500 Special Coverage _ ®lll' Issue Black Month Iraq Troop Removal Set Stocks Up on Remarks Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke gave Wall Street a double dose of reassurance Tuesday saying the recession might end this year, and that regulators aren't planning to nationalize banks. The news lifted the stock markets off their lowest levels since 1997. 7 0 Established ir» in IQ 1970 Barkley to Serve Jail Time North Korea Plans Launch North Korea declared Tues­ day it is making "brisk head­ way" in plans to send a sat­ ellite into or­ bit as part of its space p ro g ram , a launch regional powers fear is a cover up for testing a long- range ballistic missile capable of striking Alaska and the west­ ern United States. Huge Ship In Portland The largest ship of its kind in the world made its first stop in America on Monday and the port of call was Portland. The Morning Lisa, a massive sea­ going car transporter that is about nine stories tall and longer than twofootball fields. It can haul more than 8,(XX) cars at one time. °s ^community service www.portlandobserver.com Wednesday • Februaiy 25. 2009 Tax Time H e lp Avoiding the pitfalls J ake T homas T he P ortland O bserver by ■ Former NBA great Charles Barkley was sentenced on Monday to lOdays in jail after pleading guilty to driving drunk in Scottsdale, Ariz., last New Year's Eve. He will have five days susp en d ed upon his com pletion o f a co u rt-ap ­ proved alcohol program, traf­ fic school and a $2,(XX) fine. tananai r \ r » r i I Q n / 4 r \ k r a r - i z n r s'z-tm Committed to Cultural Diversity' Americans are finding themselves in the midst of one their least favorite times of the year: tax sea­ son. Although paying your share for the upkeep of state and national government is full of pitfalls, it doesn't have to be a taxing experience. There are plenty of ways to get free help filing your taxes. Locke to Run Commerce And if you play it right, you could come out with President Obama intends to some extra cash after filing your return by April 17. n o m in a te If you do decide to go the route of using a com­ form er W ash­ mercial tax preparer to get your taxes in, one thing in g to n G ov. to look out for is the offer of a Refund Anticipation GaiyLocketobe Loan, which is a loan given by the preparer for the commerce sec­ amount of the refund with interest. re ta ry on Consumer advocacy groups have reported that W ednesday in the Locke, refund loans have been used to prey on people his third try to fill thejob. a D em o crat, b ecam e the their return in a hurry. People seeking a needing nation's first Chinese-Ameri­ quick refund are lured in with the offer of a loan can governor when and he then took watch it evaporate as they are charged up office in 1997 and served two to 500 percent in interest. terms. Aimee Olin, the director of the Oregon branch of Vancouver Sex Offender the Association of Community Organizers for Re­ Admits to Killing Girl form Now, said that getting a RAL might be a good A transient sex offender admit­ option for some taxpayers, but stresses that they ted to police that he beat a 13- should always read the fine print of the loan agree­ year-old Hazel Dell girl todeath ment and should shop around for a good interest after attempting to rape her and rate. then moved her body after­ Olin hasn't received any recent reports of com­ wards to "an area where she m ercial tax preparers using RAL's to put the would be found," according to squeeze on desperate people in the area, but she a court document. said it's possible. Mardl Gras Shooting "The risk is definitely out there,* she said. A Mardi Gras parade erupted into chaos on Fat Tuesday in New Orleans when a series of gunshots nearby struck six people, incl uding an infant. The infant was not seriously in­ jured and two suspects were in custody, police said. HU See story, page A5 Pcf o h i VolumeXXXVIV. Number« President Barack Obama plans to remove all U.S. combat troops from Iraq by August 2010, administration officials said Tuesday, ending the war that defined his presidential campaign three months later than he had promised. See story, page A6. f 'he Left Bank is a new development, but fo r many it will always be remembered as the Dude Ranch, a black nightclub