PageAU Ih* February 25. 2009 L aw & J ustice I Honest Discussions on Race Urged First black A.G. addresses issue A tto rn ey G en eral E ric Holder described the United States Wednesday as a nation of cowards on matters of race, saying most Americans avoid discussing awkward racial is­ sues. In a speech to Justice De­ partment employees marking Black History Month, Holder said the workplace is largely integrated but Americans still self-segregate on the weekends and in their private lives. "T hough th is n atio n has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things ra­ cial we have always been and 1 believe continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation o f co w ard s," sa id H older, nation's first black attorney general. Race issues continue to be a topic of political discussion, Holder said, but "we, as aver­ age Americans, simply do not talk enough with each other about race." Even when people mix at the never been at ease with and, given our nation's history, this workplace or afterwork social is in some ways understand­ events. Holder argued, many able," Holder said. "If we are to Americans in their free time are make progress in this area, we still segregated inside what he must feel comfortable enough called "ra c e -p ro te c te d c o ­ with one another and tolerant coons." "S aturdays and Sundays, enough of each other to have I f we're going to ever make progress, we're going to have to have the guts, we have to have the determination, to be honest with each other. He urged people of all races to use Black History Month as a chance for honest discus­ sion o f racial m atters, includ­ ing issues o f health care, edu­ cation, and economic dispari­ ties. Race "is an issue we have frank conversations about the racial matters that continue to divide us." He told hundreds of Justice D epartment employees gath­ ered for the event that they have a special responsibility to advance racial understanding. America in the year 2009 does not in some ways differ sig­ nificantly from the country that existed almost 50 years ago. This is truly sad," said Holder. As a presidential candidate last year, Barack Obama gave a Best Barbers in Town & Razor Line Cuts 5010 NE 9th Unit A Portland Oregon 97221 503-284-2989 rig h ts a c tiv ist A1 S h arpton ch an ted "End racism now!" out­ sid e the p a re n t company's skyscraper in midtown Manhattan and called for the jail­ ing of R u p ert Murdoch, whose inter­ national m edia c o n ­ glomerate News Corp owns the Post. B ecause O bam a promoted the $787 bil­ lion economic stimulus that he signed into law on Feb. 17, critics of the cartoon interpreted the New York S tate Senator Eric Adams stands in front o f the New York Post building holding a cartoon th a t ran Feb. 1 8 in the Post. The cartoon drew outrage from civil rights leaders and elected officials who said it echoed racist stereotypes o f blacks as monkeys. have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill." Hundreds of demonstrators Latinos March to Protest Hiring Law (A P) — Several hundred L a tin o s an d s u p p o rte rs m arched through St. Helens to protest a Colum bia County ordinance punishing em ploy­ ers for hiring illegal im m i­ grants. The ballot measure passed in November, but a judge has put it on hold pending a legal review after a challenge by so­ cial a c tiv ists and b u sin e ss ow ners re p re se n te d by the A m e ric a n C iv il L ib e r tie s Union. Y esenia S an c h e z , p re s i­ Platinum Fade Eric H older Chimp Cartoon Echoes Past (AP) -- The New York Post is apologizing for a cartoon that c ritic s say lin k s P re sid e n t Barack Obama to a raging chim­ panzee shot dead by police in Connecticut. But the newspa­ per also says the image was ex­ ploited by its longtime antago­ nists. After two days of protests, the paper posted an editorial on its Web site Thursday say­ ing the cartoon was meant to m ock the federal econom ic stimulus bill, but "to those who were offended by the image, we apologize." The editorial also says some people who have long-stand­ ing differences with the paper saw the cartoon "as an oppor­ tunity for payback." The drawing was published Feb. 18. It shows a dead chimp, with the caption reading: "They'll landmark speech on race rela­ talking about race. "If we're going to ever make tions during the hotly -co n ­ tested Democratic primaries as progress, we're going to have he tried to separate himself from to have the guts, we have to the angry rhetoric of his then- have the determination, to be pastor. Holder cited that speech honest with each other. It also by Obama as part of the moti­ means we have to be able to vation for his words, saying accept criticism where that is Americans need to overcome justified," Holder told reporters an ingrained inhibition against after the speech. dent o f a new group, Latinos U nited for a B etter Future, said ra c ia l te n sio n s in the county have soared since sig­ natures began to be gathered for two ballot measures. The second ballot specifi­ cally , re q u irin g b illb o a rd ­ siz e d sig n s on c o u n ty jo b sites claiming "Legal Workers Only," failed. Latinos in the march said the em ploym ent measure has led to in su lts, in tim id atio n and open discrim ination and tension in schools. rallied to boycott the paper, branding it as racist. Demonstrators led by civil Hours o f operation: M -F 9 am - 6 pin Sat 8 am - 9 pm Sun 11 a m - 6 pm dead chimp as a refer. ence t0 Obama, the first b)ack y s pre ’i(jent ,,j g u ess ,h ey thought we were chimpanzees," Sharpton said. 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