Fortiani» (íWrüer Black History Month Page AIO February 18, 2009 C lassified /B id Flora Thompson Manor 1220 W 8th St The Dalles Oregon 97056 Phone: 541-298-1715 TTY: 1-800-135-2900 Nursing graphics Paul A. Neufeldt Advertiseiwith diversity in 50 3-8 7 5 -1 6 9 5 J|H |Iortb«h On.eitier Call 5(13-288-0033 A ffordable Design and Business Support Graphic Design Logos • • Signage Company Identity • • O utdoor Events A d Design • .u lsO ip o rtlln d o b Web Design GOVERNM ENT EMPLOYER diversity ‘"Print P a rtic ip a te in D e m o cra cy ílir ZStO ’¡ ¡ l a r t l a n h © b s e r t i v r Election Ballots On Wav ONEONONE fremi ere K *isb lire theater to In c ba4vthall JTÎ3 r~ ” The UHM*** - ? fToiMMgttitil fontin» ¿ LZ , Ureter In the nnotei "HET*__ whrrr n »etrst Am Aer/wató ■», •- w ,vMrr l i t t n i l e i JïXZîZ J i, M ore than you Ever expected... Seeking high school diplom a graduates to train in positions for adm inistrative assistants, bookkeepers, data entry and clerical support. W e provide all tra in in g and e q u ip m e n t required for th e jo b . G reat medical and dental benefits. Paid relocation. Must be age 17-34. Call 888.824.6289 City of Portland Facilities Maintenance Technician Approx Hourly Rate: $24.02 - $26.10 after six months FFD: 03/09/09 P e rfo rm s p re v e n ta tiv e m a in te n a n ce and re p a ir o f h e a tin g co olin g , ve n tila tio n system s and o th e r build ing e q u ip m e n t su ch as lig h ts , plum bing fixtures, and office fu r n it u r e . F o r m in im u m q u a lific a tio n s , a p p lic a tio n in s tru c tio n s , and to a p p ly o n lin e go to h ttp :/ / w w w .c i.p o rtla n d .o r.u s / io b s City of Portland is an Equal Opportunity Employer In a p lace you never expected. If your career wish list includes things like real autonomy, true cam araderie, more flexibility, greater clinical environm ent, fe w e r p h y s ic a l d e m a n d s , lower diagnostic acuity, and the opportunity to work side- by-side with doctors and Pas, you’ve com e to the right place. And that place is a W exford Health Sources - a nationally re c o g n iz e d le a d e r in contracted m edical services fo r c o rre c tio n a l fa c ilitie s . Please join our team as: Affordable housing may be available at this tim e. Income restrictions apply. Apartm ents hom es are for 62 years of age or older, handicapped/disabled, regardless of age. If affordable units are not available at this tim e, qualified applicants will be placed on a w aiting list. t=I is an Equal Opportunity Provider Guardian M anagem ent, LLC ^ U n i t e d S ta b « Census 2010 I t ’s In O u r H a n d s Apply now! Position: Address Lister / $ 1 5 .2 5 p e r/h r • RN - FT, PT, PRN Census jobs offer: • LPN - FT, PRN • PSYCH NP FT, PT, PRN Clark County Jail Vancouver, W A Come to think of it, yo u ’ll also enjoy a very attractive salary, g re a t b e n e fits , and lots o f promotional opportunities. For fu ll c o n s id e ra tio n , co n ta ct: Nina Dow, Staffing Consultant: Phone: 800-903-3616; Fax 412-937-8874; ndow@ An Equal Opportunity Em ployer M /F/D/V (¿Wexford Health ✓ z z z good pay flex hrs up to 40/wk mileage reimbursement work near home Call 866-861-2010 or visit w w w . 2 0 1 O c e n s u s jo b s .g o v US Census Bureau is an Equal O p p o rtu n ity E m plo ye r U SCENSU SBU REA U PORT OF PORTLAND Possibility. In every direction." FIREFIGHTER To contact SUB BIDS REQUESTED UO Basketball Arena Eugene, Oregon Îlîc ^ Io rtla n h © b s e ru e r Call 503-288-0033 Bid Package #4 - All Areas of Work or email ads@portlandob (Excludes Sltework, Concrete, Curtalnwall, M etal Panels, START SAVING NOW Waterproofing, Food Service and MEP) Pre-Bid Meeting: February 24th 10:00am Bids Due: March 10th at 2:00pm Bid Documents - Ford Graphics (5 0 3 /2 2 7 -3 4 2 4 ) or Sign your business up & Save at Home Hoffman Construction Company of Oregon For you and your em ployees Phone: (5 0 3 ) 2 2 1 -8 8 1 1 - Bid Fax: (5 0 3 )2 2 1 -8 8 8 8 805 SW Broadway, Suite 2100 - Portland, OR 97205 - CCB LIC# 28417 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises. C o n t a c t m e to f i n d h o w Other Subcontracting Opportunities - Internet M ichael Churbe 503-528-6012 The Port of Portland is recruiting candidates to establish an eligibility list for Fire Fighters for Portland Intentional Airport Fire Departm ent. The position responds on all alarm s for aircraft, structural, and m edical em ergencies. Minimum re q u irem en t are: High sch ool gra d u a te o r e q u iva le n t com bination of experience and training. Course work or experience equivalent to a degree in fire science or related field. Dem onstrated experience in aircraft fire rescue and Em ergency Medical Services operations. To c o m p le te a n a p p lic a tio n v is it o u r w e b s ite at w w w .p o rto fp o rtla n d .c o m . A p p lica tio n s received a fter Monday, February 23rd, 2009 may not be considered. The w ritten test date is March 7th, 2009. Please visit w e b s ite fo r te s tin g tim e, place, and o th e r im p o rta n t inform ation. Equal Opportunity Em ployer Notice of 30 Day Comment Period and Public Hearing AVO N Shop my store-, Contact ME Today ! Latoya Linder 503-360-2096 « p I ' New Prices Effective May 1,2007 Wednesday, March 4, 6:30 p.m. Martin Cleaning Service Multnomah County Boardroom, 501 S.E. Hawthorne, Portland Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Wednesday, April 1, 6:30 p.m. Residential & Commercial Services Multnomah County Boardroom, 501 S.E. Hawthorne. Portland Minimum Service CHG $45.00 2 Cleaning Areas or more $30.00 Each A rea Pre-Spray Traffic Areas (Includes: I small Hallway) 1 Cleaning Area ( o n ly ) $40.00 (Includes Pre-Spray Traffic Area • Hallway Extra) Stairs (12-16 stairs) $25.00 (With Other Services) Heavily Soiled Area: Additional $10.00 ADDITIONAL SERVICES • • • • • The Action Plans FY 2009-10 for Multnomah County, the City of Portland and the City of Gresham describe how CDBG, HOM E and other housing and com m unity developm ent resources will be used in the com ing year to address the priority needs and objectives established in the approved 2005-2010 Consolidated Plan. Before finalizing the Action Plans, the jurisdictions want to give residents the opportunity to present com m ents and views on the Draft Action Plans FY 2009-10. Com m ents may be m ade in w riting addressed to the Housing and Com m unity Developm ent Com m ission (HCDC), 421 SW 6th Ave., Suite 1100, Portland, OR 97204, or by e-m ail to bhcdinfo@ by March 31, 2009. Com m ents m ay also be made at the upcom ing public hearings: Area & Oriental Rug Cleaning Auto/Boat/RV Cleaning Deodorizing & Pet O dor Treatment Spot & Stain Removal Service Scotchguard Protection P o r te n t) (Phiicrner Call 503-288-0033 A Absolutely New Queen Pillowtop M attress with Box S e t SUH Sealed In Plastic. Can Deliver $79.00 $59.00 $ 1 0 9 -$ 1 3 9 $35 - $49 $5.00 (With Other Services) $150. (5 0 3 )8 2 8 -8 9 2 7 Steel Buildings #1 ■ f i See Flyers for Additional Prices Call For Appointment (503) 281-3949 The m eetings are w heelchair accessible. If you need an accom m odation to participate in these meetings, or require an interpreter, please call 503-823-2375 or 503-823-6868 (TDD) at least three days in advance. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ODOT Competitive Bidding Exemption the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) will hold a public hearing at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday. February 25.2009 in the first floor Public Meeting Room of the ODOT Region 1 Headquarters Building, 123 N.W. Flanders St.. Portland. OR The public hearing is to receive oral and writ­ ten comments on ODOT's draft findings in support of an exemption from competitive bidding under ORS 279C.335 for the project known as I 84 Sandy River-Jordan Road, Bundle 210 Project located in Multnomah County (Exemption No 2009 01). ODOT is requesting the exemption to allow the use of an alternative contracting method known as "A plus C plus 0 - a form of Best Value.' The A plus C plus 0 contracting method uses the integration of price plus qualifications plus technical approach aspects to provide the owner with a high-quality project result, and opportunities for local and small business participation. Selection of the successful contractor is consid­ ered "Best Value" because evaluation and scoring of qualifications and technical approach components will be considered along with the price component of each proposal to provide a total score. Draft findings may be obtained from ODOT Procurement Office - Construction Contracting at 455 Airport Rd SE. Bldg K, Salem. OR 97301. or by calling 503 986.6936. Draft findings may also be viewed on ODOT's Web site at www Oregon gov/ODOT/CS/CONSTRUCTION/contractorplans/ 2009/052009 shtml. Oral and written comments will be received at the public hearing at the time and place stated above. Advance written comments must be received by 5:00 p.m on Monday, February 23, 2009 and should be addressed to: Comments on Draft Findings - Exemption No. 2009-01 Jim Cox ODOT Major Projects Branch 680 Cottage St. N.E. Salem, OR 97301-2412 Advertise w ith diversity in UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Sofa Loveseat Sectional Chair or Recliner Throw Pillows The Draft Action Plans FY 2009-10 will be available online at /bhcd under the W hat's New heading and as a reference docum ent at each branch of the M ultnom ah C o unty Libraries around m id-M arch 2009. Updates to the Draft will be posted online as available. All com m ents m ade at the hearings and those received by M arch 31, 2 0 0 9 w ill be co n s id e re d in fin a liz in g th e jurisdictions' subm issions. Sum m aries of public com m ents will be included in the final docum ent. Oregon Departm ent of Transportation Recession Discounted Som e below cost Premium Quality Price, Service, delivery to site Erection avail. Source# 186 Phone: 503-946-3896 Y Q,y, TéShi! Job H o tlin e : 5 0 3 -9 8 8 -5 0 3 5 TTY: 5 0 3 -9 8 8 -5 1 7 0 an e q u a l o p p o rtu n ity e m p lo y e r MULTNOMAH COUNTY w w .m u ltc o jo b s .o r g