'Sportiani» (Obacrucr B i s c k H ÎS tO iy M o n t h Februaiy II. 2009 Page A9 B lack H istory M onth Queens of Blues, Jazz Nordstrom offers exclusive CD In celebration of Black History Month, Nordstrom has partnered with jazz singer Lizz Wright to create an exclusive CD that is being sold to benefit the Thurgood Marshall Col­ lege Fund. The CD, entitled The Royal Blues - Celebrating the Queens of Blues and Jazz, and featuring acompilation of songs recorded by iconic black female blues and jazz vocalists, will also include W right's rendition of the epic Sam Cooke song "A Change is Gonna Come.” “This song is a great anthem for human rights and I love that it’s really about change,” said Wright. “I just imagine the faith and the courage that makes this song have such con­ viction when I think about when it was released and what was going on it America at those times. He sounds like a prophet to me.” The Royal Blues CD also features tracks from most influential female voices in the history of the blues, in­ cluding Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Etta James, Sarah Vaughn and Shirley Horn. “I have such deep admiration for the other singers on this compilation. People like Aretha Franklin who I grew up listening to. She’s the sound of home,” said Wright. “I’m very excited to be a part of this album.” The release marks the second CD compiled by Nordstrom in recognition of Black History Month. Last year, Nordstrom donated all after-cost pro­ ceeds from its Immortal Soul gospel CD to three non-profit groups that provide music education programs to youth in underserved communities. The Royal Blues will be available for purchase for$ 18.95 in all Nordstrom stores and online at nordstrom.com. All after-cost proceeds from the CD sales will go to the Thurgood Marshall College Fund, a nonprofit organization dedicated to developing and preparing a new generation of leaders by providing leadership devel­ opment, scholarships, resources, op- E c o n o m ic S tim u lu s continued ¿ ^ J r o m Front analysis o f the bill is correct in asserting that som e projects may not get off the ground for nearly two years, and has some m isguided tax cuts. But she points out that some econom ists have argued that the country could still be hurt­ ing by the tim e projects get roll­ ing, and there are still plenty of other good aspects to the fed­ eral stimulus. "W henever you have an in­ frastructure proposal, it creates jo b s at every stage," she said, adding that it will create jobs in the long-term. The package is loaded with tax cuts aimed at spurring green energy technol­ ogy. Such technology already has a strong foothold in the local econom y, and will only accelerate with the bill, she said. M arcus M undy, the presi­ dent and chief executive officer o f the Urban League o f Port­ land, has been keeping a close eye on the federal stimulus, and is encouraged by the green en­ ergy com ponent o f the pack­ age, since the Urban League has training for ju st such em ­ ployment. "It's right in line with what we're doing at the League," said M undy. He added that the state stim u­ lus is also prom ising, but points out that m any state program s may be shortchanged without federal dollars, w hich the fed­ eral stim ulus provides. Mundy is also concerned that funding for com m unity organizations in com m unities are color might have funding slashed as the final package is crafted. "W e're locked at the hip," he said o f the relationship between the state and federal govern­ ments. S ta te E c o n o m is t T om Potiow sky is also optim istic about the green energy com po­ nents of the federal package that could help make Oregon the green energy center o f the world. He is also encouraged by the direct aid to the state, which will help it balance the budge, and keep it from slashing pro­ grams. "There's a lo, in there that's going to help us out." said Potiowsky, who explained that every industry in the state's econom y has been ravaged, save health and education. He added that the housing market is mangled, the tim ber industry (a I arge source o f income for the state) took a hit, and m anufac­ turing and high-tech industries have been squeezed. So what will be in the future for O regon? Racial Profiling Group Meets B lack H istory M onth w ill launch a series o f co m m u n ity m eetin g s w ith P o rtlan d C ity C ouncil m em bers d esig n ed to address racial p ro filin g by law en fo rcem en t. T he first sessio n w ith C ity C o m m issio n er A m anda F ritz w ill take place S atu rd ay , Feb. 21 from 1 p.m . to 2 :30 p.m . at R ed eem er L u th eran C hurch, 5431 N .E. 20th A ve. T h e activ ist group O regon A c tio n is s p o n s o r in g th e e v e n t. For m ore in fo rm atio n , call Ron W illiam s, O reg o n A ction organizer, at 503-282-6588. New Prices Effective May 1,2007 Martin Cleaning Service T, | Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning ‘ * Residential & Commercial Services Minimum Service CHG $45.00 Carpet Cleaning 2 Cleaning Areas or more $30.00 Each Area Pre-Spray Traffic Areas (Includes: I small Hallway) 1 Cleaning Area (only) $40.00 (Includes Pre-Spray Traffic Area • Hallway Extra) Stairs (12-16 stairs) $25.00 (With Other Services) Heavily Soiled Area: Additional $10.00 ADDITIONAL SERVICES Up-and-comingjazz phenomenon Lizz Wright lends her voice to an exclusive CD celebrating iconic black female blues and jazz vocalists, available at Nordstrom stores in celebration of Black History Month. portunities and advocacy to public historically black colleges and uni­ versities, students and alumni. " Typically we fol low the gen­ eral m acroeconom ic trends," said Josh Lehiner, an econom ic analyst with the state's office o f economic analysis. He explained that O regon tends to follow the rest o f the country econom i­ cally. Potiow sky predicted that the recession will "technically" be over this sum m er or fall, m ean­ ing that the econom y will no longer be retracting. However, he said that people will still be hurting, and the econom y won't fully recover until m id 2010. • • • • • Area & Oriental Rug Cleaning Auto/Boat/RV Cleaning Deodorizing & Pet Odor Treatment Spot & Stain Removal Service Scotchguard Protection UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Sofa $79.00 $59.00 Loveseat $1 0 9 -$ 1 3 9 Sectional Chair or Recliner $35 - $49 Throw Pillows $5.00 (With Other Services) See Flyers for Additional Prices Call For Appointment % (503) 281-3949 | « l I !■ Tak&Tim£toSfaat?£ A LITTLE HISTORY. Black History Month is about discovery. And with routes from the Carolinas to New York, Florida to DC, and all points in between, Amtrak makes it possible to discover history in any part of the country. Relax in roomy Coach seats, grab a bite to eat from the dining car, or take in the views from the lounge car. 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