MIIWktEmim Blonde Brownies Directions SATURDAY ft S U N D A Y O N L Y ! C U IR PRICE 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F ( 180 degrees C). Ingredients • 1 cup sifted all-purpose flour • 1/2 teaspoon baking pow der • 1/8 teaspoon baking soda • 1/2 teaspoon salt • 1/2 cup chopped w alnuts • 1/3 cup butter • 1 cup packed brown sugar • 1 egg • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract • 2/3 cup sem isw eet chocolate chips 2. M easure 1 cup sifted flour. Add baking pow der, baking soda, and salt. Sift again. Add 1/2 cup chopped nuts. M ix well and set aside. 3. Melt l/3cupbutter. Add 1 cup firmly packed RAISIN BRA” brown sugar and mix well. If shortening is used, add 1 tablespoon hot water. Cool slightly. 4. Add egg (beaten) and vanilla. Blend well. Add flour mixture, a little at a time, mixing well. 5. Spread in 9 x 9 x 2 inch pan. Sprinkle 1/2 to 1 cup chocolate chips on top. B a k e fo r2 0 to 2 5 minutes. M IX & MATCH SALE O o .ill you» f a v o r it e » f M * i I lin k f in H u y *> Saw«* S'» M u r e l a g s (o » Coconut-Lime Chicken with Grilled Pineapple Ingredients • 2 cups tequila • 2 tablespoons lime juice • 1 tablespoon brown sugar • 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper • 6 (6 ounce) skinless, boneless chicken breast halves • 1(16 ounce) container sour cream • 1/2 cup coconut milk • 1/4 cup lim e juice • 2 tablespoons chopped cilantro • 1 clove crushed garlic • 1 pinch salt and pepper to taste • 6 slices peeled, cored pineapple ih " »»is L u c e rn e * MNk Saleway Butter Top Breads Gibn.WM.2%.1%, SWm Supreme or F« Free, w cnecima no, nrsi ram ww scsn at regubr price, second 24-Pack Coors, Bud or 30-Pack MMer 12-02.0»«. 22-oz. White w Wheat. ClubPrice:$1.50ea. SAVE up to $148 on 2 teen iM nau V w llOTTr u W N refleH I Cl RM W V w ^ w B. üDCClcv Vdf WfllCa Plus deport in Oregon. SAttuptoteoo tin e petti yjpfcR COUPONS» SAFEWAY O ffe r valid Wednesday, March 4»h thru Tuesday, ONE WEEK ONLY! »8 C O U P O N March 10th. M inim um $10 Purchase Required SAFEWAY S COUPON SAFEWAY % C O U P O N ! O N I WEEK OIMLY! M arch 4 -1 0 ONE WEEK ONLY! M arch 4 -1 0 ¡ ONE WEEK ONLY! M a rth 4 WITH CANO ANO COUPON DiGiorno Original Pizza Directions I . W hisk together the tequila, 2 tablespoons o f lime juice, brown sugar, and cayenne pepper; pour into a resealable plastic bag. A dd the chicken breasts, coat with the m arinade, squeeze out excess air, and seal the bag. M arinate in the refrigerator for 1 hour. 22 7 to 32 7 « Selected vanerin Urrwt 1 coupon per transaction ( !KRS|lj|r 2. M eanw hile, make the sauce by whisking together the sour c re a m , coconut milk, and 1/4 cup o f lim e juice in a bowl. Add the cilantro and garlic, then season to taste with salt si it auapwci without coupon | WYTH CANO ANO COUPON S3 00 CLUB M C I WITHOUT coupon WITH CANO ANO COUPON ts 91 Ciua PNC! WITHOUT COUTON Nabisco Oreo Cookies Classico Pasta Sauce 5 to tSor. Selected varieties Limit 1 coupon per transaction | 15 toiS-or Selected uanehes Limit 1 coupon per transaction B B 7 »JO I G re a t gifts m ade simple. Gift Card Mall: Your place for O rw -Stop shopping and pepper; set aside. m a MUre»*?.» V* M enliN P*Nr «W b y Mn * m■*•*»«*« ***<**<*! 3. Preheat an outdoor gn 11 for medi um-high heat, and I lghtly oi 1 grate Remove the chicken hrkw» In Thu « í good through M arch 1Oth from the m arinade, and shake o ff excess. D iscard the rem aining marinade. 4. Cook the chicken and pineapple slices on the preheated grill until the chicken is no longer pink in the center, and the pineapple slices are nicely marked, about 6 minutes. Serve the chicken breasts topped with a slice o f grilled pineapple, and a dollop o f the sour P c w k n I M ad ace ettnctive 6 AM. Wednesday M irth H thru Tuesday March 10.2009 in a« Saleway stores m Oregon levees Milton Freewateh and S W Washington stores senary) Wahkiakum i/iw M / Dark Skamania and Klickitat Counties items offered for sale are not available to other dealers or wholesalers Sales of products containing ephedrine pseudoephedrine or phenylpropanolamine w S i w i w c S / n g h t s reserved SOME AOytRTiSINT. ITFMSMAV NOT Bf AVAHAftF IN ALL STOWS Some advertised prices may be even tveer in some stores On Buy On» fiet One Free - B f S t S raters cintomei most purchase the first Hem to receive the second Hem free BOGO otters are not 1/2 price sales It only a smote Hem purchased, the regular pool aepny Manolachvers rtvipoos may he used on purchased Hems only not on tree Hems t m t one coupon pet purchased Hem Cusromet mu He responsible tor la» and depoM s m reryiired by «w on Ih« purchased and iteeutem Oki ivjiinrsales in e«c.ess ni 52 gMtona No liquor sales tor resale I iquor sates at licensed Satewev stores only e 2009 Safeway inc. AvaitabHitv iV Hems may vary hy store POOR cream sauce. ( f