February 25, 2009 Page A9 B lack H istory M onth History in the Making others. The program "A N ew Birth o f Freedom" included m usic by both the San F rancisco Boys and G irls Chorus, the U. S. M a­ rine and Navy Bands, Poetry readings, an instrum ental com ­ position o f John W illiam s "Air and Sim ple Gifts," and the high lig h t fo r m e, b e in g A re th a F ra n k lin s re n d itio n o f "M y Country T i s o f Thee." These were follow ed by the introduction o f the Suprem e C ourt, past P resid en ts, oth er dignitaries, the fam ilies o f Vice President-elect Joe Biden and President-elect O bam a, and the O bam a C abinet nominees. F in a lly , B a ra c k H u s s e in O bam a took the oath o f office as the 44 th P re sid en t o f the United States o f America. President O bam a, the son of an A frican from K enya and a European-A m erican from Kan­ sas, w h o se fam ily o n ce d e ­ pended on food stam p s, but w ho graduated from H arvard Law School. H ow great is that? It’s a prom ise fulfilled. continued ¿ ^ f r o m A 7 see, an estim ated 1.8 m illion people, shoulder to shoulder, making up the highest recorded attendance for any event ever held in W ashington, D.C. People spanned the distance o f more than two miles, from the Capitol to the Lincoln M em o­ rial where Dr. M artin L uther King Jr. delivered his "1 have a Dream speech" in 1963. The atm osphere was festive. People were singing, posing for pictures, hugging strangers and jo k in g despite the very, very cold weather. E ven though 1 w asn't cold, som eone gave me a hand w arm er and it felt good to know perfect strangers, cared about me and w anted to share w hat they had. There was a star studded cast of celebrities seated directly in front o f the podium- the likes of Oprah Winfrey, M uhammad Ali, Usher, Don King, Denzel Wash­ ington, Beyonce, Jay-Z, Samuel L Jackson, Ditty, Jamie Lee Curtis, A ngela Bassett and num erous Former Portland NAACP Chapter president Skip Osborne and his wife (center), were among the nearly two million people who crowded into the nation's capitol for the inauguration o f President Barack Obama, the first black president. Coalition Leader Takes Reigns The N ortheast Coalition o f N eighborhoods board has pro­ m oted Paige Colem an from its acting executive director to the jo b permanently. Colem an, form er volunteer ch air o f the Boise N eighbor­ hood A sso ciatio n and a d e l­ egate to the N ECN board, took on the paid position last July on a six-m onth contract, which was later extended. The board had originally in­ tended to conduct an open hir­ ing process, but w ithdrew the process last month. The m atter was discussed at length in two executive sessions. C o le m a n r e p la c e s P a u l L ipscom who held the jo b as a tem p o rary rep lacem en t after Joseph Santos-L yons lost the jo b a no-confidence vote ear­ lier in 2(X)8. Paige Coleman Rxperiences For A C h a s e & Weil, LLP Salutes B la c k H is to r y M o n th Gerald M. Chase Richard L. Weil Attorneys at Law 722 SW 2nd Ave. Suite 240 Portland Oregon 97204 Phone 503-294-1414 R emembering Come Bid With Us Black History Month rooks Portland Public School District welcomes interest and participation by MBE, WBE and ESB companies in our contracts for goods and services. Throughout the year, we purchase a variety of items including office equipment, school supplies, paper products, maintenance services, construction projects and more. Please contact our office for additional information on bidding opportunities. S taffing Dave Fajer Director of Procurement and Distribution Portland Public Schools 501 North Dixon Portland OR 97227 (503) 916-3576 (503) 916-3109 fax dfajer@pps.k12.or.us A Division of S. Brooks & Associates, Inc. A Full Service Staffing Company Brooks Staffing 503.284.7930 1130 NE Alberta Street Portland, Oregon 97211 Fax: 503.284.7977 www.sbrooks.com jobs@sbrooks.com t 503-288-0033 i Subscribe' to : | • r a i o u ,& se n d nth (Pharrurr | j Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, ■ ¡ r ± s RriandOR972(K | su b sc rip tio n s are ju s t $ 6 0 p e r y e a r (please include ch eck w ith th is su b scrip tio n fo rm ) ■ | N ame : ___________________________T elephone : ____________ I I A ddress : ____________ ___________________________ I I f?rcmui7subscriptions@portlandobserver.com I We encourage and appreciate your interest in doing business with Portland Public Schools.