Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 04, 2009, Page 11, Image 11

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    Œl’c JJortlanh ffibsmwr
March 4. 2009
Page A l I
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Ashanti Live at Chinook Winds
Music sensation to
perform two shows
Ashanti, one o f the fastest rising stars
o f the decade, will perform at C hinook
Winds C asino Resort on Friday, M arch 13,
and Saturday, March 14. Tickets are on sale
now and range from $30 to $45. Both shows
start at 8 pm.
A shanti blasted into the urban m usic
scene in 2002, topping the charts with m ul­
tiple singles at once. Ashanti built her repu­
tation in duets with famous rappers Ja Rule,
Fat Joe, and the Notorious B.I.G. It didn't
take Ashanti long to make a name for her­
self: her debut album topped the Billboard
album chart just as her debut solo single
"Foolish" was topping the Hot KM) chart.
A shanti’s duet w ith Ja Rule, "A lw ays
on Time," hit num ber one on Billboard's
Hot KM) chart in early 2002 ju st as a duet
with Fat Joe, "W hat's Luv?," was creeping
tow ard the sam e n u m b er one position.
These two singles set the stage perfectly
for Ashanti's self-titled debut album release.
T he alb u m 's lead sin g le, "F o o lish ,"
raced up the Hot KM) chart, entering the
Top 10. Her other tw o songs "A lw ays on
Time" and "W hat's Luv?," gave her three
Top 10 songs in the same week.
With all this chart-topping, A shanti set
som e sales records and her success con­
tinued. She returned in 2003 with her sec­
ond album C hapter II, which topped the
Billboard album chart on the heels o f its
hot le ad sin g le, "R ock W it U (Aw w w
For more inform ation, or to obtain tick­
ets, call 1-888-MA1N-ACT (624-6228) or
TicketsWest, 1-800-992-TIXX (8499).
Chinook Winds Casino Resort is located
on the beach in Lincoln City and is ow ned
and operated by the Confederated Tribes
o f Siletz Indians.
F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n p le a s e v isit
chinookw indscasino.com , call 1-888-CH1-
NOOK ( 244-6665) or 541 -996-5825.
Grammy award winner and pop
music sensation Ashanti will
perform live at Chinook Winds Casino
Resort on Friday, March 13 and
Saturday, March 14.
Jazz Icon Featured on New Quarter
Jazz icon Duke Ellington has
become the first African Ameri­
can to appear solo on a U.S.
coin intended for everyday us
with his image on newly minted
quarters w hich also feature his
native District o f Columbia.
"He's the first African Ameri­
can to feature solo and the sec­
ond A frican A m erican to fea­
ture on a circulating coin," said
Carla Coolman, a spokeswoman
for the U.S. Mint.
"The first A frican A merican
on a circulating coin w as York,
a slave w ho was depicted on a
M issouri quarter alongside ex-
Duke Ellington and the
newly minted quarter
showing his image.
plorers Lew is and Clark. There
have been other African A m eri­
cans on com m em orative coins,"
Portland Teen
Idol Auditions
Are you a future star just waiting to be
discovered? Here's your chance! Portland
Parks & Recreation is hosting its third an­
nual singing competition, Portland Teen Idol,
C e le b ra te W o m en ’s D ay - A rtists,com e­
dians, singers and m usicians will celebrate
International W om en’s Day, Friday, March
6 with a free concert from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
at City Hall, dow ntow n, and again Satur­
day, M arch 7 at 8 pm. with a $ K) adm ission
that includes an international dinner at the
Urban G rind Coffeehouse, 2214 N.E. O r­
Jam Session - Com e
enjoy the smooth and
soulful sounds o f the
Kirk G reen Band every
Sunday, 7 p.m. to 11 p.m.
at Club 720, located at
720 S.E. H aw thorne.
The jam session and
open m ic is from 9-10
p.m. All professional
musicians are w elcom e!
For more inform ation,
call 503-234-7738.
MDA S trid e a n d R ide - On March 7, over
150 w alkers and peóple using w heelchairs
and scooters will participate in the 6th
annual M DA Stride & Ride to benefit local
indi vidualsand families coping with muscle
diseases. This event is a fam ily— friendly
walk and features entertainm ent. Registra­
tion will be at the N ordstrom court inside
Lloyd Center at 8 a.m. The victory walk will
begin at 9 a.m.
Food a n d E n te rta in m e n t - Sliders G rill,
3011 N. Lom bard, features an eclectic as­
sortm ent o f perform ers on the main stage,
accom panied by delicious food.
Call 503459-4488 for more infor­
The W iz - “The W iz,” the all­
black adaptation o f the “W on­
derful W izard of O z,” under pro­
duction by Stum ptow n Stages,
continues through M arch 11 at
the Jefferson High School Au­
d ito r iu m .
V is it
Coolm an said.
"Like many great A m ericans
w ho succeed in w hat they love
for teenagers between ages 13 and 19.
L ast y ear o v e r 3 0 0 te en a g ers from
across the region auditioned for the co m ­
petition. The ultimate winner, Jeft Cameron
Q uigley, w as selected at the end o f the
season by a panel o f local celebrity judges,
including Storm Large, Michael Allen Har­
ris, Dan Saltzm an and 2007 Teen Idol Jor­
dan Thom pson, as w ell as nearly 700 au­
dience members.
I I I t I V
i f M
stum ptow nstages.com or call the box of­
fice at 503-381-8686.
W orld Forestry C enter - The W orld For­
estry C enter is celebrating bananas with
B anana M ania discount
day on Saturday. M arch 14
from 11 a.m. — 4 p.m. Ad­
m ission for the day will be
discounted. Bananas will
be distributed to the first
3 0 0 people. There will also
be banana puppet crafts,
story telling, and balloon
art. For m ore inform ation,
A m e r ic a n C la ssic —
‘Brighton Beach Memoir,’ a
Neil Simon play centering
on an irrepressible adoles­
cent who bears witness as everyone around
him copes with hardships
and the humor in it all, con­
tin u e s th ro u g h S u n d ay ,
March 8 at the Firehouse
Theater, 1436 S.W. M ont­
gomery St.
Zoo Buck T uesdays - On
the 2nd Tuesday o f every
month, the zoo hosts 2-Buck
Tuesdays when guests can
tour the zoo during regular
d o in g , D u k e E llin g to n w as
equal parts talent, hard work,
p a ssio n an d p e rse v e ra n c e ,"
U.S. Mint director Ed Moy told
a celebration last week to mark
the quarter-dollar’s release.
"W hen A m ericans look at
this coin, they will remember the
man and his art, as well as the
place where both • ere bom and
nurtured " M oy said.
Dixon ’s Rib Pit
All participants must register on-line at
portlandonline.com/parks or in person or on
the phone at any com munity center no later
than Monday, March 9.
A uditions begin March 11 at selected
com m unity centers.
Portland Teen Idol is part o f Portland
Parks and Recreation's mission to expand
recreational activities tailored specifically to
the interests of teens.
11:00 a.m. to 10:00p.m.
M onday thru Saturday
Sunday after church at 3:00 p.m.
Pick up Delivery
and Catering
Dinners $9.50
Sandwiches $8.50
zoo hours for the discounted price o f $2
per person!
Irish Festival -G et ‘Irish' w ithafew thou­
sand o f your best friends at the 19th annual
Kells Irish Festival. The celebration takes
place over five days, beginning Friday,
M arch 13 to St. P atrick’s Day on Tuesday,
M arch 17. G uests will enjoy Irish food,
entertainm ent and bevies. Kells is located
at 112 S.W. Second Ave.
And Soul Food
Try us once you 'll come hack again
C om e enjoy the sm ooth
sexv soulful sounds
o f the
? , x i .
Poetry at M iracles — Local and national
artists and m usicians share an evening of
spoken word and m usic at the M iracles
Club, 4069 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr.
BI vd, each W ednesday, between 7:30p.m .
and 9:30p.m .
L ive Jazz — Every Friday and Saturday
from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m., the Third Degrees
Lounge at the RiverPlace Hotel, 1510S.W.
H arbor Way, will host the ongoing w eek­
end series featuring P ortland's rich jazz
scene w ith nocover or m inim um purchase.
For m ore inform ation, visit pdxjazz.com .
C om edy — Curious com edy pre­
sents Are We There Yet? or D on’t
M hke M e T u rn T his C o u n try
Around. Perform ances on Friday,
March 6, and Saturday, March 7 at
5225 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr.
BI vd. Curious Com edy Theatre is a
non-profit com edy theatre that
seeks to im prove the lives o f the
Portland com m unity through the
art comedy.
every Sunday
from 7pm to 1 ! pm
at Portland's hottest
donee e/nh
The jam session and open mic ■
is from 9-10pm
Tofessional musicians are welcome!
Every Sunday starting March 1st
from 7-11pm
enjov good food, music and friends
“Everything I do is collaborative. It's just my way. I'm really very
interested in how the other musicians perceive the song.”
Cassandra Wilson
KMHD radio is a collaborative effort;
without the generous support from our
listeners we wouldn’t be on the air! Show
us that Jazz & Blues music is important to
you and your community!
M ail to K M IID Z M IK ( 72WHMI S I M ark, G risham . O K 970.3(1
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