Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 04, 2009, Page 10, Image 10

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    íl,t JJortlanh (©bserUer
Page AIO
March 4. 2009
Concert to Celebrate Local Ties
reputation as a master drummer,
Mndrianc snare
chnrp Ghanaian
More th by
an the
30 nam
year e s of ag obo
0’ a com
poser, and one o f the key
th rA A
d p ra d p c
Addy settled in Portland, bnng-
ing with him an international
t’s Better at the Beach!
originators o f the seminal m u­
sical m ovement now know n as
(Sh i nookY vi nd s
"W orldbeat."
Upon arriving on the West
C oast, Addy encountered an ­
other musician, Thara Memory,
who w ould becom e one o f the
m ost talented jazz perform ers
the Pacific N orthw est has ever
know n. T he tw o struck up a
friendship and musical collabo­
ration that has spanned more
than three decades.
In honor o f their friendship
a n d m u sic a l c o n trib u tio n s ,
Hom ow o African Arts & C ul­
tures is bringing the tw o men
together for a one-tim e event:
"A frica Speaks - Am erica A n­
sw ers: T he O bo A ddy/T hara
M emory Reunion Concert."
Perform ing alongside these
musical legends will be the Su­
per Band, The Pacific Crest Jazz
O rc h e s tra ,
O bo
A d d y ’s
O k ro p o n g , and a n u m b er o f
high-profile guests including
P a tric k
L am b ,
L in d a
H om buckle, LaR honda Steele
and Joseph Thom pson.
The concert will take place
at 8 p.m. on Thursday, M arch
13 in the Kaul A uditorium at
Reed College. A dvance tickets
are $20 for adults
o r $ 1 2 fo r s tu ­
dents and can be
Memory p u rc h a s e d
pdxtix.net or at the
H ollyw ood T h e­
atre , 4 1 2 2 N .E .
Sandy Blvd. Door
prices are $22 for
adults and $14 for
stu d en ts.
Both Addy and
M e m o ry
b e e n c o m m is ­
sio n e d to w rite
new works for the
co n cert. F or the
past six m onths,
the pair has been
w o rk in g on the
com positions, focusing on the
intersections betw een jazz and
African music.
“T h ere is a p o w er in th is
music that will touch the audi­
en c e d ee p ly , on a sp iritu a l
level,” said Susan Addy, execu­
tive director o f H om ow o A fri­
can Arts & Cultures. “This con­
cert highlights the roots o f jazz
and the contributions that A fri­
can m u sic and c u ltu re have
m ade to contem porary m usic.”
Acknowledgement o f the re­
lationship betw een the tw o is
critically important at this time in
o u r global d ev elo p m en t, she
added, “It is through music and
dance that we can truly celebrate
each other. Jazz has its collective
essence and it is beautiful to imag­
ine this collective cultural phe­
nomenon and its impact on this
and future audiences.”
F or m ore inform ation, call
5 0 3 - 2 8 8 -3 0 2 5
v is it
Local Artist Sings Delta Blues
“ Fetch It!” is the new CD
o f 1920s-30s-style blues p e r­
fo rm er S tev e C h eseb o ro u g h ,
‘ fllOUHTIHC IIP OH « 0 1 1 W
Saturday, March 7,2009
Guest Speaker; ,
l»k-rr, I*.
Northeast Portland blues artist Steve Cheseborough has
his roots from the M ississippi Delta.
a n o rth east P o rtlan d resid en t
w h o r e lo c a te d to th e R o se
C ity fro m th e M is s is s ip p i
D elta three years ago.
C h eseb o ro u g h has been a
cult fig u re in the blues w orld
fo r y e a rs. H is b o o k , B lu e s
T rav elin g : the H oly S ites o f
D elta B lues, w as recen tly re ­
le a se d in an u p d a te d th ird
edition by U niversity P ress o f
M ississippi. He appears in the
■ 'J
d o cu m en tary L ast o f the M is­
sissip p i Ju k es, also featuring
M o rg a n F re e m a n , an d w as
h o st o f B lues B reaks on M is­
sissip p i P ublic B roadcasting.
F e tc h It! a n d h is o th e r
C D s an d b o o k are a v a il­
a b le
th r o u g h
C hese-
b o r o u g h ’s
w e b s ite ,
ste v e c h e se b o ro u g h .c o m and
at M usic M illennium , 3158 E.
B urnside Ave.
Sediti«. WA
Service start time 7 0 0 Ml
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Guest Speaker:
Service start time 4:00 PM
Highland Christian Centar/UCC
W '
Everclear to Rock Irish Festival
Everclear rockers Brett Snyder, Dave French, Art Alexakis,
Sam Hudson and Josh Crawley will perform a special
concert on Sunday, March 15 during the Kells Irish
Festival. Kells is located at 112 S.W. Second Ave. For
more details about the festival, visit kellsirish.com.