Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 18, 2009, Black History Month, Page 13, Image 13

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    February 18. 2009
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Want the
. lowdown on
Beyonce, Hudson Shine at Image Awards
A s N A A C P celeb rates 100 years
(AP) - It was a dreamy night
for a couple o f "Dreamgirls."
Beyonce and Jennifer Hudson
both glided aw ay w ith trophies
and w ow ed the audience with
individual perform ances during
the 40th annual N A A C P Image
B eyonce, w ho opened the
show with a w ind-sw ept rendi­
tion o f her song "Halo," won
the female artist category while
H udson, who perform ed "The
I m p o s s ib le
D re a m "
fo r
P re sid e n t's A w ard re c ip ie n t
M uham m ad Ali, picked up the
n ew a r tis t a w a rd . T h e y
c o s ta r r e d in th e 2 0 0 6 film
T he Feb. 12 show coincided
with the 100th anniversary of
the National Association for the
A d v a n c e m e n t o f C o lo re d
People and kicked o ff a year­
long centennial celebration.
"The S ecret Life o f Bees"
won for motion picture. "Grey's
Anatomy" won for TV drama.
S everal o f the w inners w ere
aw arded before the live c e r­
emony, including Chandra Wil­
son from "Grey's A natom y” for
actress in a dram a series, C o­
lum bus Short from "C adillac
Records" for supporting actor
in a m otion picture and singer-
actor Jamie Foxx for male artist.
Sean "Diddy" Com bs picked
up the TV m ovie actor trophy
for his role in "A Raisin in the
Sun." O ther acting w inners in­
cluded Hill Harper for "CS1: NY,"
T racee E llis R oss for "G irl­
friends," Taraji P. Henson for
"The Curious Case of Benjamin
B utton" and W ill Sm ith and
R o sario D aw son for "Seven
P ounds."
The aw ards honor achieve­
m e n ts and p e rfo rm a n c e s o f
people o f color in TV, film, m u­
sic and literature. Form er Vice
President A1 G ore and Kenyan
activist W angari M aathai re-
Singer Beyonce accepts the award for Outstanding Female
A rtist a t the 4 0th Annual NAACP Image Awards in Los Angeles.
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Singer Jennifer Hudson greets President's Awards recipi­
e nt M uham m ad Ali, who is accom panied by his wife
Yoianda Williams, at the conclusion o f her perform ance at
the NAACP Image Awards.
ceived the Chairm an's Award.
B o x in g le g en d A li w on the
P re sid e n t's A w ard. H ip -h o p
m ogul R ussell Sim m ons was
given the Vanguard Award.
T he in sp iratio n al even in g
was accented with praise and ap­
preciation for President Barack
O b am a, w h o re c e iv e d th e
Chairman's Award in 2005 but
was not in attendance at this
year's glitzy star-studded cer­
emony. Smith and others used
their time in the Image Awards
spotlight to show their love for
the newly elected president.
"This is a rare opportunity
form e," said Smith. "I stand on
this stage today after a dream
that I've dreamed for a long time
because we have an African-
American president. As a child,
my parents always told me you
could be whatever you want to
be. You can do w hatever you
want to do."
T he cerem ony ended with
Stevie W onder perform ing his
1976 s o n g " Black Man," which
has lyrics referencing historic
figures such as Sacagaw ea and
M atthew Henson. D uring the
song, hosts Berry and Perry re­
cited the nam e-dropping refrain
and added another person at
the end: Obama. The audience
e n th u s ia s tic a lly ra is e d tiny
A m erican flags in response.
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