Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 25, 2009, Black History Month, Page 11, Image 11

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^ lîn rtk xn b 0!)hemirr B la c k H îS tO iy M o n t h
Februaiy 25, 2009
Rapper Takes Down Eminem
Flo Rida is in a definite sun­
shine state of m ind after taking
down Eminem.
For the second tim e in ju st
over a year, Flo Rida has set a
new record for digital d ow n­
loads, as his new single, "Right
R o u n d ," w as d o w n lo a d e d a
w hopping 636,(XM) tim es last
w ee k ,
N ie ls e n
SoundScan.The rapper topped
his own record. His 2008 track
"Low" held the previous mark
with 467,000 downloads.
"Right Round" also set a new
record for a digital debut, top­
ping Eminem, 50 Cent and Dr.
Dre's "Crack the Bottle," which
a sample o f Dead or Alive's 1985
c h a rt-to p p e r "You S p in M e
Round (Like a Record)," is the
lead single from Flo Rida's forth­
co m in g R .O .O .T .S., du e out
M arch 31.
scored 418,000 downloads just
last week. Likewise, Flo Rida's
new track displaced Em & Co.'s
single at No. 1 on Billboard's Hot
100 singles chart.
"Right Round," built around
Dixon \ Rib Pit
Flo Rida
S e tfor
Contestants in
the annual Miss
Black Oregon
2009 pageant.
11:00 a.m. to 10:00p.m.
M onday thru Saturday
Sunday after church at 3:00 p.m.
Pick up Delivery
and Catering
Dinners $9.50
Sandwiches $8.50
And Soul Food
T he crow ning
event to the Miss
B la c k
O re g o n
2009 scholarship
pageant will take
p la c e S a tu rd a y ,
Feb. 28 starting at
5 p.m. at the Scot­
tish R ite C enter,
S.W .
M orrison St.
event, h osted by
Sonie, M aster of
C e re m o n ie s J.
Mack, and featur­
ing DJ OG O ne,
will include an “After Party” in
the ce n te r’s G rand B allroom
from 9 pm. until 1 a.m. Afull bar
Try us once you ’ll come back again
Come enjoy the smooth
sew soulful sounds
,,f ,he C'/A-'.
every Sunday
from 7pm to 11fu t
at Portland's hottest
dance c/uh
72(> (7
and good food will be available
for purchase.
Tickets are $25 in advance
and $30 the day o f the show.
Visit m isb lack o reg o n .o rg, all
S afew ay S to res T icketsW est
Celebrate W om en’s Day - Artists, com e­
dians, singers and m usicians will celebrate
International W om en’s Day, Friday, March
6 w ithafree concert from 5 p.m. to6:30p.m .
at City Hall, dow ntow n, and again Satur­
2nd Tuesday o f every m onth, the zoo hosts
day, M arch 7 at 8 pm. with a $ 10 adm ission
2-Buck Tuesdays when guests can tour
that includes an international dinner at the
the zoo during regular zoo hours for the
Urban G rind Coffeehouse, 2214 N.E. O r­ discounted price o f $2 per person!
Poetry at M iracles - Local and
Cascade Festival oi
Film Festival H onors
national artists and
Black History -The 19th
m usicians share an
annual C ascade Festival
evening o f spoken
of African Films, held in
word and music at
honor o f Black History
the M iracles Club,
M onth at Portland C om ­
4 0 6 9 N .E. M artin
'Africa through African tenses
munity C ollege’s C as­
Luther KingJr. Blvd,
cade C am pus, runs through M arch 7. Free
each W ednesday, betw een
and open to the public. For a com plete
7:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.
schedule, visit africanfilm festival.org.
Live Jazz — Every Friday and Saturday
Food and Entertainm ent -- Sliders Grill,
from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m., the Third Degrees
3011 N. Lom bard, features an eclectic as­
Lounge at the Ri verPlace Hotel, 1510S.W .
sortment o f perform ers on the main stage,
Harbor W ay, will host the ongoing w eek­
accom panied by delicious food. Call 503-
end scries featuring Portland's rich jazz
459-4488 form ore information.
scene with no cover
orminim umpurcha.se.
The W iz - “The W iz,” the all­
Form ore information,
black adaptation o f the “W on­
visitpdxjazz.com .
derful W izard o f Oz,” underpro­
duction by Stum ptow n Stages,
Bob the Builder -
continues through March 11 at
T V s Bob the Builder
the Jefferson High School Audi-
and his Can-D o Crew
to riu m .
V isit
invite aspiring young
stumptownstages.com or cal 1 the
builders to help get the
box office at 503-381-8686.
jo b done in a hands-
on tra veling exhibit at
The G am e Concert -- Come see the Game,
the Portland Children’s Museum. The 2,000
Lion of Fire, Cool Nutz
square-foot, m ultim ediaexhibit invitesex-
and more. Hosted by
ploration and teamwork for children and
DJ W icked. 8 N.W.
families. The show has been extended
S ix th
A v e.
an d
through until June 7.
B urnside in d o w n ­
town Portland at the
M usic M illennium Free Show s - The
R o s e la n d T h e a te r ,
Music Millennium, 3158 E. Burnside, hosts
Thursday, Feb. 2 6 at 7p.m. all ages. General
in-house live perform ances. Enjoy free
admission $.30. Tickets available
at T icketW est.com
Centers or charge by phone at
503-224-8499. Formore informa­
tion, call 971-409-8687.
at 720 SK Hawthorne Ave.,
Portland, Oregon 97214 (503) 254 ’5<S.
The jam session and open mic
is from 9 -10pm
Ml professional musicians are welcome!
music and the opportunity to m eet local
artists. Call 503-231 -8926 for a schedule.
A frican D ance Blends with Ballet - O r­
egon Ballet Theatre presents Lam barena,
an irresistible fusion o f Bach and tradi­
tional African music and dance, at Keller
A uditorium , at 7:30 p.m. on both Friday,
Feb. 27 and Saturday, Feb. 28. Tickets start
at $ 15. Visit opt.org or ticketm aster.com
livery Sunday starting March 1st
from 7-11pm
enjoy good food, music and friends
Dress to impress!
OM SI After Dark - OMSI After Dark is a
night at the museum for the 21 and over
crowd filled with food, drink and science
fun; $ lOfee. Form ore information call 503-
797-4000 or visit om si.edu.
First F riday’s at C hildren’s M useum --
The Portland C h ild ren ’s M useum has
partnered with Target to provide free ad­
mission to everyone on the first Friday of
each month from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Open Mic Night - Every W ednesday night
at 7 p.m., Proper Eats
Market andCafé, 8638
N. Lom bard St., host
open mic night.
A m erican Classic -
‘B r ig h to n
B e ac h
Memoir,’a Neil Simon
play centering on an
irrepressible adoles­
cent who bears w it­
ness as everyone around him copes with
hardships and the hum or in it all, continues
through March 8 at the Firehouse Theater,
1436 S.W. M ontgom ery St.
833 North Killingsworth Street, Portland,
Oregon 97217 • Tel.(503) 285-8745
Business hours
Monday-Friday 11 :00am-3:30pm
Monday- Friday 3:00-pm—9:00pm
Saturday-Sunday noon-9:00pm
North Portland
“ E verything I do is co lla b o ra tive . It's ju s t my way. I'm re a lly ve ry
in te re ste d in how the o th e r m usicians perceive the song.”
Cassandra W ilson
KM HD radio is a collaborative effort;
without the generous support from our
listeners we wouldn’t be on the air! Show
us that Jazz & Blues music is important to
you and your community!
Yard, G arden & Patio Show -
Friday, Feb. 27 thru Sunday,
March 1, at the Oregon C onven­
tion C enter, stroll through lav­
ish display gardens, enjoy free
seminars, wine tasting and more.
For more inform ation, call 503-
Zoo Buck Tuesdays - On the
-4 « ^
T h ai F o o d C a fé
frican Film
Concert Band & Jazz — The
University o f Portland Concert
Band and Jazz Ensemble wi 11 give
a concert at 7:30 p. m . on Wednes-,
day, M arch 4 in the Buckley
Center A uditorium on cam pus,
5000 N. W illamette Blvd. The
event is free and open to the
I «I
fee// P$7///J
Mail to K M H D /M H Í C /26(M)0 SI Stark, Gresham, <»R *)7IUtl
\ f»
( its:
State: __
Card # .
f \p. Date:
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