PaSeAI6_______________________________ Th'^înrtl:xnb (nbseruer Black History M onth_________________ Februaiy2S, 2009 F ood S a fe w a y O Ingredients for life.. SAFEWAY S e e all th e s a v m g s o n lin e Online c «cekW Beef Brisket Pot Roast Seafood for E v e ry t im e Ingredients y o u s h o p fo r • 1 (4-pound) beef brisket with a 1/3- inch layer o f fat • Salt and freshly ground black pepper • 1/4 cupts) extra-virgin olive oil • 5 clove(s) garlic, sm ashed • 2 (m edium ) onions, coarsely chopped • 2 (m edium ) carrots, coarsely chopped • 1 celery rib, coarsely chopped • 3 bay leaves • 2 rosem ary sprigs • 2 (sm all (dried red chiles • 2 cup(s) dry red wine • 1 can(s) ( 14-ounce) w hole plum tomatoes, drained • 3 cup(s) low -sodium chicken broth g ro c e rie s o r s e le c te d g if t c a rd s *! Directions Fresh Imitation Crabm eat 1. Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F. Season the brisket with salt and pepper. In a large, skillet, heat the oil. A dd the brisket, fat side down, and cook over m oderately high heat until richly browned, about 5 minutes. Turn and brown on the other side, about 5 minutes longer. T ransfer the brisket, fat side up, to a roasting pan. 2. A dd the garlic, onions, carrots and celery to the skillet and cook over m oderate heat, stirring occasionally, until softened, about lOminutes. Add the bay leaves, rosemary and chiles and cook, stirring, for 2 minutes. Add the wine and boil over high heat until reduced by half, about 6 minutes. Add the tom atoes and sim m er over low heat for 15 minutes. Pour the m ixture over and around the brisket. 3. Add the broth to the ski I let and bring to a sim m er over high heat. Pour the broth around the brisket. C over the roasting pan with foil, transfer to the oven and braise until the brisket is very tender, about 3 hours. Transfer the brisket to a platter and cover with foil. 4. Strain the contents o f the roasting pan through a coarse strainer set over a large saucepan, pushing the vegetables through as m uch as possible. Boil the sauce over high heat until reduced to 3 1/4 cups, about 20 m inutes; season with salt and pepper. Carve the brisket into 1/3-inch slices. Pour som e o f the sauce over the brisket to keep it moist and serve, passing the rest o f the sauce at the table. 5. Make Ahead: The sliced and sauced brisket can be refrigerated for up to 2 days. C over with foil and bake in a 350 degrees F oven until heated through, about 30 minutes. 6. Serve With. Buttered egg noodles. 7. Wine Recommendation: A complex red will add layers of flavor to this simple, succulent dish. The dark fruit flavors o f the M albec-based 2002 Chateau Lagrezette from Cahors, France, producer Alain D om inique Perrin, will do the trick. 16-oz. package SAVE up to 30« lb. R odney S trong CLUB PR IC E RanchGrt Reserve® WWlcWSS BWi Of Round Tip (tout. SMEuptosieoit. See Weekly Insert Tilapia Fillets Frozen/thawed. SAVE up to $3.50 lb Cooked Shrimp f i » ts k t w s«* « a2-b beg. Renders $5.99 lb. ffwwvihwd Collard Greens with Bacon Ingredients Fresh W ild Rockfish Fillets • 4 strips thick-sliced bacon, sliced cross­ wise into 1/2-inch pieces • 1 small yellow onion, chopped • 2 garlic cloves, m inced • 2 Tbsp sugar • 1 teaspoon kosher salt • 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pep­ per • Several dashes hot sauce • 1/4 cup apple-cider vinegar • 2 pounds collard greens, stem s re­ moved, sliced into 3-inch-w ide strips (can substitute kale or chard) • 1 cup chicken broth (or water) W eather perm itting SAVE up to 13^0 lb. Goes Great W ith La Gama, Mumm Cavee Napa or Kendalf-Jackson 750-rel Selected SAVE up to $9,01 Directions 1. Put bacon in a large pot and cook on m edium heat until it ju st starts to brown around the edges, stirring occasionally. Mix in the onions and cook until they're soft and starting to brown, stirring occasionally. 2. Add the garlic, sugar, salt, pepper and hot sauce and cook until the garlic becom es fragrant, about a minute. Pour in the vinegar, bring to a sim m er, and cook until the am ount o f liquid is reduced by half, stirring and scraping up any browned bits from the bottom o f the pot. 3. Stir in the collard greens and the chicken broth (or water) and bring to a simmer. Reduce the heat to m edium -low and cook until the greens are com pletely wilted and have, lost their brightness, stirring occasionally. Season to taste with additional vinegar and hot sauce and serve with a generous ladle o f the pan ju ices from the pot. O venJoy Breads 22« Wh'te or Wheat. SAVE up to 20« mtm Ì MB “(noüHTiití ut> on w wiHcr (ttttM TIIK Q O i Of flllMliTM WITH WKÏOA W.C. HAANI Look fo r th e Sales Tegs to Save. «*»« n w * . u»« i SUP E R COUPONS! « « imi « «mi »< ONE WEEK ONLY! Minimum $10 purchase required par transaction. Saturday, March 7 ,2009 ’.A l l WAV % C O U P O N Guest Speaker ; O NE W EEK ONLY! Fob. 25 - M a r. 3 Seattle, WA - Service start time 7:00 PM If L ; ' ? ' '. a ii w a c \ COUPON ONE W EEK ONLY! ONE W EEK ONLY! Fab. 25 - M a r. 1 25 - M a r. 3 FREE wn-OA:«ccoiAO*i st am wnv coika 2 -L ite r Sunday, March 8 ,2 0 0 9 Pepsi Guest Speaker Selected varieties Plus deposit m Oregon Limit 1 coupon pet transaction Hayward, CA ’. / i f f wav % C O U P O N obrsad«orchiCai«Moipii ) »i*» «i carter 0« repr pr UNK* «Nun L u c e rn e * B u tte r MT* CAIO MC COUft» S2WQj|NßlMTM0UTC0UKA '’wcM wsM N apM M etB ** 3