Page A I4 F ood __________ February 18, 2009 F o r t ia n i» (P b a erü cr Comfort Foods O Ingredients for life,. Lucerne* MNk SAFEWAY Galon. Whole. 2 * , 1% Skim Supreme, or fat free At checkstaml first item w i scan a! regular price, second item w* reflect savitgs. Caramelized Sweet Potato, Garlic, and Rosemary Macaroni and Cheese Ingredients • 10clove(s) garlic • I large (1 -pound) orange sw eet potato, peeled and cut into 1 /4-inch-thick slices on the diagonal • 2 tablespoon(s) extra-virgin olive oil • 8 ounce( s) cavatappi pasta • 4 tablespoon(s) T illam ook unsalted but­ ter • 4 tablespoon(s) flour • 1/2 teaspoon(s) salt • 1/8 teaspoon! s) freshly ground black pepper • 3 cup(s) half-and-half • 2 cup(s) T illam ook Italian Blend Shred­ ded Cheese (M ozzarella, Parmesan, & Smoked Provolone) Kraft Miracle Whip or Mayonnaise 24 to 32-« Selected varietes. SAVE up to $1.82 • 3/4 cup(s) A siago cheese, shredded • 1 1/2 tablespoon(s) fresh rosemary leaves, finely chopped • 2 clove(s) garlic, finely m inced • 1/4 cup! s) fresh breadcrum bs from rustic Italian bread Directions 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Spray a 2-quart baking dish with nonstick cooking spray. 2. Bring a large pot o f w ater to a boil. Add garlic and cook 2 m inutes; rem ove cloves and place in ice water. W hen cloves have cooled, use a garlic press to press blanched cloves; Gatorade 32-«, Selected varieties Plus deposit in Oregon SAVE up to $1.10 set aside. 3. Bring water back to a boil and add sweet potato slices and cook 5 m inutes or until tender; drain. Heat 1 tablespoon olive oil in a large skillet over m edium -high heat; add sweet potatoes and cook, flipping occasionally, until they develop a caram elized crust (about 5 minutes). Dice sw eet potatoes. Set aside. 4. M eanwhile, bring another large saucepan o f w ater to a boil. A dd pasta and cook until i. mt i al dente. Drain. 5. In a large pot over low heat, melt butter. Add flour and stir to com bine. C ook, stirring constantly, for 3 minutes. Increase heat to m edium , add in salt and pepper, and, with a wire whisk, gradually add half-and-half. Bring to a boil w hile continuously stirring. Reduce heat, and then sim m er 1 minute. Stir 1 3/4 cup T illam ook Italian Blend Shredded Cheese and 1/2 cup A siago cheese until m elted and smooth. Add blanched pressed garlic, diced sweet potatoes, rosem ary, m inced garlic, and cooked pasta. Stir to com bine. Pour into greased casserole dish. 6. T o m ake topping, com bine rem aining tablespoon olive oil, breadcrum bs, 1/4 cup T illam ook Italian Blend Shredded Cheese, and 1/4 cup A siago cheese in a small mixing bowl. Stir until well com bined. Sprinkle on top o f pasta. 7. Bake 25 to 30 m inutes, or until cheese is bubbly and topping golden brown. Serve. all Laundry Detergent Louisiana Red Beans and Rice i rj.iJIl m i c i 100-ot 2X liquid. Up to 64 loads Selected varieties. SAVE up to $6.00 Ingredients • 1/2 cup(s) chopped celery, plus 1 table­ • 4 1/3 cup(s) water, divided spoon finely chopped celery leaves • 1 1/2 cup(s) brown basmati rice • 1/2 cup(s) diced green bell pepper • 1/2 teaspoon! s) salt • 1/3 teaspoon! s) ground chipotle pepper • 1 tablespoon(s) extra-virgin olive oil (see N ote) or cayenne pepper • 1 cup(s) diced onion • 2 teaspoon(s) m inced garlic • 2 can(s) red kidney beans, or pink beans, rinsed • 6 ounce!s) sliced C anadian bacon, chopped Directions 1. C om bine3 l/3 c u p sw a te r,ric e and salt in a larg e saucepan. Bring to a sim mer; reduce heat to low, cover and cook until all the w ater has been ab­ sorbed, about 45 minutes. 2. About 10 m inutes before the rice is ready, heat oil in a large skillet over m edium -high heat. Add onion and garlic and cook, stirring, until the onion is lightly colored and tender, about 3 minutes. 3. Place 1 cup beans in a small bowl and m ash with a fork. Add the m ashed and whole beans, the rem aining 1 cup water, C anadian bacon, celery, celery leaves, bell pepper and ground chipotle (or cayenne) to taste to the pan. Sim m er, stirring occasionally, until the liquid has thickened into a gravy and the vegetables are crisp-tender, about 6 m inutes. Serve in shallow bow ls, spooned over the rice. 4. Note: Chipotle peppers are dried, sm oked jalapeno peppers. G round chipotle can be found in the specialty spice section o f m ost superm arkets. Lightest, Fluffiest Doughnuts Ingredients • l/2 c u p (s)w h o le m ilk • 1 tablespoon(s) w hole milk • 1/3 cup(s) olive oil • 1/2 cup(s) water • 4 1/2 teaspoon(s) active dry yeast • 3/4 cup(s) sugar • 1/4 teaspoon(s) sugar • 1/2 cup(s) sour cream • 2 large eggs • 2 large egg yolks • 2 teaspoon(s) salt • 2 teaspoon(s) vanilla extract • 4 1/2 cup(s) all-purpose flour • 4 cup(s) vegetable oil, (add more as needed for frying) • 1/2 cup(s) confectioners' sugar Directions Soup 1. M ake the dough: Coat a large bowl with vegetable oil and set aside. G ently w arm 1/ 2 cup milk and oil in a small saucepan over m edium heat. C om bine the w ater and yeast in a large bowl, stir to dissolve, and sprinkle with 1/4 teaspoon sugar. Let stand for 5 minutes. Add the warm milk and oil to the yeast mixture and stir to com bine. Add the rem aining sugar, sour cream , eggs, yolks, salt, and vanilla and stir to com bine. Add the flour gradually. Transfer the dough to a lightly floured surface and knead until smooth. Place it in the prepared bowl and turn to coat. C over with plastic wrap and set aside in a warm, draft-free place until doubled in volum e — about 2 hours. Punch dough down, re-cover the bowl with plastic wrap, and refrigerate for at least 2 or up to 12 hours. 2. M ake the doughnuts: Turn the dough out onto a generously floured work surface. Lightly flour the dough and roll it out to about 3/4 inch thick. C ut doughnuts out o f the dough using a 3-inch doughnut cutter and transfer them and their holes to a baking sheet. G ather dough scraps, reroll, and repeat cutting doughnuts and holes until all dough is h o g rw w Traditional or ,,0 1 soup íid D f^ i M*»1’ I t o t í o» t o U ç a t Salar ted vahatta*. SAVI ao ta St H aa UMMNr Dreiling IV « V I « lt d » « w li»» MOT « to I t H • ivwmmii »BS 1 A « Wkettod vanalla» SAVI op ta M « nuo A M I Pick up the specially marked ingredients around the store G reat gifts made simple. used. Chill doughnuts and holes for 30 minutes. 3. Fry the doughnuts: Heat about 4 inches o f vegetable oil in a large deep skillet fitted Gift Card Mall: Your place for Ona-Stop shopping with a therm om eter over m edium -high heat until oil reaches 350 degrees F. Fry the doughnuts three at a tim e until golden — about 2 m inutes per side. Rem ove doughnuts and holes with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels. Repeat with rem aining doughnuts and holes. 4. M ake the glaze: C om bine the rem aining milk and confectioners' sugar in a small bowl and stir until smooth. W hile doughnuts and holes are still hot, dip them in the glaze and transfer to a wire rack until glaze is set and doughnuts are cool. Serve im m ediately. Fresh hpress or Spirwch 1t.S ta lt-a a Salariad v * ta h « * SAVI up t a l l M Riead-**’ Today ,*5 I i I h i VegeUbk CUttks Oartwea e h a ad a t d t o w 8 nam dM E M M C axt* * mv <»* * *««** * * *»« to * fl * caadoam rr*« A « te *h r 18 nm tuma r* •*< ofiMbie k V ttfW N l M O pooe I D DO O Dng tokan In Ih n m l flo o d through ay?4 s nay to nan wmr a sorna floras OnhryO he ragtiaprt apotos WanArv*« w n adafl tow am* No haw saksa No Mver Meste