Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 25, 2009, Black History Month, Page 15, Image 15

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February 25, 2009
C lassified /B id
Paul A. Neufeldt
A Absolutely New Queen Plllowtop
Advertise with divejsity in
Sign your business up
& Save at Home
Jl" f J m t l a i ih (D bi.eruer
Mattress with Box S e t Still Sealed
In Plastic. Can Deliver
C all 5O3-288-OO33
For you and your employees
$150. (5 0 3 )8 2 8 -8 9 2 7
M ore than you
Ever e x p e c te d ...
Contact me to fin d how
Michael Churbe 503-528-6012
Old School
Graphic Design • Company Identity • Web Design
Logos • Signage • Ad Design • Ouldixn Events
Portland Development Commission
Request for Proposals (RFP) It 08-27
N o rth/N o rtheast Economic Development Initiative Study Services
1 9 8 5 SS M on te Carlo
In a p lace you never
Black w / RedTrim
Garage Kept! Original Interior,
Excellent Condition!
$ 3 ,5 0 0 .0 B 0 Call Gary
@ 5 0 3 -8 7 5 -7 1 5 2
Steel Buildings #1
Recession Discounted
Some below cost
Premium Quality
Price, Service, delivery to site
Erection avail.
Source# 186
Phone: 503-946-3896
Ifyour career wish list includes
things like real autonomy, true
camaraderie, more flexibility,
greater clinical environment,
fe w e r ph ysica l dem an ds,
lower diagnostic acuity, and
the opportunity to work side-
by-side with doctors and PAs,
you've come to the right place.
And that place is at Wexford
Health Sources - a nationally
re co g n ize d
le a d e r
contracted medical services
fo r c o rre c tio n a l fa c ilitie s .
Please join our team as:
star 'S f park
S ta r P ark is lo o k in g fo r
in d iv id u a ls w ith e xc e lle n t
customer service skills and a
positive attitude to join our
te am o f p a rk in g fa c ility
operators. Positions include:
A tte nda nt, Traffic Director,
C a s h ie r, and V a le t, w ith
Opportunity for advancement.
No experience necessary, must
be dependable.
8 .50+/hr, m edical, dental,
4 0 1 k w /m a tc h , sic k &
vacation pay.
6 1 0 SW Alder S tre e t Suite 1 2 2 1
Portland, OR 9 7 2 0 5
Proposals due M arch 1 1 ,2 0 0 9 by 3 :0 0 pm ( PT)
The Portland Development Commission (PDC) Is seeking
competitive proposals from qualified firms for the provision
of providing North/N ortheast Econom ic Developm ent
Initiative Study Services, as outlined in RFP #08-27. The full
RFP may be obtained from the PDC website <http;//
w w w .pdc.us/login/w elcom e.a sp>. (under Form al Bid
Opportunities). No pre-proposal m eeting is scheduled.
Proposals must be received no later than the proposal due
date and time listed above at 222 NW 5th Avenue, Portland,
OR 97209. Fax or email proposals will not be accepted.
Direct any questions regarding this RFP to Larry Wright, 503-
8 2 3 -3 3 2 8 (o ffic e ) or w rig h tl@ p d c .u s (e m a il). PDC
encourages participation of M/W/ESB firms in this and all
contract opportunities.
• R N - F T , PT, PRN
Notice of 30 Day Comment Period and Public Hearing
The Action Plans FY 2009-10 for Multnomah County, the
City of Portland and the City of Gresham describe how CDBG,
HOME and other housing and community development
resources will be used in the coming year to address the
priority needs and objectives established in the approved
2005-2010 Consolidated Plan. Before finalizing the Action
Plans, the jurisdictions want to give residents the opportunity
to present comments and views on the Draft Action Plans
FY 2009-10. Comments may be made in writing addressed
to the Housing and Community Development Commission
(HCDC), 421 SW 6th Ave., Suite 1100, Portland, OR 97204,
or by e-mail to bhcdinfo@ci.portland.or.us by March 31,
2009. Comments may also be made at the upcoming public
Clark County Jail
Vancouver, WA
Come to think of it, you’ll also
enjoy a very attractive salary,
great benefits, and lots of
promotional opportunities. For
full consideration, contact:
Nina Dow, Staffing Consultant:
Phone: 800-903-3616;
Fax 412-937-8874;
An Equal Opportunity
Employer M/F/D/V
t l Wexford
UO Arena Garage
Eugene, Oregon
...... Bid Package #2 - Concrete & Waterproofing
Pre-Bid Meeting: March 3rd 10:00am
Bids Due: March 12th at 2:00pm
Bid Documents - Ford Graphics (5 0 3 /2 2 7 -3 4 2 4 ) or www.bxwa.com
Affordable Design and Business Support
Hoffman Construction
Company of Oregon
Phone: (5 0 3 ) 2 2 1 -8 8 1 1 - Bid Fax: (5 0 3 ) 2 2 1 -8 8 8 8
W ednesday, March 4, 6:30 p.m.
Multnomah County Boardroom, 501 S.E. Hawthorne. Portland
W ednesday, April 1, 6:30 p.m.
Multnomah County Boardroom, 501 S.E. Hawthorne, Portland
The Draft Action Plans FY 2009-10 will be available online
at www.portlandonline.com/bhcd under the What's New
heading and as a reference document at each branch of the
Multnomah County Libraries around mid-March 2009.
Updates to tbe Draft will be posted online as available. All
comments made at the hearings and those received by
March 31, 2009 will be considered in fin alizin g the
jurisdictions' submissions. Summaries of public comments
will be included in the final document.
The meetings are wheelchair accessible. If you need an
accommodation to participate in these meetings, or require
an interpreter, please call 503-823-2375 or 503-823-6868
(TDD) at least three days in advance.
805 SW Broadway, Suite 2100 - Portland, OR 97205 - CCB LIC# 28417
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested firms including
disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises.
Other Subcontracting Opportunities - Internet http://www.hoffmancorp.com
R F P # 0 9 -1 3 6 4 -Z 0 0
The Oregon Zoo, a service of Metro, is requesting bids for
tw o hydraulic systems fo r Predators o f th e Serengeti
and Red Ape R eserve exhibits. Potential bidders may
It’s In Our Hands
Apply now!
Position: Address Lister / $15.25 per/hr
Census jobs offer:
good pay
flex hrs up to 40/wk
mileage reimbursement
work near home
The waitlists for Beacon Manor, Marlon Street and
Taylor Street Apartments are closed as of February 18,
2009. The waitlists are closed due to excessively long
wait times on all floor plans. Please check our website
at www.reachcdc.org periodically for updates
and openings. These buildings are managed
oTI»*o T rrt
r jm
Call 866-861-2010 or visit
US Census Bureau is an
Equal O pportu nity Employer
TÄ !
Job H o tlin e : 5 0 3 -9 8 8 -5 0 3 5
TTY: 5 0 3 - 9 8 8 - 5 1 7 0
ww.m iiltcojobs.org
A Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference is scheduled for all potential
prime bidders and Interested sub-contractors on Tuesday,
March 3.2009, at 10:00 a.m. in the Resource Rooniatlhe
Oregon Zoo 4001 SW Canvon Rd, Portland OR 97221- The
resource room is located through Gate “A" in the construction
maintenance area. Attendees can park In the main Zoo lot
and walk down the outside of the Zoo to Gate A” through
gate and turn left. All prime bidders must attend this
Mandatory Pre-Bid Conference in order to be eligible to
submit a bid.
Metro Code provisions 2.04.100 and 200 require all Bidders
to follow and document a specific good faith outreach effort
to State certified Minority, Emerging and Women-owned
Businesses. Certification of good faith compliance and a
declaration of any actual utilization pursuant to both
programs are required at the time of Bid Opening.
Y qu
an equal opportunity employer
obtain bid documents by following the directions in the
Instructions to Bidders and contacting Randy Whitworth at
503 220 5720 or randv.whitworth@oregonzoo.org at the
Oregon Zoo Construction Maintenance Department for
direction. Sealed bids must be delivered to the Metro Oregon
Zoo Construction Maintenance department at 4001 SW
Canyon Road, Portland, Oregon 97221 to the attention of
Melanie Briggs, Contracts Consultant, no later than 2:00
p.m, March 10, 2009 and will be publicly opened and read
at that time. First Tier Subcontractor forms are due from all
bidders within two hours of the bid due time or the bid will be
considered non-responsive.
Metro reserves the right to reject all Bids or any Bids not
conform ing to the intent and purpose of the Contract
Documents, to reject for good cause any and all Bids upon a
finding of Metro that it is in the public interest to do so or to
waive any informality or irregularity in any Bid or Bids. Metro
further reserves the right to award the Contract at any time
within sixty (60) days following the Bid opening date.
Metro and its contractors will not discriminate against any
person(s) based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual
orientation, age, religion, physical handicap, political
affiliation or marital status.
M etro extends equal opportu nity to all persons and
sp e c ific a lly enco ura ge s m inority and w om en-ow ned
businesses to access and participate in this and all Metro
projects, programs and services.