Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 18, 2009, Black History Month, Page 7, Image 7

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    II" p o t t ia n i» (Ji)beeruer B l a c k
February 18. 2009
H is to r y
M o n th
H ealth mai
County Adopts Menu Labeling
H ealth W atch
C holesterol Profiles -- Keep an eye on your cholesterol and
other indicators of heart health; educational material provided.
For more information, call 503-261 -6611.
will start seeing
calorie counts
Fast food and chain restau­
rants in the Portland area will
soon be required to display ca­
loric content on their menu items.
M ultnom ah County C om ­
m issioners unanim ously ap­
proved the new rules last week
after a public comment period.
“This is an important step for
consumers to make informed
choices about what they eat
and a powerful tool in our ef­
forts to reduce obesity, a sig­
nifican t public health c h a l­
lenge,” said Lillian Shirley,
Health Department director.
Following a 30-day notifica­
tion period, the restaurants will
have a nine month grace period
for compliance.
The policy applies to restau­
rants with at least 15 or more
outlets nationwide and who of­
fer substantially the same menu
items. It does not affect smaller
establishments, seasonal menu
items or items on the menus for
90 days or less.
L .«
'Premium &
(MMt **•< tw»4N> * C b W I
S 'Sub
6" Sob
330 Turkey Breast
Sweet O m on
480 Chicken Ter iyal
DOUBLE 8 * ¡
420 Subway C lub
630 Italian BM.T.
and massage from a licensed nurse at one of six clinics or at your
home. Call 503-251 -6303 formore information.
Free Body Basics - This physician recommended class is
appropriate for all ages and health conditions. Plan to attend this
one-session class and learn the simple guidelines for safe
exercises, including stretching. Call 503-256-4IXX) to register.
Mammography Screening - Early detection is a key factor in the
prevention of breast cancer. Call 503-251 -6137 to schedule your
high-tech, soft-touch mammogram.
M anaging Chronic Hepatitis C - Third Wednesday of each
Subway and other chains have already added calorie information to their menu boards in
New York City. The menu labels will soon be required at chain restaurants in Multnomah
Approximately 550 restau­
rants in Multnomah County will
be impacted by the new rules.
High calorie diets can lead
to obesity, which contributes to
increased rates of diabetes and
Tenderfoot Care - T reat your feet with a soak, nail trim, buffing
heart disease. In the last 10 partment officials said.
T he new m enu lab elin g
years, obesity in Oregon has
increased by 57 percent with as policy follows similar measures
m any as tw o th ird s o f passed in Seattle, New York
Multnomah County residents City, Philadelphia and Califor­
considered obese, health de­ nia.
month at 5 p.m., the informative session led by aregistered nurse
to help manage side effects of medications and dosage prepa­
rations and administration; doctors referral required. To regis­
ter, call 503-251-6313.
Red Cross Continuing Education -The Oregon Trail Chapter
Red Cross, now offers credits to helps professionals maintain
licensing orcenification. For a cumulative list, visitpdxinfo.net.
Better Breathers - An asthma educational support group
meets on the 1st Tuesday of the month from 1:15p.m. to 2:45p.m.
at Adventist Medical Center. For information, call 503-251 -6830.
Cardiac-R ehab Exercises - A medically supervised exercise
program for people dealing with heart conditions. For informa­
tion, call 503-251-6260.
Senior Aerobics - A low-impact workout geared specifically
toward seniors. Call 503-449-0783 for current schedule.
O steoporosis Screening — An ultrasound bone density screen­
Tasty Diets for Cancer Prevention
Making low fat foods appealing
A national nonprofit dedi­
cated to advancing cancer pre­
vention through education and
research, is offering a free, four-
session co oking course d e­
signed to help Portland resi­
dents prevent and survive can­
cer through proper diet and
"The single easiest and best
thing most of us can do to pre­
vent cancer or its recurrence is
to eat rig h t," says Jen n ifer
Reilly, a senior nutritionist for
The Cancer Project.
Reilly said the prescription
for better health is a low-fat veg­
etarian diet.
“ L oad up on fru its, veg­
etables, and whole grains,” she
said., “They're naturally low in
fat, chock- full of fiber, and filled
with cancer-fighting antioxi­
dants and phytochemicals.”
P eo p le are u rged to cut
down on fatty foods and added
fats and oils, particularly satu­ taste good.
Each class centers on impor­
rated fats, which have been
linked to an increased risk of tant cancer-nutrition topics as
breast, colon, and prostate can­ local cooking instructor Julie
cer. Likewise, look for healthy H asson g u id e s stu d en ts
substitutes for dairy products through the p rep aration of
such as milk, cheese, and yo­ tasty and easy-to-prepare reci­
gurt, which have been impli­ pes.
The sessions will be held
cated in the o ccu rren ce o f
breast and colorectal cancers. Feb. 19 to March 12 at Adventist
The challenge, Reilly ac­ Hospital, 10123 S.E. Market St.
know ledges, is not only to To register, contact the hospi­
teach people which foods are tal at 503-256-4000.
good for them, but also to show
them how to make the foods
Oxycodone Pill Killed Student
In v e stig a to rs say a high
school senior who died sud­
denly at a Gresham home in
D ecem ber, overdosed on an
oxycodone pill that she in ­
gested by sm o k in g it w ith
Tw o 1 8 -y ear-o ld s and a
Troutdale man are in custody,
accused of selling or arranging
the sale of the lethal dose.
Gresham detectives say 33-
year-old Ronald Zaloznik had a
prescription for the drug. He's
accused o f selling the pills
through his younger brother
and his brother's friends to pay
for living expenses.
The Drug Enforcement Ad­
ministration warns the unlaw-
ful use of the prescription drug
Oxycodone among teens and
adults, is on the rise through­
out the Northwest.
Gresham Police Chief Craig
Junginger believes the abuse of
Oxycodone is a serious prob­
lem in our region, and is a prior­
ity for the Gresham Police De­
Vaccine Link to Autism Rejected
(AP) In a big blow to parents
who believe vaccines caused
their children's autism, a spe­
cial court has ruled that the
shots are not to blame. The
court said the evidence was
overwhelmingly contrary to the
parents' claims — and backed
years of science that found no
"It was abundantly clear that
petitioners' theories of causa­
tion w ere sp e c u la tiv e and
unpersuasive," the court con­
cluded in a Feb. 12 ruling.
More than 5,500 claims have
been filed by families seeking
co m p e n sa tio n th ro u g h the
governm ent's Vaccine Injury
Com pensation Program. The
claims are reviewed by special
m asters serving on the U.S.
Court of Claims.
"Hopefully, the determination
by the special masters will help
reassure parents that vaccines
do not cause autism," the De­
partment of Health and Human
Services said in a statement.
But the head o f one con­
sum er group that questions
vaccine safety, the National
Vaccine Inform ation Center,
said the court's ruling will do
little to change the minds of
most parents who suspect a link
between vaccines and autism.
She said m ore stu d ies are
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ing with personalized education; fee $30. To schedule an ap­
pointment, call 503-261 -6611.
Stroke Alert Screening - Check your carotid arteries with a
painless ultrasound to assess your risk. Fee $40. To schedule a
screening, call 503-251 -6137.
Leg Alert Screening -Check for peripheral arterial disease with
this safe, simple screening using ankle and arm blood pressure.
The fee is $40. To schedule an appointment, call 503-251-6137.
C ancer Resource C enter - Providence St. Vincent Medical
Center and the American Red Cross have joined forces to create
the first in-hospital resource center providing books, printed
material, computer access and more for individuals and families
dealing with cancer. The center is open Monday through
Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.